View Full Version : Chassis shop steering gear box dimensions.

01-03-2009, 08:19 PM
Hello all.

I need the physical dimensions of the steering gear box product no. c42-334 that chassis shop provides. I have been supplied the rack and pinion specifications but repeated attempts to get the dimensions of the housing from them have failed.

Could any of you guys help me out with the housing dimensions and anything else regarding the specific product.

A drawing would help things more.

Shashi Maurya,
Steering Head,
Orion Racing India,
K.J.Somaiya College of Engineering.

01-03-2009, 08:19 PM
Hello all.

I need the physical dimensions of the steering gear box product no. c42-334 that chassis shop provides. I have been supplied the rack and pinion specifications but repeated attempts to get the dimensions of the housing from them have failed.

Could any of you guys help me out with the housing dimensions and anything else regarding the specific product.

A drawing would help things more.

Shashi Maurya,
Steering Head,
Orion Racing India,
K.J.Somaiya College of Engineering.

01-03-2009, 09:17 PM
Be aware that Design Judges look very critically at cars with centre mounted racks like that.
It is very difficult to avoid excess compliance in the rack mounting.


01-03-2009, 09:43 PM
I don't know if a team has a cad model they'd be willing to share, but you can figure out rough dimensions yourself. If you have a picture and you know one dimension, like the diameter of a bolt hole, you can pretty easily figure out the rest of the dimensions by counting pixels in mspaint. It's a technique that comes in handy every once in a while.

Now, I wouldn't do this anywhere packaging needs to be very precise, but when you're just trying to figure out how stuff goes together and have a lot of freedom to modify things later it's not too bad. It's also a good check to use on some of the part models(engines, wheels, etc.) that get traded around between teams.

But like Pat said, are you sure this is the part you want to use?

01-04-2009, 10:42 AM
Hi Shashi,

We used the same rack in our 2008 Car.
What CAD format do you need?

As for the mounting:
It is correct, that it is not the best to mount the rack in the middle. But:

1. It`s a fast rack ratio, which CAN mean that you have smaller Tie Rod forces, than a rack with a slow ratio

2. It is easy to modify the rack for a better mounting

Greets, Urs

01-04-2009, 04:37 PM
Just to clarify, the chassis shop hardcopy of the catalog has more information listed about these racks than the online store. It's pretty pathetic how little information is published about them actually.

Here's some of the information about the different racks taken from their hardcopy catalog:


01-07-2009, 12:20 PM
We have had decent experiences in the past with modifying the Jr. Dragster rack(made by Woodhaven Industry) to using custom mounting by machining stock rack housing with welded on sleeves and collar setup. That way we can use the stock rack and pinion but with much more secure(and acceptable in design) mounting scheme...

01-07-2009, 10:02 PM
@ blister

A Solidworks model(.SLDASM) would help a great deal.

I still am not sure if I want to use that rack. Will have to study more.

Thanks a ton.

Shashi Maurya,
Steering Head,
Orion Racing India.