View Full Version : First Annual FSAE Match Race, Oct. 26th, 2013, Lamar County Speedway, Barnesville GA

09-23-2013, 08:09 AM
Dear FSAE Competitor:

The Georgia Sprint Karting Association is proud to present the First Annual FSAE Match race at the Lamar County Speedway, October 26th, 2013. This will be a timed event held on the historic Lamar County Speedway in Barnesville GA. This first event will be open to eight FSAE cars only, so please reserve your spot as soon as possible. The track is a 1/4 mile long sprint course, averaging 20 feet in width and utilizes AMB timing equipment. Our club has medics on site during races, trained flagmen, as well as rest rooms, showers, food and drinks. The race day will be as follows:

Three 5 lap practice sessions

Three lap heat race for all teams, standing start, cumulative time for the three laps

Top four cumulative times progress to next round, same format.

Top two cumulative times progress to final, also same format.

There is no charge for the team to participate, however we do require a $10 insurance armband be purchased for each person in the pit area. Trophies will be given for first, second and third places.

The goal of this event is two-fold. First to help promote and advance the Formula SAE program and create a new venue for you to compete. The second is to promote Kart racing at our track and try to get more people interested in our sport. To that end, we would like each team to try to promote this event at their respective school as much as possible to get more people out to our track. We will also try to promote this event as much as possible as well on our end.

We now have six cars pre-entered, leaving only two spots left. The teams we have signed up are:

Georgia Tech, 2 cars
Georgia Southern, 1 car
Clemson, 2 cars
University of Alabama, 1 car.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call me.

Jeff Bacon
Pres. GSKA
Web site: http://georgiasprintkarting.net/

10-14-2013, 08:54 AM
Dear FSAE Competitor:

Only two weeks until the First Annual FSAE Match Race at Lamar County Speedway. We currently have six cars entered with one tentative. They are:

Georgia Tech, 2 cars
Georgia Southern, 1 car
Clemson, 2 cars
University of Alabama, one car.
Auburn, one car tentative

That means we still have one or two slots available. Those that have said they will be there do need to confirm their attendance please. The schedule of the day will be as follows:

Three sessions per car with 5 laps per car, first practice will start at 9:00 AM, second practice around 10:30 and third practice around 12:00.

First round, three laps per car, standing start, winners based on overall time of the three laps advances. Start at 1:00
Second round, top four advacne from round one, standing start, three laps per car, overall time advances. Start around 2:30
Feature round, top two advance, standing start, three laps per car, overall time wins. Starts around 4:00.

Food and drink will be available from the Firehouse Grill at the track. Camping overnight is allowed at no charge.

One car at a time on the track per FSAE rules.

The track is available for rental on Friday. You can pay for the test day at: http://lamarcountyspeedway.com/Practice_and_Pricing.html

See you there!

Jeff Bacon
2013 President GSKA

10-21-2013, 09:28 AM
Only 5 days until the big event! I hope anyone who isn't involved in the competition will come out and watch! It is free to spectate from the bleachers, $10 to get into the pits.

Jeff Bacon
2013 President GSKA