View Full Version : FSAE Electric Cars in the SCCA?

04-02-2014, 11:11 PM
Thanks everyone!

04-03-2014, 05:30 AM
That's a very good questions. SCCA is finally starting to classify EV cars in street classes, but the SCCA FSAE rules as written clearly weren't designed to apply to FSAE Electric; you might be able to talk your local region/indie into letting you run in FSAE class, but I doubt you'd be allowed to run at a national event. So long as you build to AM rules, you could always run in AM, though. I recommend writing a letter requesting clarification to the SCCA Solo Events Board. When you write the letter, I would recommend classing for FSAE-Electric with solid arguments (citing results from past events would help) on why you think that classing is appropriate.


Marshall Grice
04-03-2014, 10:34 AM
there is no problem with running an electric FSAE car at an SCCA event (even nationals) so long as it conforms to the FSAE rules.

It's unlikely at this time that you'll get an electric-only class though without first demonstrating that there is a strong demand for such a class.