View Full Version : Exhaust shielding rulebook doubt

10-14-2015, 08:58 AM
According to the rulebook, "Any exhaust components (headers, mufflers, etc.) that protrude from the side of the body in front of the main roll hoop must be shielded to prevent contact by persons approaching the car or a driver exiting the car. The application of fibrous/absorbent material, e.g. “headerwrap”, to the outside of an exhaust manifold or exhaust system is prohibited. "
So, if the exhaust does not protude in front of the roll hoop, does it require shielding? Also, can sidepod act as a shielding for the exhaust? Is it okay if the exhaust is coated with headerwrap upto the main roll hoop and then is shielded with metal sheet?
Please suggest some exhaust shielding material beside ceramic coating.

10-14-2015, 09:14 AM
The rule really should say that protection from the exhaust is needed if it's forward of the headrest plane. Because our roll hoop bent forward in previous years, and we tried to argue that the exhaust was behind it. But, because it was still possible to hit when approaching the driver, we had to shield it.

The header wrap rule isn't just for main roll hoop forward, it's for all the exhaust. A sidepod does count for shielding. If someone can't hit their shins on it, you're good.

10-18-2015, 08:00 AM
Please give us more suggestions for the shielding the exhaust.

10-18-2015, 03:27 PM
In general, some sort of sidepod is used for side mounted mufflers. This is to prevent burns to the driver when entering/exiting. Ceramic coating wouldn't be enough, since the pipe is still quite hot. Some piece of sheet metal or similar with an air gap to the hot pipe would be required.

With our 2015 turbo car the entire exhaust is behind the MRH. Turbo is just behind the MRH with the hot side facing rearward, and the muffler is mounted on the back off the diff mount. We do not use anything to shield the exhaust, it is not necessary.

11-18-2015, 02:09 PM
We have done an aluminum heat shield, with some decent space between the actual shield material and the muffler. You could do carbon fiber, or steel...it is just depends on what you want. We are now moving to a side pod instead of a heat shield for the upcoming year.