View Full Version : Templates Adams version student

10-26-2012, 03:59 PM
I'm learning to use adams (student version) to test the suspension of a car baja. However, I can not find the templates suspension Double A. I found on the internet some templetes in extension ".tpl" but I can not open them in Adams. How do I open this file type? meeting where the templetes in Adams?

10-30-2012, 12:27 PM
A repeat of my reply on the MSC forums:

This article contains the download link and instructions for opening the baja templates/models:

http://simcompanion.mscsoftwar...content&id=KB8017706 (http://simcompanion.mscsoftware.com/infocenter/index?page=content&id=KB8017706)

If you can’t access this link, view this article:

http://simcompanion.mscsoftwar...content&id=KB8020090 (http://simcompanion.mscsoftware.com/infocenter/index?page=content&id=KB8020090)

The article is labeled FSAE but the access and software information applies to student competition teams in general. If you have the “Student Edition” and not a full version that we give to competition teams, that is not sufficient to use the Baja models ('student edition' has Adams/View and you need Adams/Car) The link above also describes how to get the full university edition for competition teams.