View Full Version : Spline Design References?

B. Dondlinger
10-01-2015, 09:33 PM
Does anyone have a good reference for Spline Design?

Most of the references I have seen point to this article from the 50's, “When Splines Need Stress Control” by Darle W. Dudley. (Google it). Its a pretty good article, but perhaps a little dated?

10-02-2015, 01:00 AM
"perhaps a little dated" - then so perhaps is the use of splines? !

Adam Farabaugh
10-02-2015, 04:35 PM
Are you saying that splines are dated? News to me, not aware of a better joint architecture for transmitting torque when optimizing for small packages. Genuinely interested if there's something much better?

10-02-2015, 05:43 PM
I was just being flippant, apologies. A comment along the lines of, "if splines are 50 years old but ok, what's wrong with the 50 year old theory that comes with them". I made the comment wondering how much spline technology might really have advanced since their first implementation. A bit ignorant I suppose, I don't really know how much development work has gone into spline design over the decades. Will be interested to hear some real responses to the original q