Big Bird
12-24-2013, 07:08 PM
Just a quick note to offer season's greetings to all in the FSAE community. Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, the closing of the year is a good time to reflect on what we have achieved in our lives, and the good fortune we have in the people who gather around us. We have a brilliant community in FSAE and FStudent, and it is one that lives well beyond the closing of our university careers. We might get frustrated at each other, we might argue vigorously about such important matters as roll centres and team structures and online communication etiquette. But as I had the very good fortune to find out this year, we are part of a community that really cares. And for that we are all truly fortunate.
So greetings of the season to all, enjoy the company of the people around you, and may we all continue to grow for our involvement in the brilliant thing that is FSAE. And FStudent. Of course.
So greetings of the season to all, enjoy the company of the people around you, and may we all continue to grow for our involvement in the brilliant thing that is FSAE. And FStudent. Of course.