View Full Version : "Formula Student design seminar - 28 Jan- 1 Feb, 2014 at Kolkata, India

12-06-2013, 03:49 AM
@ ALL Indian engineering students involved in various FS/FSAE/BAJA competitions,this is your opportunity to attend a certified workshop with the worlds top 3 student design competition judges - Mr. Pat Clarke, Mr. Steve Fox & Mr. Claude Rouelle.

They will be holding a 5 day seminar in Kolkata where they will teach the students how it is possible to design, build, test & compete with a race winning vehicle in various FS/FSAE/BAJA competitions.

Mr. Claude will also hold a 3 day session where he will teach the students about advanced vehicle dynamics, race engineering & data analysis.


Registration link:


Seminar brochure can be found at


For further details please log on to


12-08-2013, 10:47 AM
This is great news for teams in India.

I did this seminar 3 years ago and it completely changed my perspective about Formula Student and Motorsport Engineering in general. I would highly recommend for anyone who can make it to the seminar to get there. Needless to say this is a steal of a deal as this seminar is quite expensive when it happens otherwise.

Pat Clarke
12-12-2013, 11:26 AM
Hey guys,
I keep hearing rumours that Steve Claude and I will not be in India in January to assist at Delta Shootout and the seminars that follow.
Who is starting these stupid rumours?
We have undertaken to do something and we are men of our word, so we will be there.

The only thing that might stop us is if India refuses a visa or if there are no registrations because of rumours. This would make it a 'self fulfilling prophesy'.

So if you want to be part of lifting India out of the FSAE basement where they seem to be permanently stuck, register for the seminar.

If you wish to stay stuck in the mire with the other non achievers, then that is your choice!


Pat Clarke
01-12-2014, 07:04 AM
Well, just over a week until I leave for India.
The Seminar Training manual has gone off to India to the printer.
We have our tickets and visas and shots.
I am looking forward to my Delta Adventure.
