View Full Version : FSAE/FH Workshop

Michael Royce
09-14-2015, 03:12 PM
On Saturday, October 31st, the SAE Detroit Section will be hosting its annual (15th?) FSAE/FH Workshop. It will be held at Lawrence Technological University (LTU) from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm.

All FSAE and FH teams are invited.

The plan is to spend the morning and first part of the afternoon with everyone together in an auditorium to cover:
- 2016 Rules Changes (FSAE and FH)
- Team Organization & Resources
- Project Management
- The Business Logic Case
- Sponsorship
- Design Considerations - General

And then have 5 breakout sessions covering:
- Electrical Design Practices (for the FSAE-E and FH teams)
- Aero
- Suspension & Steering
- Powertrain
- The SES.

For those teams unable to make it to LTU, it is planned to have Webex available for the sessions in the main auditorium. There will be a fee.

Registration and other information will be available on the SAE Detroit Section web site at:

although at the moment it does not have the latest information.

Michael Royce