View Full Version : Tyres and rims for sale.

03-31-2015, 01:34 PM
I'm Jose Maria Martin, from ARUS Andalucía Racing in the University of Seville. We've switched to 10" wheels this year, so we no longer need some items:

1 set of 13x7" BRAID Winrace wheels. Price: 200€.
Offset fronts: 13 mm
Offset rears: -2 mm

1 sets of Hoosier 21.0x6.5 13" wet tires.
The first set is in good conditions and legal for competitions, as you can see in the attached photos. Price: 240€. SOLD
The second set is more deteriorated (not enough tread left to be legal), but if anyone is interested we can sell them for 50€ (there's no photos of this set, I can take them if someone is interested)


The prices don't include shipping costs.
If you need more photos or any info just let me know. You can contact me via this thread or via PM.


Jose Maria Martin

04-23-2015, 07:46 AM
Updated the first post because we've sold a set of tyres