View Full Version : Sample daq file

09-18-2016, 07:13 AM
I am in data acquisition department of PRAVEGA RACING.we go to fsg and fsi every year,currently i am developing a code to find car roll,pitch using data from the data logger.
for that i don't have sample data set particularly for potentionmeter reading of spring movement of all 4 wheel and steering angle.if anyone can share the file it will be
a great help for me.
Thank u..hoping for positive response.

Kevin Hayward
09-18-2016, 07:36 AM
I am in data acquisition department of PRAVEGA RACING.we go to fsg and fsi every year,currently i am developing a code to find car roll,pitch using data from the data logger.
for that i don't have sample data set particularly for potentionmeter reading of spring movement of all 4 wheel and steering angle.if anyone can share the file it will be
a great help for me.
Thank u..hoping for positive response.

The i2 software for Motec comes with a few sample data files for you to try things with. Not FSAE but should suit your purposes. Download from the Motec website.


09-20-2016, 05:08 AM
Thanks a lot kevin