View Full Version : U of T Shootout 2014

06-20-2014, 09:30 AM

It's that time of year again. UofT Formula SAE Racing Team would like to invite you to the 13th annual U of T Shootout. Shootout will be returning to the Canadian Tire Motorsport Park in Bowmanville, Ontario. The event comprises of a full day of autocrossing against some of the top teams from North America. Entrants must be Formula SAE/Formula Student vehicles that have passed technical inspection at a sanctioned FSAE competition. All cars will be inspected for safety before admitted to the pit lane, according to the FSAE tech inspection form.

Over $2000 worth of prestigious awards, gifts and cash prizes are waiting to be won in both the team categories and individual performance categories.

The Kart Track offers a technical challenge with tight and wide corners, slalom and most interestingly, elevation changes. This is a chance for your team to truly see how your car performs against the clock. All laps are one-by-one time trials, run as an autocross event.

Registration will open on July 7th, 2014 at 8:00am EST and spots are reserved for the first 21 teams only.

Where: Canadian Tire Motorsport Park
When: Saturday, September 27th, 2014

7:30am -On-site registration begins
8:00am -Tech Inspection Begins
9:00am -Track Opens
11:00am -Lunch (concessions available, track remains live)
4:00pm -Track Closes
4:30pm -Award Ceremony
5:30pm -Closing (All teams must be off-site)

For more information and to register go to http://fsaeutoronto.ca/shootout/registration/

We hope to see you there!

07-11-2014, 12:07 PM
14 teams have registered so far for Shootout 2014. There are 7 spots remaining and registration will remain open until all spots fill up.

Registered Teams:
Carleton University
The University of Akron
Oakland University
University of Waterloo
University of Guelph
Rochester Institute Of Technology
University Laval
McMaster University
Ryerson University
Cornell University
École de Technologie Supérieure
Queen's University
University of Michigan Dearborn
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

For the teams that have registered, the Paypal link on the registration page is now active.

07-30-2014, 11:09 PM
How's the registration list looking? On to the wait list?

Alessandro Pacifici
09-29-2014, 08:04 AM
Well done, U of T for putting on a great competition! Are full tabulated results available anywhere?