View Full Version : Are Cartridge operated fire extinguishers allowed?

Martin Schnur
08-27-2013, 02:46 AM

are Cartridge operated fire extinguishers allowed? We want one 2kg small one stored pressure extinguisher and a bigger 6kg cartridge model because the cartridge models is the more reliable system.
Problem the cartridge models doesn't need any pressure/charge gauge which must be equipped by the rules(see below)
Does any one have experience with this "problem" at the initial inspection?
We will take part in Italy in about two weeks. So we have to decide which type we take in the near future

Each team must have at least two (2) 0.9 kg (2 lb.) dry chemical/dry powder.
minimum ratings-> Europe: 34B or 5A 34B
All extinguishers must be equipped with a manufacturer installed pressure/charge gauge.
Note: Halon extinguishers and systems are prohibited. Note: AFFF extinguishers are prohibited.
Extinguishers of larger capacity (higher numerical ratings) are acceptable.


Martin Schnur

08-27-2013, 04:29 AM
Martin you should better check that with the organizers of the Italian competition.

Michael Royce
08-28-2013, 10:01 AM
I agree with Harry. Contact FSAE-Italy immediately.

But the rule about all the extinguishers requiring a gauge is so the scrutineers know, with some sort of certainty, that the extinguisher is charged and not empty! The cost for a 0.9 kg dry powder 34B or 5A 34B extinguisher should be low. (The equivalent here in the USA is about $10 for a 1A 10BC unit.) So if you are concerned about the reliability of the dry powder units, buy 2 of them AND one of your cartridge units, and just take the 34B's to scrutineering. Leave the cartridge unit(s) in your garage

Martin Schnur
08-31-2013, 05:57 AM
I asked the Technical Inspection Manager and he affirmed the rule. That only stored pressure extinguisher are allowed because with the gauge it is more easy to check the extinguisher.
I saw Teams with cartridge Extinguisher entering the technical inspection on other Events (England,Germany,Austria) and they passed...so I think they are also allowed but not official by the rules.
Anyway we will now get rule approved fire extinguisher from our supplier so the problem for our team is solved.


Martin Schnur