View Full Version : Wiring problem: KTM 500 EXC engine - No Fuel Injection

10-04-2015, 01:47 AM
Hello guys,
My team is running a 2015 KTM EXC500 engine this year. Everything is stock, the ECU, wiring harness, fuel pump, etc. The engine is imported from UK, a few days ago. When we opened up the parcel, we noticed that the dealer hasn't supplied a few components, namely Voltage Regulator, Roll over sensor and IAT (Intake air temperature) sensor. Also, the wiring diagram he supplied didn't correctly match the ECU pin configuration, but the wire color codes were correct. It's really hard to contact him, he rarely replies to our emails. Still, using that diagram, I completed the wiring. I had some confusions while wiring it up, which were-

1. I used a regulator/rectifier from another motorcycle. It had a total of five wires, three go to the alternator and remaining two to the battery. But the KTM wiring diagram shows a total of seven wires, five same as mentioned above, and two more, one goes to the light relay, and last one goes to the power relay and to a pin on ECU. (Check out the wiring diagram in the attachments, sorry for the poor quality, I am working on a new one). I didn't understand what were these for.

2. I figured out that these two unknown wires should be grounded in order to trigger the power relay and the light relay (I guess that these two wires are grounded internally from the regulator once the engine is cranked). I grounded them manually, and the ECU powered on. The FI warning light showed the blink code only for the IAT sensor, not for the roll over sensor. I didn't understand why the code for roll over sensor wasn't displayed.

After reading a bit on the on IAT sensor that it changes is resistance with temperature, I connected a 1.5K ohm resistor into the sensor connector, and the FI warning light went all right. No error codes. When I cranked the engine, I did get the spark in the coil, but the injector did not click. I Connected a scope on the connector of the injector, there was no pulse from the ECU. I also tried to bypass the Rollover sensor, tried giving all reference voltages from 0V to 5V in intervals of 0.3 volts using a pot, but no luck.

I will be ordering the sensor from UK, but the delivery will take time, but one thing I'm worried about is, even if I hook on the OEM sensor, I don't know if the engine would start, because in the current setup (with the resistor in place of IAT), the FI warning light shows no errors.

Am I missing something here? All inputs are highly appreciated! Thanks!


11-05-2015, 05:26 AM
There's an update guys,
the OEM sensors have arrived, but to my surprise, there is still no pulse to the injector! now the only OEM part I am missing in the entire wiring harness is the voltage regulator, and the engine not running because of that seems highly unlikely. There is a pin from ECU that connects to the regulator (and the power relay), but I guess that must be ground. Any thoughts on what this could be?
I've attached a better wiring diagram with this post.