View Full Version : Caliguri Cup - July 16th - Pittsburgh Vintage GP - hosted by Carnegie Mellon
Dan G
06-22-2005, 09:50 AM
In the interest of competition, I figured I'd bring this up. Carnegie Mellon is hosting the 4th annual Caliguri Cup held during the Pittsburgh Vintage Gran Prix on Saturday July 16th 2005.
The event has a small static judging portion, but is mostly dynamic, consisting of autocrossing and acceleration runs, along with a parade lap around the awesome GP public-streets road course that twists and turns through a wooded golf course...
In previous years, there was enough time for 2-3 autox drivers per team, but I can't remember how many accel runs are recorded.
Information on the event, along with the PVGP can be found here...|&NodeID=100 (|&NodeID=100)
We're only a little over 3 weeks away from this, so if your car is still in (or back to) driveable condition, come race with us.
The PVGP is also a really cool event to spectate, worth the trip on its own. Multi-million dollar vintage race cars driving sometimes as much as 10/10ths (or maybe 11/10ths for the guys that ball them up into a tree!) through a very technical course with tight turns and lots of elevation change. And there is a HUGE car show with nothing but vintage and/or exotic cars...
Race Gallery Link- (
Car Show Gallery Link- (
Carnegie Mellon guys: go ahead and fill in any of the details I missed. And who do I talk to for entry info?
Dan G
06-22-2005, 09:50 AM
In the interest of competition, I figured I'd bring this up. Carnegie Mellon is hosting the 4th annual Caliguri Cup held during the Pittsburgh Vintage Gran Prix on Saturday July 16th 2005.
The event has a small static judging portion, but is mostly dynamic, consisting of autocrossing and acceleration runs, along with a parade lap around the awesome GP public-streets road course that twists and turns through a wooded golf course...
In previous years, there was enough time for 2-3 autox drivers per team, but I can't remember how many accel runs are recorded.
Information on the event, along with the PVGP can be found here...|&NodeID=100 ( 14192049Nav=|&NodeID=100)
We're only a little over 3 weeks away from this, so if your car is still in (or back to) driveable condition, come race with us.
The PVGP is also a really cool event to spectate, worth the trip on its own. Multi-million dollar vintage race cars driving sometimes as much as 10/10ths (or maybe 11/10ths for the guys that ball them up into a tree!) through a very technical course with tight turns and lots of elevation change. And there is a HUGE car show with nothing but vintage and/or exotic cars...
Race Gallery Link- (
Car Show Gallery Link- (
Carnegie Mellon guys: go ahead and fill in any of the details I missed. And who do I talk to for entry info?
CMURacing - Prometheus
06-22-2005, 10:43 AM
the new PVGP website is . No info on the Caliguiri Cup, but I'm certain someone who knows more will be willing to follow my lead (cough cough SCOTT cough cough)
If you're interested in participating though, e-mail wisrael (at) andrew (dot) cmu (dot) edu. There's a possibility that there will be dorms for you to stay in for pretty cheap too (cheaper than hotels, that is, and full of summer college students and other FSAE teams)
Dan G
06-23-2005, 04:48 PM
Pittsburgh is within a 4-5 hour drive of about 10 teams, maybe more. Pretty much any PA, OH, WV, or MD team, as well as southern NY and MI, northern KY and VA.
Enough about geography. If you can come, speak up, and maybe throw in some smack talk. If you can't make it, you probably have a pretty pathetic excuse, so you should come anyway.
[smack talk]
CMU, do you guys think you might have a chance of doing better than LAST in your own competition this year?
Pitt, think you guys can keep the car together and actually last the whole day?
PSU... ... ...uh ... ok, I got nothing, you guys are pretty good.
[/smack talk]
06-23-2005, 05:34 PM
Like my team members said, the Caliguiri Cup takes place the morning of Saturday July 16th. It kicks off at 9:30am with an autocross competition. It's shorter (and perhaps a little slower) than the Autocross track at Competition but it's still a great time and is a worthwhile experience. We also run a short acceleration run and get to participate in a parade lap around the street course and show off hard work in front of thousands of people. Also, if the organizers of the event see the interest growing, we have a shot at getting more space/time dedicated to the Caliguiri Cup in coming years.
In previous years Penn State has been the only visiting team (Pitt is close enough to not need accomodations) and usually shows up on Friday. Our university offers short term housing (on campus) to guests attending events in the area. The rates should be much cheaper than hotels (in the range of 30 dollars/night for the cheaper rooms; smaller, no AC). I will provide a quote and more specific instructions on how to reserve rooms for your team in the next couple days.
Any teams that are interested in coming out for the PVGP or simply have any questions should email me ( If you are coming for the competition, please let me know what days you will be coming for, how many people are coming and if you have any special housing requests (i.e. rooms for females).
We look forward to seeing as many teams out here as possible.
CMURacing - Prometheus
06-23-2005, 05:54 PM
so what's um-d's pathetic excuse, dan? or will we be seeing you guys there?
and we weren't last, we placed THIRD last year :-D.
06-24-2005, 08:28 AM
Room rates at Carnegie Mellon University will be approximately $51.50 per room per night. Each room has 2 beds in it. The dorm that you will be staying in is:
The university offers a linen service if you do not wish to bring your own sheets. That service costs about $5 per room per night.
I need to know which teams are coming by July 8th (the Friday before the event).
If you have any questions feel free to email me at or call me at 412.337.3770
Dan G
06-24-2005, 08:29 AM
No excuses here, we're coming! And we'll have EFI too!
Complete EFI system (including manifolds, fuel rails,...) built and tested in about 3 weeks. Sure it won't be at optimum tune, but it'll be better than the carb was.
You can possibly add Drexel's name to the list for this. I just need to talk a few more people on the team into this and perhaps we will have a car out there to run also. Its only about a 5 hour trek from Philly, and I have some family I can crash with while were out there.
To the folks that have been to this before, what kind of speeds are you seeing for the course they have mapped out, and what is the course lined with (hay bales, concrete, steel gaurd rails, etc)?
Also if we arrived on Friday night would there be any place to put a small trailer and our car in say at one of the other school's around the area, either CMU or Pitt?
Oh and what if any entrance fees are there for the event?
Dan G
06-24-2005, 07:22 PM
Speeds are low, the course is small and tight. No bigger than the two test areas at Pontiac combined. I think the max was about a ~20 second lap. But each team gets 2, 3, maybe 4 drivers with a few laps each.
The course is literally on a roadway, with curbs on both sides. But its really wide, maybe 8 lanes wide. Obviously the road is closed off. Here's some pictures and video from the '03 event...
<A HREF="" TARGET=_blank> </A>
Click one of those pictures to see the small gallery, there's two short videos of the autox course. A lot closer to "gymkhana" than autox really.
I'm not in charge, but I can't imagine CMU would have any trouble providing parking overnight. Probably even be able to park it right where the event will be held the next day, the area is all blocked off the whole weekend.
And there's no entry fee!
So you mean that we can't race with the other cars in the streets of pittsburg with the rest of the vintage racers? That would be some fun.
Dan G
06-25-2005, 11:39 AM
That would be fun. But it'd be pretty darn dangerous. We'd reach max speed very often, and there are tons of stone walls lining the course, along with some steep dropoffs.
Dan G
06-28-2005, 08:14 AM
We're about 19 days away now.
Cornell, OSU, Akron, CaseW, Detroit schools... are you guys all too busy to come race?
CMURacing - Prometheus
06-28-2005, 12:16 PM
Schools within 5 hours of Pittsburgh (and I've tested a few of these):
Pitt (about 5 minutes)
Case (less than 2 hours guys!)
Penn State
Ohio U.
Virginia Tech (ok, more like 6, but its a scenic drive)
It'll be a kickass time.
Drexel may be there if we get our car back from the UK in time and it is still in running order.
The other question should be, who if anyone is going to the SCCA divisionals for in DC the following weekend. Now that will be some stiff competition and a much larger track to show off in.
07-28-2005, 05:25 AM
Mike, I haven't had a chance to speak with any of the PSU guys since the PVGP. What teams showed up and what were the results?
07-28-2005, 05:46 AM
Unfortunately Mike didn't make it out for the PVGP. Again, this year only Pitt and PSU were able to attend the event. We were plagued by humidity and strong rain for about an hour but most drivers got in their runs before the rain. I don't have specific details, but I believe the placement of the cars went:
PSU 2005
Pitt 2005
Pitt 2004
CMU 2005
PSU 2004
If I hear of any other info I'll post that up here.
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