View Full Version : Formula Student Russia

Pat Clarke
06-03-2014, 08:36 AM
Some very interesting news leaking out of Moscow!

Stand by for a major announcement about Formula Student Russia.

I understand there is some spectacular news regarding the entry fee!


06-04-2014, 02:10 AM
Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself here, but are you referring to this:
"There is no registraion fee for the Russian stage in 2014. Participation is free of charge." [see bottom of http://www.fs-russia.com/#!regform/cqdn] ?

Pat Clarke
06-04-2014, 06:06 AM
Yep Freddie,

So the announcement has been made!
I have messaged FSR and asked them to post all the details here, so maybe just waiting for approval to post.

FSR is going to be a big deal as it has the powers to be (Govt.) behind it.

I have been involved since the inception, but it is only in the last day or so that things have settled, maybe part of the price of having government backing,

This page will show some of the Judges and Officials http://www.fs-russia.com/#!judges/c21pl
This is an excellent opportunity for some of the Eastern and Northern European teams to have another run later in the year.

Hopefully we will see some familiar places in Moscow in September.


06-05-2014, 04:53 AM
Yep Freddie,

So the announcement has been made!
I have messaged FSR and asked them to post all the details here, so maybe just waiting for approval to post.

FSR is going to be a big deal as it has the powers to be (Govt.) behind it.

I have been involved since the inception, but it is only in the last day or so that things have settled, maybe part of the price of having government backing,

This page will show some of the Judges and Officials http://www.fs-russia.com/#!judges/c21pl
This is an excellent opportunity for some of the Eastern and Northern European teams to have another run later in the year.

Hopefully we will see some familiar places in Moscow in September.


Hi Pat,
I don't know if, in times of all European countries boycotting the Russian government due to the Crimea crisis, any European University would let their team attend the event.
I know that politics should not play a role, but if I were a team captain, I would not want to honour them with the presence of my team.

06-10-2014, 04:13 AM
Dear Pat Clarke,
Thank you for the starting post about Formula Student Russia and for all your support of our Russian project which we feel all the time, starting at November 2013.

Dear TMichaels,
Thank you for your opinion and position. I will clarify our position on this point.
Formula Student Russia is an educational and sport event and is completely out of politics.

We also are waiting for the team from Odessa (Ukraine) to participate in Formula Student Russia.
Our Russian teams this season are planning to participate in Formula Student Events in different coutries: Great Britain, Germany, Hungary, Spain, Italy...

We will be glad to see all teams from every country on the competition in Moscow.

06-10-2014, 04:30 AM
We are glad to invite teams from all over the world to participate in 1st Formula Student Russia.

Web-site of the event: http://www.fs-russia.com/
Facebook page of the event: www.facebook.com/FormulaStudentRussia

Competition date and place
Formula Student Russia 2014 takes place from Thursday, 4.09.2014 to Sunday, 7.09.2014 at ADM Raceway, Verhnee Miachkovo village, Ramenskiy district, Moscow Region (www.adm-raceway.ru)
GPS: 55°33'59.8"N (55.566601)
37°59'43.6"E (37.995443)

Class 1 and class 3 teams (class 3 without cars) are allowed for the participation.
Class 1 includes only vehicles with internal combustion engine. Vehicles with electric engines, alternative fueled vehicles or vehicles with hybrid powertrain are NOT allowed in Formula Student Russia 2014.
Class 3 includes vehicles with both internal combustion engines and electric engines.
All vehicles in Class 3 compete all together without division to ICE vehicles and Electric vehices.

There is no participation fee, it is free of charge.

Rules and deadlines for documents needed for the participation can be found on the web-site of the stage - http://www.fs-russia.com/#!rules/c18jc

We have already confirmation from the next foreign judges: Pat Clarke, Claude Rouelle, Gerard Sauer, Craig Powers, Lutz Dobrowohl, Collin Galganski, Tanja Krato, Lukas Raschendorfer, Ralph Mozer, Martin Matzer, Jenson Vliss, Ulf Steinfurth, Benjamin Moller, Rob Opdam.
They will be assisted by the Russian judges.

If you have any questions about possible participation, please, do not hesitate to contact us.
We are looking forward to seeing teams from different countries in Moscow on the first Russian stage!

Pat Clarke
06-10-2014, 04:34 AM
Well, it took a little while, but there you have it!


09-12-2014, 12:00 AM
Formula Student Russia wants to thank all Judges, Scrutineers and Teams who were with us during our first event in Russia.
We appreciate contribution and advices of every member of our judging and scrutineering teams.
Especially we want to thank the people, who were standing at the most beginning of the FSR, whithout whom there will be no Formula Student in Russia:
Pat Clarke, Chief Judge of FSR
Ulf Steinfurth, Technical Inspector of FSR and leader of the scrutineering team
Ludwig Vollrath, special VIP guest of FSR.

The results of the FSR'2014 are

Our congratulations to the winners and all participants and special thanks to the teams from Hungary and Germany, who were first foreign teams with Formula Student cars, who came to Russia.
We hope to see more teams from Europe in the next year.

Photos from the event can be found at the official FB page - https://www.facebook.com/FormulaStudentRussia

09-12-2014, 03:26 AM
I really would like to hear some comments of the officials and participating students about the overall organization of FSR.
Bemo, Lukas, Pat and others, would you give us your thoughts?

Would be interessting to see if this could be a new challenge for the European teams in the future. As Tobias stated, I think at the moment it is difficult to get your university to back such a trip (it does not matter if the event is sports or education, if it's backed by some part of the Russian government, I already "feel" the red lights flashing in the offices of the university higher-ups...) but hopefully the times will change again!

In any way, congratulations to the guys from Györ. What an impressive achievement to get an overall win with a first-year car (against an established German team..)! Looking forward to see your process in the next years.

09-12-2014, 06:17 AM
In general it was a very nice event. Of course there were some organisational issues which led to delays in the schedule etc. but no real problems I'd say. The Autocross and Endurance track had a very nice layout. To be honest I was surprised in a positive way by both the level of organisation and of the teams. Most teams were well prepared for scrutineering. In fact there was only one car which was just not finished and couldn't pass tech. We didn't really have to lower the normal standards of scrutineering to make cars pass. In Endurance almost all cars which were presented at the event could take part. There were two Endurance heats (like at the Australian event), which resulted in almost all teams finishing at least one of the attempts. Of course some cars were way to heavy and we saw some cars which weren't easy to drive. But all in all a really good start for this event and for the whole Formula Student scene in Russia.

Special congratulations to the team from Gyor. This was the best first year car I've ever seen. Kept simple, working properly, 205kg. Only the battery was always a bit on the edge, with a single you should think about a bigger one ;-) The team was very well organised always polite and behaving correctly. I'm really looking forward to see how this team will develop in the next years.

09-13-2014, 11:48 AM
I can only second Bemo's opinion on the Event. It was surprisingly well run (I expected way more chaos) and the atmosphere was great. There were a few minor glitches and delays but nothing to seriously complain about.

I would also like to congratulate the Györ Team for this achievement and for their car in general, it is probably the best first year car I have ever seen. I hope they don't fall into the trap of building immensly complicated rocket science bling now!

And @JulianH: The event is actually backed by the MOSCOW governement, not the Russian one afaik...

Best regards,