View Full Version : Tires and wheels selection

10-19-2013, 03:56 AM
Hello there,

My name is Abrar, I'm from the UAE (United Arab Emirates), AUS motorsports team

I'm totally new to this. First time participating in FSAE and first time building a vehicle. :o

so I've been searching about suspension, steering, and tires and i have come to understand that they are all related to each other. I've also read that it's best to start with the tires and wheels and from there go for suspension and steering. In the past couple of days i became familiar with the concepts of camber, toe, and caster but i still don't know where to go from here

So my question is how do i start with the tires and wheels ? and how do i select one ?

Thanks !

10-19-2013, 10:40 AM
I'm trying for the life of me to find something online that has a nice general broad explanation of tires...but I'm not finding anything right now. You're going to have to search around to find all the information you'll need (sounds like you've already been doing this!).

Some thoughts to spark your searches:

-why are tires important? What role do they play?
-what forces go through a tire? Under braking or acceleration or cornering.
-how can you use the above forces in your design

Since tires are such a complex subject and there's LOTS of different variables to them....AND they're arguably one of the most important parts of a car....there's a lot there to absorb.

10-20-2013, 01:10 PM
Thanks a lot! .. I'll keep searching until i figure things out