View Full Version : 2012 Honda CBR600RR Cad model

02-13-2012, 12:23 PM
Can anyone help me out with a CAD model for a 2007 to 2012 Honda CBR600RR engne. I need to open it up in Proe so iges or step file should do it.



02-13-2012, 12:23 PM
Can anyone help me out with a CAD model for a 2007 to 2012 Honda CBR600RR engne. I need to open it up in Proe so iges or step file should do it.



02-13-2012, 03:53 PM
I am pretty sure Honda run in 3yr life cycles... so I know for the CBR600RR the 04/05/06 model was basically the same then the 07/08/09 model is basically the same so following their rule i assume they made some changes in 2010 and plan to keep them for three years... (ie 10/11/12) So i think ranging from 07-12 is covering two different engine models... If I am right then you would really need to specify which one...

I know CMT has a model of a CBR600RR 07/08/09 engine banging around somewhere... it's nothing crash hot and they are constantly iterating it as they need more detail in certain areas but its easily enough to build a car around...

Anyone from Curtin Motorsport Team reading this wanna do this guy a favour and link him to the engine model?

(if not then I know our model was a modified version of one freely available from some other team in an FSAE repositiry somewhere... sorry I cant recall where..)