View Full Version : Cost Discussion 2011

Arun Khedgikar
03-06-2011, 11:00 AM
I am trying to make a cost report for an international FSAE event.

I have no idea about how to use the data from the tables given on fsaeonline.com

If its possible for any team. can they send me a cost report file of any old cost report?
or guide me regarding preparing a cost report please.

03-07-2011, 02:09 AM
Go back to fsaeonline.com
On the first page you'll find a link that is named "tutorial".

Last year I also made the cost-report for the first time and that pdf. document really helped a lot.

Michael Royce
08-21-2012, 06:23 PM
There are also two examples of Cost Reports at fsaeonline at:
http://www.fsaeonline.com/page...fa-8a82-a7d14af80741 (http://www.fsaeonline.com/page.aspx?pageid=9f27c091-8f3d-4afa-8a82-a7d14af80741)