View Full Version : Wing support in IAD

12-17-2013, 01:19 PM

My name is J-P and I'm currently working on the front wing support for our 2014 car.

My question is about the rules (http://students.sae.org/cds/formulaseries/rules/2014_fsae_rules.pdf) T3.23 Non-Crushable Objects.

Since we have front wings supports in front of the front bulkhead we should add them in our crash test, but this year, in the sake of time management, we want to use the standard Impact attenuator. My question is how should we include the wing supports in the IAD without crushing them ?

Does any team already had the standard impact with front wing support?

I've already asked the rules committee, but it has been a week and I can't progress in my design before I have an answer.

Thank you

12-17-2013, 01:38 PM
We did a rules clarification back in 2012 (FSG) and the answer was:
If the wing support is in the pass-through of the Anti-Intrusion-Plate, it has to be crashed.

So my conclusion from this is: If you don't wanna crash your IA and use the Standard IA, your wing supports cannot be in the area of the AIP.

I don't know which event you are planning to attend, but I guess Germany will not have changed their minds about this...


12-17-2013, 02:07 PM
I'm not sure if i understand it properly.

So we should be fine as long as the wing supports don't pass through the AIP ?

I've add sketches of what I had in mind for the supports.


Thank you

12-17-2013, 03:51 PM
We had something similar to that and our tech inspectors weren't going to let us pass. As I remember if you can prove that it will not impede the IA and its purpose mathematically, then you're good to go. I ended up using buckling moment analysis to show that our supports crushed WELL before the IA reached its maximum force (something to the tune of only 45N would buckle the supports). He seemed rather disappointed to pass us through tech but that's a whole nother story.....