View Full Version : FH/FSAE 2016 Workshop

Michael Royce
03-09-2016, 10:32 AM
The Detroit Section SAE-I will be hosting its 2016 Fall Workshop for FSAE and Formula Hybrid teams at Lawrence Technological Univeristy, Southfield, Michigan, on Saturday September 10th.

The organizing committee, which has some new, recently graduated, FSAE alumni, is starting to assemble the agenda/programme for the day. To help them out, what topics or subjects would current FSAE/FH team members like to see covered?

Feel free to post ideas here or send me a PM, and I will assemble them for the committee.

(The next committee conference call is on Tuesday, March 22nd, so please send in your ideas before then.)

Michael Royce.

Michael Royce
08-09-2016, 09:49 AM
Well, no one sent me a PM with suggestions as to the content of the Workshop! So the Committee, that except for me is composed of FSAE and FH alumni, have finalized the agenda to include the traditional topics of:
- 2017 Rules Changes
- Sponsorship
- The Design Process
- Project Management

with others like:
- General Safety
- The Business Logic Case

and then some parallel break-out sessions on:
- Frame Design and the SES, followed (hopefully) by Brakes
- Suspension & Steering, followed by Tires and Understanding the TTC Data
- EV Design Practices for FSAE EV and FH
- Aerodynamics, followed by Powertrain

We will open Registration at 8.00 am, with the first session at 8.30 am, and plan to be finished by 4.00 pm.

Teams are encouraged to bring their cars to show and discuss.

We will try to get Webex coverage, but it would only cover what is happening in the auditorium not in the break-out sessions.

For registration, please go to:

There will be a small registration fee to cover the cost of the food.

Michael Royce.

Michael Royce
08-24-2016, 11:11 AM
There will be a session on Brakes, given by Mike O'Neil, the Chief Design Judge when we had FSAE West in California.

And there will NOT be any Webex. We have had it the past couple of years and the teams that have used it have been very disappointed and said it was not worth the effort.

Michael Royce.

08-24-2016, 11:34 AM
Will the presentations be available online afterwards?

Michael Royce
09-08-2016, 05:29 PM
Most of them will. The Brake presentation will not be posted.

Michael Royce.