View Full Version : Car Stand

06-01-2015, 09:30 AM
Hello All,

We are in the market for a Car Stand. I am torn between designing one, buying one, or buying one and modifying it. I would like to see some pictures or hear some thoughts from other teams. Right now I am leaning towards this one. There is no weight limit listed on the website, so my plan was to reinforce it where I see fit and "test it" to like 800 lbs before letting anyone under it.


Some Requirements:

Foldable so it can fit in trailer
Robust, so people can work under it safely
Wheels are nice, but not required
Minimal interference with the car, so Oil Pan steering rack, etc accessible.

I figure there is some clever solutions out there!

06-01-2015, 01:14 PM
I can take a picture of ours in all of it's jank-tastic natural habitat, but seeing that you are in Ortonville, why don't you take a trip up here to check it out? We've had ours for several years now (probably about a decade) and it's served us well. It looks pretty similar to the link you posted. We've used ours for supporting baja cars when ~750lbs with driver used to be norm on the stand. There are quite a few other teams that just make truss structures to support the front and back of the vehicle that are also pretty safe and transportable.

06-01-2015, 01:57 PM
We quickly made 2 metal saw horses before competition years ago which have served us very well. They stack and effectively cost nothing since they were built from old black pipe that was notched and welded together. If you want wheels something like what you're showing is probably the way to go, but otherwise I wouldn't hesitate to cut and weld some.

Kevin Hayward
06-04-2015, 03:12 AM
If you can make a car, you can make a stand. The ECU ones double up as a tire rack / tool transport when the car is going from event to event. Super simple, a few bolts to pull it apart for transport.
