View Full Version : CO2 Cylinder location

Math ze engineer
04-28-2009, 10:41 AM
Hey guys

I wonder where do you fix your CO2/compressed air cylinder on the car. Does it need to be surrounded by tubes or itmust be in the car enveloppe behind the firewall. The rules comitee told me to put it between engine and intake (prefered by them) or back of the shoulder harness bar. If we mount it between the engine and intake manifold it will be too hot for sure. I need some feedback because we are short on time and space.

Thank you

D Collins Jr
04-28-2009, 10:58 AM
Try using other gasses if you have access to them. No matter where you put a CO2 tank its likely to overheat, in my experience. Otherwise, you might try mounting it along the lower chassis rails that are in the cockpit. The rules cmte should be ok with that.

Dave K
04-28-2009, 11:05 AM
I wouldn't mount it anywhere near the cockpit... obvious reasons. We are planning to mount ours on a lower chassis tube in the engine compartment, as far from heat sources as possible. If you run your exhaust on a certain side of the car, try finding a spot on the opposite side.

Math ze engineer
04-28-2009, 12:21 PM
we cant put it in cockpit so I cant put it on the nose. On our cylinder it is written that it should not heat up to more than 54°C. It's hard to find a place to fix it. If you put it on a tube on a the side of the engine should it be INSIDE the structure or it can be only clamped like a fuel pump on a tube?

13.1 Compressed Gas Cylinders and Lines
Any system on the vehicle that uses a compressed gas as an actuating medium must
comply with the following requirements:
a. Working Gas-The working gas must be nonflammable, e.g. air, nitrogen, carbon
b. Cylinder Certification- The gas cylinder/tank must be of proprietary manufacture,
designed and built for the pressure being used, certified by an accredited testing
laboratory in the country of its origin, and labeled or stamped appropriately.
c. Pressure Regulation-The pressure regulator must be mounted directly onto the gas
d. Cylinder Location- The gas cylinder/tank and the pressure regulator must be located
within the structural portion of the Frame, but not in the cockpit or in a non-structural
side pod.
e. Cylinder Mounting- The gas cylinder/tank must be securely mounted to the Frame,
engine or transmission.
f. Cylinder Axis- The axis of the gas cylinder/tank must not point at the driver.
g. Insulation- The gas cylinder/tank must be insulated from any heat sources, e.g. the
exhaust system.
h. Lines and Fittings- The gas lines and fittings must be appropriate for the maximum
possible operating pressure of the system.
i. Protection- The gas cylinder/tank and lines must be protected from damage resulting
from the failure of rotating equipment.

04-28-2009, 02:36 PM
in the rear box if you have one?

or just use nitrogen/compressed air.. way less heat sensitive and easy to source at paintball places

safety's a non-issue if you comply with the rules, your car would have to be reduced to a small cube before the tank ruptured

04-28-2009, 04:21 PM
Yeah, a CO2 tank just sitting in the sun will blow its pressure valve. Phase change makes them really finicky. Running nitrogen will make for better system reliability - you can basically put it anywhere, so long as it's not in the cockpit or pointed at the driver. Just put it parallel to your lower frame tube close to the main hoop, and you'll be fine

Adam F
04-28-2009, 09:17 PM
and yes...between a fiberglass seat and the firewall counts as in the cockpit...even if it's completely sealed off from the driver (I think I am the reason for the rule change) http://fsae.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

04-29-2009, 06:16 PM
We have been placing ours on the lower part of the main hoop for four years now and never had any problems. We just put a cylindrical foam around it and it is actually cold when we take the bottle out even after running for an hour in the californian sun. We're using the Aprilia SXV and this engine is heating way more than our previous honda altought as it is small, we might have more space to fit the bottle away from the engine. And of course it is on the other side from the exhaust tubing.