View Full Version : About 95% percentile

omar elhelw
12-11-2014, 04:38 AM
i have some questions about 95% percentile and ergonomics study for the car :

1) The 95% percentile for which population , for north american , British or 95% percentile of my local population ?!

2) How could we design a car that suit 95% percentile of male and 5% percentile of female , the 95% percentile male height is about 187 cm and 5% percentile female is 152 cm , there is a huge difference between them ?

3) must we design the car for 95% percentile of male ( Percy ) or for our drivers and their comfort in the car and if our drivers are around 180 cm , should we get other drivers ?


12-11-2014, 05:34 AM
Your car must fit the percy template to pass tech, with the required roll hoop to helmet clearance. How you then fit your actual drivers in is up to you providing they again pass the roll hoop clearance test.

The key point is that the percy doll doesn't have to fit comfortably in the car so don't get hung up that a 95th percentile driver isn't 'comfortable' unless of course your drivers happen to be 95th percentile people. It's far more important that your drivers are comfortable in the car.

How could you fit a 95th and a 5th? Adjustable pedals, steering wheel, seating position, etc.


omar elhelw
12-11-2014, 05:52 AM
okay , there is a difference between 95% percentile according to population and i found no thing in the rules determine which 95% percentile population ?!

will we make the car according to north american or British or 95% percentile of my country ?!

12-11-2014, 06:12 AM
Read the rest of the rules. The dimensions of the template that are used to determine whether your car fits are clearly defined.

omar elhelw
12-11-2014, 06:35 AM
yea i tested the templates mentioned in the rules , i was asking about the 95% percentile population of which country ?!

12-11-2014, 06:46 AM
Page 33 of the FSAE Rules.

omar elhelw
12-11-2014, 06:53 AM
may i didn't illustrate what my question is ,
the rules said that the car must suit 95% percentile of male and 5 % percentile female and the dimensions was illustrated by template in page 33 in rules.
But i was asking for 95% percentile population which the rules made this dimension according to it ?!
95% percentile of north american population , British population , German population or what !?

12-11-2014, 07:25 AM
I don't know that and I don't understand why this matters to you. The rules are very specific about this Topic.

If you need to know the design spaces for CAD, I recommend building a simple mock up (Wood or steel) and ask the Drivers what they are comfortable with. If you use the search function you will find many Posts regarding this Topic.

12-11-2014, 07:37 AM
Please... just go ask the rules committee...
Why are you wasting your time trying to argue with the people who didn't make the rules???

omar elhelw
12-11-2014, 07:51 AM
i will go and ask the rules committee :)

thanks a lot

Michael Royce
12-31-2014, 10:52 AM
The 95th percentile dimensions are based on the North American/UK/European data that I was able to find. Those 3 are very close to each other. My rationale for using that data was that those 3 areas were the primary target markets for the cars. Also, I figured that Australia and New Zealand would be similar.

But as others have noted, it does not really matter, as to pass scrutineering, you have to get Percy (or Sir Percy at GS UK) to fit.