View Full Version : Part out!! TRE Diff, Dampers, EM, 250cc's

02-14-2016, 04:45 PM
Doing a fairly decent part out! feel free PM if you have any specific questions.


2011 Honda CRF250R -$2000 USD
Fuel Injected
Run for one season in 2012-2013, hasn't been touched since. 2012-2011My= 1.5 years old when ran.
In great shape and ran before being pulled in 2013!

20?? Honda CRF250X- $1200
blown head

2009 Ninja 250R engine (EX250-J)$250
First gear removed
good for parts or a head rebuild

Another Ninja 250R engine -$250
has all gears!
good for parts or a head rebuild as well

Taylor Racing Differential- $2800
Definition of bulletproof.
Double flanged for parallel drive/or inboard brake
+Diff mounts
+2x sprockets
Link: (plus an extra flange)
http://www.taylor-race.com/part.cfm?id=4839&category=Chain%20Drive%20%20%2F%20FSAE&subcategory1=Taylor%20Race%20Chain%20Drive%20Diffe rential&subcategory2=Configurations%20With%20The%20Aluminu m%20Endbell&popup=1

Penske 1/4 Midget shocks qty 6 1/2
2x 165lb/in spring
2x 170lb/in
2x 185lb/in
4x 385lb/in
about half are due for rebuild
tell me what you are interested in and we can work out a price

Electric Powertrain:
PMG 132 - $800
Brushed DC motor (48v or 72v)
11kg/26kW peak/3600 rpm No load

02-18-2016, 04:00 PM
Several questions:

Where are you located?

What is the ID on your 385lb/in springs?

Do you have any pictures of the QM shocks?