View Full Version : about frame rules

07-09-2015, 09:53 AM
hi, we are new team from Egypt planning to join 2016 competition for the first time, after reading the rules i have found that there are 2 Options for the Vehicle Structure the first is in Part T and the second in Part AF,if i used Part T ,have i to use the tests (loads and boundary conditions) specified in Part AV ?
another question what tests should i use when using Part T except the torsional to optimize the frame ?

Jonny Rochester
07-10-2015, 08:01 AM
As a new team, you should aim to make the most basic chassis type according to Part T. This is a steel space frame made from 1" steel tubes as you would know. In this case you can ignore Part AF. In following Part T, there are no tests you have to do on the main chassis if you follow all the rules as recommended. The 2 tests you will probably have to do are related to the impact attenuator (and anti-intrusion plate assembly), and the harness attachment points.

A torsional test on the frame is only part of your own engineering, and not required by the rules. Many teams don't physically test this at first, but will have performed FEA. It is good to know your torsional stiffness target as a conversation starter with the design judges! They love that stuff.

07-10-2015, 10:12 AM
Thanks for help :)