View Full Version : percy question

01-13-2015, 10:30 AM
Hello to you

I am apart of the Cockpit team in my university.
i found a video from Fsae that says that you can remove the driver chair during the percy test if he is not conected to the fire wall (attached), yet, i am not sure what are the specific ruls about it. if the chair is bolted to the monocoque is it allowed to remove it? i will appreciate if you could explain it more clearly.

thank you

01-13-2015, 03:39 PM
Read section T4.1 in the rules, and if you have any further questions you should ask the rules committee of the comp you're going to.

Pat Clarke
01-13-2015, 09:15 PM

It is good manners to introduce yourself and your University when you join this community!

Pat Clarke

01-13-2015, 10:56 PM
My understanding is that padding and driver inserts can be removed but not the chair/seat itself. I have seen many teams design the base seat structure to suit the 95th and then add a seat/foam insert for the actual drivers, another way is to have the actual seat move, similar to what your road car would for example or even bolt in/out like a kart.

It is actually T3.10 you want to read though, though just read the entire section (and the entire rule set). The test is said to be conducted with the seat in the rearmost position so ensure your solution has adequate adjustments to meet the entire range of theoretical drivers.

01-14-2015, 07:36 AM
Thank you Nick and Johan.
Pat Clarke - My name is Fredi Zekharya and i am a 4th year student for mechanical engineering in BGU (Ben Gurion University) Israel and you?

I have read section T4.1 in the rules and it doesnt say any thing specific about it. I am Concerned from this subject becuse it migth lead to disqualification.

the video i was talking about is:


does it implemented in all competitions equally?

Pat Clarke
01-14-2015, 07:58 AM
I am Pat Clarke, Fredi!

The seat/Percy requirements are the same at all competitions although at FSUK, Percy has legs! (See the FSUK Rules amendments if that is the event you are entering).

However, if you are in any doubt, contact the Rules Committee at whichever event you intend to compete at and make the request. i.e. Don't write to the German event if you intend entering Italy etc. All you can expect at this site is an unofficial opinion!

Remember, the Percy test is only part of the procedure.
They will also check that ALL drivers also pass the head clearance test and that will require the seat to be fitted!

Pat Clarke

01-14-2015, 08:51 AM
thanks to all


01-14-2015, 01:21 PM
Build a seat specifically for Percy. We did that a couple years ago, only one of our team members could drive with that seat as it was uncomfortable to everyone else. But it demonstrated that Percy could fit our car.

01-14-2015, 09:09 PM
That seat you specifically build for percy could also happen to be the shape of the firewall, that way you only remove the actual driver inserts/seats.
This is what we do at uwam and we have had people drive that way (tall guys), all we added was lateral support, the drivers back was directly on the firewall/seatback, why make an extra part when you can design one to do the role of two?