View Full Version : Web Based email services ??
09-22-2004, 08:52 AM
since UNH sucks.... they are blowing up my email account in like T-minus 2 weeks. they do offer 'email forwarding' - which is a wikkid load of shit.... this means that my new address could be - but that would simply re-direct to a yahoo or hotmail or other account. the alias is not an account, simply a pointer. i have serious issues selecting a new webmail client.
i am looking for something that will accomodate 100mb storage w/ approx. 10mb attachment limit. additionally, i am looking for something that has a nice fast webmail interface, and can also talk to POP email on my home PC (MS Outlook friendly). i would like something with built-in spam filtering, and not the kind that requires user verification. it would be ideal if free.... but a $10-20 annual fee is not too bad for a slick service.
any reccommendations ??
James Waltman
09-22-2004, 09:52 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by johnnySV:
i am looking for something that will accomodate 100mb storage w/ approx. 10mb attachment limit <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Yahoo has that. I guess they bumped it up from 4mb/6mb to 100 as a response to gmail. If anyone has gmail invitations I would love to get one.
09-22-2004, 10:04 AM
I've got some gmail invites to give out to whoever wants one.
I believe there are some third party programs that provide POP access and there is supposed to be an official google one in the works.
Denny Trimble
09-22-2004, 11:23 AM
Hey RS, I'd like a gmail invite if you have one. But I think James has first dibs
dennyt at
James Waltman
09-22-2004, 11:41 AM
Thanks Denny – get in line. Are you guys driving this weekend?
RocketScience, if you are willing I would like one of the invites. james_waltman at
09-22-2004, 11:54 AM
just an update..... i signed up for a gmail account via an invite from one of my totally awesome teammates.
hopefully it rocks. if not, ill be piss'd.
Denny Trimble
09-22-2004, 12:04 PM
Not driving this weekend, but probably next weekend (oct. 2 or 3). Too many people are out of town. And, I've officially resigned from being a driver so I can focus on finishing my thesis and finishing the robot I'm building. Not to mention getting to sleep before midnight...
09-22-2004, 03:24 PM
I have 6 invites just sitting if anyone would like them.
Rob Davies
09-22-2004, 05:32 PM
Id take one of those gmail invites if you are offering..
If so my email is ssdav9 at hotmail dot com
Thanks, Rob
James Waltman
09-22-2004, 07:13 PM
I would really appreciate an invitation. My email is listed above. What do you current users think of gmail?
09-22-2004, 10:38 PM
Invites sent. I have 3 remaining.
Michael Jones
09-23-2004, 10:16 AM
Gmail is pretty sweet - might convert totally to it when it puts in a POP server, since I'm anal about archiving mail and all.
3 invites for the first three callers here as well. Drop a note to if interested.
GMail :-)
Got mine two weeks ago. Very neat and a pretty good way of transfering files given the storage space provided.
09-23-2004, 10:50 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ry-Guy:
Invites sent. I have 3 remaining.
If you could send one to john.dupree at, I would be very gratefull.
09-30-2004, 05:25 AM
I have a couple of gmail invites left, anybody want them?
Chris Clarke
10-03-2004, 10:38 PM
If you still have one left, I would like to have one.
Can you send it to and Our server is currently down, and may not be up for a couple of days still.
10-03-2004, 11:43 PM
hey guys, do a google search on gmail.
i originally thought that google was probably the best place to do my e-mail archiving and stuff, but after reading all the information out there about how the e-mails may be used for marketing...etc. I don't know if I'm okay with it.
keep informed.
Denny Trimble
11-02-2004, 01:06 PM
I've got 6 gmail invites, the first six emails I get at "dennytrimble at" will get 'em.
My feeling on the whole privacy thing is that if the security/intelligence services want to hack my mail they will regardless of what I or anyone else does (in my case for being a lefty, pro-palestine, anti-bush angry person).
Providing I'm not being spammed, which with GMail I most definitely am not, I'm happy. EMail is inherently less secure than snail mail IMO, this is the price we pay for convenience.
Chris Clarke
01-10-2005, 09:37 PM
Seeing as this is where I got my gmail account, I will pass on my invites. I have six for anyone who wants one. Email me at "cclarke at" or post your email on here if you want one.
01-12-2005, 03:35 PM
A free Yahoo account has 250 MB of space, and you do not need an invitation to get one. Up to 10 MB attachments can be sent. For $20/year you can have 2 GB space and 20 MB attachments, plus pop3 service so you can use Outlook with it. However, I have a couple of Yahoo accounts, and one of them gets about 20-40 spam messages per day. The other account (which I rarely use), has never gotten any spam. I guess the key is to change your e-mail address about once per year.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Yahoo has that. I guess they bumped it up from 4mb/6mb to 100 as a response to gmail. If anyone has gmail invitations I would love to get one. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
James Waltman
01-13-2005, 11:12 AM
When I originally posted that last September it was true. From what I saw after Yahoo went to 100MB Netscape bumped theirs up to 250MB. Then Hotmail and Yahoo both went to 250MB (I can't remember who went first). I am such a dork.
Anyway, like Denny and Chris I got my Gmail account here and have a few invitations if anyone is interested.
V2 - Italy
01-25-2005, 01:24 PM
I have four invites for a GMAIL account.
If you are interested mail me.
Dan G
01-25-2005, 10:11 PM
Here's 4 invites for whoever needs them. Just use one per person please.
Invite #1 (
Invite #2 (
Invite #3 (
Invite #4 (
FYI: you can send invites to yourself and then just post the link in the message for others to use. A lot easier than coordinating emails back and forth.
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