View Full Version : Not Acceptable

04-26-2004, 04:45 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I don't usually get annoyed at you guys but unfortunately a percentage of you have really made my life hard.

Not wanting to blow my own trumpet but I have a fairly sizeable job when it comes to justifying the work I do for FSAE. I am the one who has to justify to the company why we should offer our facilities to hold seminars and why the company should send me as support to the Aussie event for FREE and why you don't have to go through dealer to get your FREE support and why I spend time with you when you want to come to the office and ask questions. All this becomes very difficult when a number of our staff have to spend the morning after an FSAE seminar cleaning up what can only be described as a mess that a Terrorist would be proud of!!!!

Who should be the one to inform me of this but my boss who give me permission to do the work for FSAE. Guy, (and it is only a percentage of you) you have screwed your selves a bit. I am going to have a harder time justifying FSAE to the big guys here. You MUST be professional if you want companies to take you seriously.

I don't want to sound like a wuss but I am hugely dissappointed. This is not good.

04-26-2004, 07:47 PM

"a mess that a Terrorist would be proud of!!!!"

that sounds like me cleaning the workshop


everyone appreciates your help very much

i sense a "cleaning levy" being applied to the seminar costs next year? http://fsae.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_rolleyes.gif

engineering students should only be trusted with foodstuffs that can't fall apart or make crumbs.. like celery http://fsae.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_smile.gif


Frank Evans (UQ)

04-27-2004, 12:16 AM
Celery would only make them sleepy, no sugar in celery. http://fsae.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

04-27-2004, 02:56 AM
Just wanted to add in a thanks to all the MoTeC staff who helped us out in organising to attend the NZ seminar. It was extremely worthwhile, and gave us a lot to think about (and a lot more knowledge to work with) in our design and development.

We just let some sheep into the room to clean up the crumbs we left behind http://fsae.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

Matt Houston
University of Auckland

04-27-2004, 03:48 PM

I shake my head.

Ashley Denmead
04-27-2004, 07:02 PM

I dont understand the concerns you have. can you please be more specific? i would also be very concerned if we have offended yourself and MoTeC. We appreciate the seminar that you've hosted and myself and the rest of the team have never learnt more in 3 days!

I assume you would have a fair idea of who the offenders were and i wonder why you didnt approach them individually rather than publicly posting this on a forum.

I appologise on behalf of the Phantom Engineering team if we have upset your organisation in anyway. We appreciate the help, guidance and use of your facility you have given us over the weekend.

best regards

Chris Allbee
04-28-2004, 12:21 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>All this becomes very difficult when a number of our staff have to spend the morning after an FSAE seminar cleaning up what can only be described as a mess that a Terrorist would be proud of!!!! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Seems he was pretty specific. All he is asking is that we show a little more respect for him and his associates by picking up after ourselves. I desperately hope this is not a new concept to everyone.

Ashley, I'm glad someone finally did apologize, even if you did not leave the mess, an apology will probably go a lot further than small quips.

Ashley Denmead
04-28-2004, 04:22 PM

My main point was more a question than anything, Is the right place to bring up this problem on an international forum?

Once again i hope not to offend anybody and i'm sure all attendees would apologise if they caused any inconvenience.


04-29-2004, 12:01 AM
I am not trying to make everyone feel bad. An there is a point to putting this on an International forum and the point is this. I went to uni myself and I know that everyone goes a bit stupid because it is not a tightly controlled environment like (most) schools are. You are not childern and the way you conduct yoursleves in competition reflects on your professionalism, remember you guys are trying to get jobs out of this. I would garantee that the first FSAE job application that hits the table here will bring back thoughs of the mess, no matter if you were here or not.

This subject is more a prime example of what not to do, hey, we are an international company with contacts al over the world things like this spread even unintentionally (maybe through our secretary who had to do most of the cleaning), Guy/Gals, please when dealing with companies for sponsourship etc you cannot have any black marks against your name.

It is not too extreame and will blow over shortly but it was not a good thing. A good message to ALL.

Don't worry about sending appologies (thanks to those that have) just don't let it happen again.

I need a hug.

Ben Hatfield
04-29-2004, 03:26 AM
I would like to join Ash and extend my apologies to the Mark and the Staff at MoTec. I would also like to thank them for hosting the best seminar I have ever been to. The wealth of knowledge gained over those three days will be invaluable to my team and myself in the coming year.
Echoing Marks comments, weather we we're the individuals who made the mess or not isn't the point. What we do as individuals, as a team or in a group affects the way Formula SAE is viewed. Again like Mark said we are meant to be professional. Sometimes this means facing up things may not have been our fault, but we could have done something about. How hard is it to put a few cups in the bin and generally clean up after ourselves.

Ben Hatfield
Chief Engineer
University of Ballarat
FSAE-A 2004

04-29-2004, 06:46 AM
if it makes you feel any better i seem to have the same problem with messy engineers in our building as well mark!

Mark Hester
Chief Engineer
RMIT 2004

04-29-2004, 06:57 PM
Well Hester,
If you want new body work for UK you have to cop the mess!

ps Thanks for cleaning up