View Full Version : CUstom Gear Shifter System

07-03-2015, 08:30 AM
Hello everyone! I have a question on how the pad system should be connected to the rest of the car.
First of all, everything has been made by us, the "docking" system of the pads has been 3D-printed to fit perfectly behind our steering wheel, the pads got a spring and an industrial switches. The steering wheel fit on the steering column with a quick disconnect (as usual).
As we didn't want to change our quick disconnect, to connect electrically the pads for shifting, we were wondering about connecting with a coil cable to the front or rear part of the dashboard (in order not to make the plug interfere with the movements in the cockpit).
The cable should be long enough to allow the steering wheel to be "throw away" during the driver egress in 5 sec. I haven't found anything not permitting the coil cable on the rules, so i'm asking you if it possible that those type of connections could create problems (or eventually not letting the car pass the technical inspection)
In the end, it should look like these


Pat Clarke
07-03-2015, 09:02 AM
Who are you?

Pat Clarke

07-03-2015, 09:50 AM
The cable should be long enough to allow the steering wheel to be "throw away" during the driver egress in 5 sec. I haven't found anything not permitting the coil cable on the rules, so i'm asking you if it possible that those type of connections could create problems (or eventually not letting the car pass the technical inspection)
In the end, it should look like these


I think you would want as little extra cord dangling around as possible. Just enough that it won't stretch as you turn the steering wheel. For egress you can probably just leave the cable disconnected.

07-04-2015, 12:11 PM
Who are you?

Pat Clarke

I apologize for not introducing myself properly.
I am Matteo Sposito, undergraduate in Computer Science at Università Degli Studi di Perugia, now attending master in Automation & Robotics.
Part of UnipgRacing Team since 2012, now i'm in charge of On Board Embedded Electronics & Automation

07-10-2015, 10:20 PM
If your coil cable is long enough to be thrown, I'd be careful that the driver's leg doesn't get caught on it. I know our team at NC State has used pins in the steering column that meet up with a connector in the quick disconnect. It wasn't too hard to get working and keeps all the wires in the steering column.

07-11-2015, 08:44 PM
We use a short coiled cable with a Deutsch connector (DTM 4pin I think) at the end. This has not caused any problems. Since there is someone to 'catch' the steering wheel during egress, the driver simply hands it to them connected, no problems at either US competition.

We started from a 4-pin telephone handset cable and cut it up from there, they are not very long (I'd estimate a half meter).