View Full Version : Cockpit templates

Will Prieto
03-08-2015, 04:17 PM
Hi everyone, i'm Guillermo Prieto, responsible of the steering department in the Vilanova Formula Team. This will be our first year in FSAE, therefore we have a lot of questions, but i'm gonna go to the main one.

In the article 4 of the rulebook ("Cockpit") there are 2 templates that should fit into the cockpit space of the car to be able to participate in the event.

The problem comes with the second template, the one called "internal cross section", which says the following:

"T4.2.1 A free vertical cross section, which allows the template shown in Figure 9 to be passed horizontally through the cockpit to a point 100 mm (4 inches) rearwards of the face of the rearmost pedal when in the inoperative position, must be maintained over its entire length. If the pedals are adjustable, they
will be put in their most forward position."

And then looking at the picture of the template, there's a slot in the middle which allows the template pass through the steering column. However, i couldn't find the dimensions of said slot.

My question is, does anybody know the dimensions of the slot?


Pat Clarke
03-08-2015, 07:27 PM

The width of the slot is clearly shown on the illustration in the FSAE rulebook! It is 50mm.

Pat Clarke

Will Prieto
03-09-2015, 10:51 AM
Pat, i knew the width but i wanted to know the length of the slot. Anyway, searching through the forum i realized that said slot can adapt to the steering column by rotating the template to fit in. I was worried about the column being very low in the last part of the cockpit to let the template pass through, but should be OK.

Thanks anyway!

Pat Clarke
03-09-2015, 11:03 AM

The 'virtual' length of the slot is the entire length of the template!
Obviously it cannot be made that way or it would be in two pieces.
In operation, the template is inserted as far as it can go (Hitting on the steering column).
It is then removed, inverted and placed in the same position on the 'other side' of the steering column.
It is then moved to within 100mm of the pedals.

Pat Clarke

Will Prieto
03-10-2015, 10:02 AM
Thank you very much Pat, that really helped me with my doubt!!