View Full Version : Monocoque Calculations

04-10-2016, 03:15 PM
Hey Guys ,

I've just finished making a monocoque CAD , but i just have an inquiry concerning the weight of the structure calculations , I've made the CAD in inventor and i calculated the weight through information on the weight of the cross section of the sandwich material (kg/m^2) then i compared it with total surface area of the moncoque to find the weight , so do i make it the accurate way ? or there are other ways to cacluate the weight of the structue through CAD or analysis softwares ?

Ahmed Ashour
04-22-2016, 09:20 PM
Hello mmramadan,

First it would be very nice from you to introduce yourself properly, like your team, uni ...etc.

Actually Inventor can estimate the weight. Just make sure you have applied the correct "material" then iProperties >> Physical tab.

I want to tell you a tiny little thing ... try to search for your topic before you begin a discussion just to save time. The "help" tool in the software is very useful, also there are lots of videos on youtube demonstrating how to calculate weight using Inventor (the software you are using) and other softwares as well, search the forum your topic could have been discussed before.

Ahmed Ashour
HFS Racing Team
Helwan University
Cairo, Egypt