View Full Version : intake testing

Vincent Cice
03-11-2010, 06:12 PM
hey. our fsae team is new and we are trying to design our intake. is there any way to test if it is distributing the air evenly through each cylinder using pro-e or solidworks? If not how would we go about testing our design? thanks

Vincent Cice
03-11-2010, 06:12 PM
hey. our fsae team is new and we are trying to design our intake. is there any way to test if it is distributing the air evenly through each cylinder using pro-e or solidworks? If not how would we go about testing our design? thanks

Mikey Antonakakis
03-11-2010, 08:47 PM

2-d CFD, flow bench, etc

More complicated:

3d CFD, transient CFD, etc

Even More complicated:

engine sim software (1-d cfd)

even more than even more complicated:

engine sim software coupled with a 3d cfd model (e.g. coupled Ricardo WAVE-VECTIS simulation)

best (feel free to disagree):

all of the above, and then physical quantitative testing of designs, comparing to all of the above simulations, validating each one, picking the best, improving the simple, etc....