View Full Version : FS Austria 2016

08-01-2016, 02:54 AM
To continue the summer coverage:

Formula Student Austria, Spielberg, 1-4 August 2016

Schedule (https://fsaustria.at/wp-content/uploads/221/ScheduleZeitplan2016v2.pdf)
Timekeeping (http://timekeeping.fsaustria.at/)

Official twitter (https://twitter.com/fsaustria)
General website (https://fsaustria.at/fsa-2016/)

Wednesday stream (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GYAETPnDtM) (official, monash coverage below in second post)

Scott Monash
08-03-2016, 02:33 AM
Just a heads up...

For those that get tired of the static Austria Youtube stream, keep an eye out for the Monash guys who are providing various livestreams direct to their facebook. Coverage will be pretty Monash-centric but should capture plenty of other teams running as well.
Find it here:


Best of luck to all teams! Wish I was there!
