View Full Version : Formula SAE West 2006 Competition: - Updates, Pictures, Stories, and More.
06-13-2006, 01:23 PM
Let's use this thread for updates at the 2006 FSAE West competition! Good luck to all the teams!
James Waltman
06-13-2006, 04:57 PM
Damn, I was just coming here to start this thread. Admin beat me to it.
I'll be there with my camera. I probably won't get as many pictures as in 2005 (1300+) ( but I'll see what I can do. I'll try for better updates than there were from Detroit this year.
Good luck to everyone.
Ben Inkster
06-13-2006, 05:33 PM
Does anyone know how many teams are registered to compete?
Neil S
06-14-2006, 08:58 AM ( mpetition&OBJECT=CollegiateCompetition&EVT_NAME=FSAE-WEST&PROD_GRP_CD=STUD&SORT_ORDER=A&PAGE=teamRegistrationList&EVT_SCHED_GEN_NUM=null)
71 teams registered, who knows how many will show up and compete though.
06-14-2006, 10:56 AM
Hows the weather
UMR, are you there, hope you have some better luck then Detroit
Aaron Goldsmith
06-14-2006, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by drivetrainUW-Platt:
Hows the weather
80's and 90's
Mark Bacchetti
06-14-2006, 11:06 AM
Its going to be HOT. High 80s to low 90s. However, it always feels hotter than that in Fontona. (edit: Damn you Aaron! You got to it first!)
Neil S
06-14-2006, 11:12 AM
Yeah we're there (unfortunately I couldn't afford to go).
Thanks, we're hoping so too. Every part of Detroit was a disaster/disappointment this year. Hopefully we can redeem ourselves this week though.
Aaron Goldsmith
06-14-2006, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by Mark Bacchetti:
However, it always feels hotter than that in Fontona.
I'm pretty sure it's actualy the surface of the sun dude..
-Aaron G>
06-14-2006, 06:45 PM
Any other teams from other coutries have problems getting their car in? We were first told that the US "does not want that, take it back to Canada", then told to make a formal entry, then we couldn't find a broker to do this for us for a number of hours, so we were kicked out of the US border inspection area 5 hours later, make phone calls and such, then finally a nice borker wrote up a letter dropping a whole bunch of names of border officers, and tariff headings that was accepted and we got through about 20 hours after we had initially planned, with about 12 being in limbo dealing with the border. They managed to belittle our university, young people, Canadians, and it was just a very pleasurable experience in general. The border patrols had told us to get a Carnet, or TIB (Temporary Importation Bond) which were both pretty expensive, and the brokers weren't sure how to deal with a TIB because it was a vehicle and they needed EPA, NHTSA, and DOT documents even though we were busy trying to tell everybody it was a go kart, rather than a car.
Bryan Hagenauer
06-14-2006, 09:04 PM
First day- It was hot. Cheers to the team with the kiddie pool.
Cal Poly SLO has a cool carbon/carbon rear brake. UTA has some aggressive wings and a cute little motor- I can't wait to hear it sing. It was hot.
Tech seemed to be a stickler on mounting the intake to the engine only- I saw at least one car with it on the chassis who passed tech in Detroit.
06-14-2006, 10:01 PM
We are offically calling our "kiddie pool" Short Beach. The Pool was pretty nice, probably one of our best $8 investments and shows the planning we put into the competition :-). It was not offically a great idea until the air jets were installed and the mist-er got the proper air flow behind it :-). Tomorrow's plan involves a palm tree, the RV with the tv, finding honey's (girls), maybe some sand not in that order though. Well I am off to bed, 7:30 driver's meeting and all.
James Waltman
06-15-2006, 12:29 AM
First impressions of Cal Speedway as a site for the event:
This place is sweet. It's so much nicer than the Silverdome. There are actual buildings to have the events in. There's plenty of space for all of the teams. The parking spots are big. Each team has water and power (even a 220v outlet!!).
The facilities are first rate.
We'll see how the events go tomorrow.
It is a little hot here. The Oklahoma guys had a pool with bubble jets and a mist system.
The WWU guys had their dyno fan blasting through their tent pure genius.
I'm uploading some pictures now. This hotel is pretty liberal in its classification of High Speed Internet'. It might take a while.
There should be about 440 pictures (37 pages).
The link should be:
That link may not work until all of the pictures are uploaded. If you can't wait, you can delete the index' part of the address and find your way to browse the images individually.
These pictures are from me and Justin Foote both WWU alumni. That will explain the overabundance of pictures from WWU. Sorry about that.
06-15-2006, 05:12 AM
so what tricks does western washington have this year, v-8? cnc'd car?
06-15-2006, 08:20 AM
Wow...that talk about tire temps being where they should be!
06-15-2006, 10:48 AM
Forecast for
Fontana, CA (92335)
On The Spot Weather
Forecast Conditions
High/Low ?F
Jun 15
90?/62? 20%
Jun 16
91?/63? 0%
Jun 17
93?/65? 0%
Who wants to speculate about the endurance attrition rate at 93?F?
CMURacing - Prometheus
06-15-2006, 01:39 PM
do you mean drivers, spectators, or cars? this summer's already a scorcher, and i don't expect this weekend to be any less warm.
06-15-2006, 03:40 PM
After welding all of UTA's car, and CNCing all the parts for it, I got nasty sick right before it got finished. Now I'm at home instead of driving it. Does anyone have any pictures of it yet? I haven't even seen it in painted bodywork.
06-15-2006, 05:44 PM
Thanks for the pics James. I especially apreciate the OSU pics, I was bit thrown by the almost candy apple red paint at first, as I haven't seen the car since before body work and powder coat. But the question is where were the UW pics?
06-15-2006, 07:42 PM
is that a rotary damper on that monoshock roll bar?
Tony K
06-15-2006, 08:12 PM
Originally posted by RacingManiac:
is that a rotary damper on that monoshock roll bar?
Sort of... it's actually a motorcycle steering damper, but it does serve the same function as a rotary damper, this one just works to damp roll.
L.R. Weidner
06-15-2006, 08:45 PM
Very nice pictures. All of us that couldn't make it out there are grateful! Please keep them coming.
It looks like it may be a very exciting weekend indeed.
06-15-2006, 08:48 PM
Ah, that's what it was. Very impressive.
And UTA's just as beautiful in person as I'd been hoping. Can't wait to hear it run. (
Also, the monoshock roll damper that was being discussed: (
Tony K
06-15-2006, 08:53 PM
Also, I just got off the phone with a friend of mine, and apparently the UTA car is in the parking lot of their hotel with the entire rear of the car taken apart. Hopefully those guys can take care of whatever is wrong; I'm really interested in seeing how a turbocharged 250cc would perform against the rest of the field.
06-15-2006, 09:26 PM
Anyone catch the whole list of design semifinalists? The ones I remember are UTA, UMRolla, Cal Poly SLO, RMIT and Auburn, I think.
Kirk Feldkamp
06-15-2006, 09:34 PM
I was caught off guard by the announcement, so this was the list I got when frantically trying to write with a dead pen. Let us know if I'm wrong on any of these.
59 Oklahoma
13 Chalmers
61 Auburn
62 Michigan St.
23 Cal Poly SLO
63 ETS
66 UTA
09 Ecole Polytechnique De Montreal
35 Sophia University
I will reserve my comments until a later date...
06-15-2006, 09:42 PM
No University of Washington? I'm suprised.
06-15-2006, 10:59 PM
The west comp looks great, I would love to get over to a US comp some time.
Nice work by Colorado State team that car has some interesting packaging ideas, loving the Aussie colour scheme too
good luck to the teams over there, especially RMIT, nothing would entertain me more than an Aussie team winning both US comps.
James Waltman
06-15-2006, 11:11 PM
Design Semi Teams
35 Sophia
59 Oklahoma
13 Chalmers
61 Auburn
62 Michigan State
23 Cal Poly SLO
63 ETS
66 UTA
9 ET Montreal
71 Texas A&M
I hear that Sophia had a Tech Sticker removed by the end of the night. I can't confirm that.
I'll try to update some more later tonight.
About 300 more pictures are up here:
Chris Davin
06-16-2006, 07:29 AM
I'm surprised to see Wollongong absent from the design semifinal list.
06-16-2006, 09:57 AM
I'm really interested in seeing how a turbocharged 250cc would perform against the rest of the field.
It will be nothing short of amazing if they get it going in time.
06-16-2006, 01:32 PM
Design Finals:
Design results
4. Cal Poly San Luis Obis - 120
4. Michigan State - 120
4. UTA - 120
7. Ecole Polytech de Montreal - 105
7. Chalmers - 105
7. Sophia - 105
7. U of Oklahoma - 105
7. Texas A&M - 105
12. U of Washington - 90
12. Oregon State
12. Cal Poly Ponoma
12. UOW
12. RIT
12. Ohio State
18. Colorado State
18. WWU - 70
18. U of Victoria
18. U of Cal San Diego
18. U of Cal-Davis
18. U of Kansas
18. U of Akron
18. Clemson
18. UMR
27. USC - 50
27. BYU
27. South Dakota Mines & Tech
27. U of Utah
27. CSU - Northridge
27. Institudo Tec de Chihuahua
27. UT - San Antonio
27. U of British Columbia
27. Kettering
27. U of W Ontario
27. U of Toledo
38. Washington State - 30
38. U of Calgary
38. Lafayette College
38. U of Alberta
38. Montana State U Bozeman
38. U of Delaware
38. Escuela Sup De Ing Automotriz
38. U of Iberoamericana
38. Middle Tennesee State U
38. Faculdade de Engenharia de Sorocaba
38. U of Arizona
No other schools scored points in design.
Sorry if anything is wrong here, I typed it off a photo which I have nowhere to upload to. I am at the event now
06-16-2006, 01:46 PM
Presentation Results
1. Oregon State 75.00
2. Michigan State 72.63
3. Texas A&M 70.72
4. Sophia 70.60
5. Ecole de Tech Superieure 70.25
6. RMIT 68.74
7. BYU - 67.95
8. U of Oklahoma - 66.25
9. UOW - 64.70
10. Cal Poly Pomona 64.64
11. U of W Ontario - 62.54
12. Auburn 61.49
13. UMR 60.30
14. U of Arizona 59.84
15. U of Kansas 58.56
16. Colorado State U 58.14
17. U of Toledo 57.75
18. South Dakota Mines & tech - 56.10
19. UW - 55.56
20. Chalmers - 55.27
21. U of ALberta - 54.08
22. Cal Poly San Luis Obis - 53.67
23. RIT - 51.97
24. Akron - 47.52
25. UTA - 47.16
26. CSU Northridge - 45.53
27. U of Delaware - 44.86
28. U of British Columbia - 44.68
29. Kettering - 41.07
30. Clemson - 40.62
31. Ohio State - 39.09
32. U of Cal San Diego - 38.51
33. Facuidade de Engenharia de Sorocaba - 36.81
34. Instituo Tech de Chihuahua - 36.01
35. U of Cal Davis - 35.98
36. U of Texas San Antonio - 34.27
37. U of Iberoamericana - 34.05
38. Ecole Poly de Montreal - 32.94
39. Lafayette - 29.78
40. Montana State Bozeman - 29.01
41. U of Utah - 28.75
42. U of Cal Irvine - 28.36
43. Polytech U of Puerto Rico - 27.93
44. U of Calgary - 27.92
45. Middle Tennessee State - 25.09
46. Washington State - 24.77
47. WWU - 23.79
48. U of Victoria - 23.61
No other schools scored in Presentation Event. Scores are subject to my screwing up typeing them in
06-16-2006, 02:07 PM
Results for Cost Event
1. Faculdade de Engenharia de Sorocaba - 94.02
2. U of Arizona - 90.26
3. Ohio State - 90.09
4. U of Alberta - 89.83
5. U of Toledo - 89.40
6. Auburn - 89.28
7. Ecole de Tech Superieure - 89.01
8. RMIT - 87.51
9. U of Oklahoma - 87.45
10. Polytech U of Puerto Rico - 85.92
11. U of Cal Davis - 84.81
12. UOW - 82.51
13. Akron - 82.45
14. Chalmers - 81.91
15. U of British Columbia - 81.48
16. Texas A&M - 81.28
17. WWU - 81.13
18. UW - 80.95
19. RIT - 80.82
20. Ecole Poly e Montreal - 79.40
21. U of Western Ontario - 78.79
22. Cal State Northridge - 78.77
23. UMR - 78.71
24. Oregon State - 78.22
25. Instituto Tech de Chihuahua - 78.20
26. Clemson - 77.41
27. Sophia - 77.03
28. Montana State U Bozeman - 76.33
29. BYU - 74.25
30. UT San Antonio - 74.15
31. U of Delaware - 72.04
32. U of Calgary - 71.27
33. Cal Poly Ponoma - 68.89
34. Kettering - 67.61
35. Washington State U - 67.18
36. U of Victoria - 66.73
37. U Iberoamericana - 66.69
38. U of Cal San Diego - 65.69
39. Kansas - 64.73
40. Cal Poly San Luis Obis - 63.89
41. South Dakota Sch of Mines & tech - 62.47
42. UTA - 62.07
43. U of Utah - 61.64
44. Colorado State U - 56.30
45. Michigan State - 52.44
46. Middle Tennessee U - 52.07
47. Lafayette College - 48.34
48. U of Cal Irvine - 12.72
No other schools scored positive points in cost
06-16-2006, 04:20 PM
And apparently UTA is down and out for the count. I think they're coming home tonight.
06-16-2006, 04:36 PM
Didn't see UTA run anything other than the brake test early this morning. Too bad.
Props to Kansas for being the only team under 40s in autox. Super smooth and pure speed.
Kyle Walther
06-16-2006, 07:09 PM
Originally posted by Alex Kwan:
Didn't see UTA run anything other than the brake test early this morning. Too bad.
Props to Kansas for being the only team under 40s in autox. Super smooth and pure speed.
Yeah, Nick is a show off. Why can't he drive craply(is that a word) like the rest of us. =]
Dan G
06-16-2006, 07:29 PM
Hey guys, here's my photos. My new zoom lens isn't going to work. I took a gamble and its just too fuzzy, not a right fit.
I'm not sure if I'll have any more shots than this, visiting more of SoCal is hard to decide against.
This venue is awesome, I expect its going to be the "big dog" race in just a few years.
Neil S
06-16-2006, 07:31 PM
Maybe we can get Erich to teach him how to drive slow and make mistakes.
Dan G
06-16-2006, 07:33 PM
Now its time to go see F&F3...
Here's some of the better shots...
Also, really too bad about UTA, hate to see a team have trouble like that.
James Waltman
06-16-2006, 08:32 PM
This link is for my pictures of the Results sheets.
Only 96 new pictures today here:
It was hotter than hell today. (
I guess that UTA spent all night swapping an engine. It was cobbled together from spares. I heard that it blew up while they were still trying to pass the Noise Check today.
The team packed up and headed back to Texas. A few of the guys might have stayed.
I was really interested in seeing them run.
The WWU guys got through everything up to the Noise Check yesterday. When they tested the main power switch (kill all electrical) during the Noise Check something went wrong. The computer (MegaSquirt) must have fried. They spent all last night building a new one from scratch. They spent all day today troubleshooting. The ETS guys were a super help. They helped them troubleshoot for a few hours (maybe all day - way beyond what's reasonable). They're bringing the car back to the hotel tonight to work on it more.
Michigan State swapped an engine yesterday and was able to pull off second place in the autocross. That's impressive.
I was writing down all of the Autocross times but they were very fast with posting the results.
I had a great seat for the endurance. If I had a better camera I could have snapped off some nicer pics.
I've met a lot of the forum regulars that's always fun.
Its been really interesting from a tire standpoint. Its nice to see some real tire temps from just a couple of AutoX runs. The course was a little tight and the main surface seemed to have a lot of grip but the parts of the course on the runoff areas didn't seem so good. The enduro should be fun... Too bad the blimp won't be there to capture 5 or 6 cars on the course at once.
Big Bird
06-16-2006, 10:16 PM
Weather's bloody beautiful. Dunno what you lot are all complaining about
Cheers for all the shots James, I'll take a look when I get on a quicker connection.
Good luck to all for tomorrow,
06-16-2006, 10:54 PM
I am pretty sure this car wasn't driving around at the event today See you all tomorrow in the heat of the cali desert.
Originally posted by Dan G:
Here's some of the better shots...
06-17-2006, 07:40 AM
Good luck today OU. I'm watching carefully to see how you are doing and it all looks good so far. And if anything happens to break on the car first blame it on Matt and then make sure to pass it off on Bobby the rest of the time. I look forward to hearing from one of you on Sunday to hear how it went.
06-17-2006, 08:24 AM
Forecast today: 99 degrees and sunny.
I expect to see a lot of failed cooling systems today.
Looks like RMIT are in good shape again, as I'd expect them to gain a lot of fuel economy points on the field. Of course, a lot can happen in the enduro, so we'll see.
Dan G
06-17-2006, 11:05 AM
Call me crazy, but I'm skipping the comp today. Driving up to hollywood and seeing stuff around the area won the battle. Just got back from the "Starbucks Show" in Crystal Cove, too bad I forgot the camera.
RIT Alumni
06-17-2006, 11:37 AM
Just got word from competition that several of the top teams in autocross dropped out of the endurance this morning. Anybody have a number, and which schools? I heard Michigan State and Texas A&M for sure.
06-17-2006, 12:04 PM
Yep, poised and waiting on results! How are Chalmers doing/done?
James Waltman
06-17-2006, 04:05 PM
These are my endurance notes.
This is just what I saw and heard. Some of it is second hand. Some of this may have some errors. Please correct any errors you see.
Texas A&M passes Wollongong
Kansas Gas cap fell off noticed during driver change put back on and the team continues.
Michigan State was running fast but had a constant mist/cloud from what looked like the coolant overflow
Texas A&M stalled out on the track 20 seconds or so and they were on their way again.
Toledo spins out
Texas A&M pulled into the pits for a few minutes looks like they leave again with the same driver. ???
Michigan State DNF the mist/cloud was all of the water boiling off leads to engine troubles
Toledo was gaining on Texas A&M but had to change drivers before they got close enough to pass
Wollongong's second driver spins off course gets going again
Big flame from the Kansas tailpipe every time they pass us
RMIT has trouble starting the car during the driver change. They get it going and get back on the course. <STRIKE>Geoff is driving second (Big Bird)</STRIKE> *Edit: Jase was driving - my mistake*
Kansas passes Wollongong
RMIT stalls/spins? gets it going again
Half a lap later <STRIKE>Geoff</STRIKE> Jase decides to see how fast the car is across the grass...
Was there trouble controlling the car?
Kansas completes the endurance but is missing a cap for the fuel tank??
UMR gains on RMIT and then passes
RMIT seems a little down on speed??
Ohio State gets pulled into the pits on a misflag by a course worker. They can't restart their car = DNF
RIT passes Akron
Cal Poly Pomona spins off course on the first lap.
U of Washington passes Akron
UW spins 1 lap later at the same spot and Akron passes back
UW passes Akron 1.5 laps later
UW spins
UMR drags a cone around for a long time
RIT seems quick
Cal Poly Pomona DNF at driver change couldn't restart
Oklahoma was good through the driver changes
U of Delaware starts the endurance goes 3ft and stalls out
They are way off the pace and holding everyone up a lot. Something is making them much slower than they were in the autocross
UW, Montreal, Oklahoma, Auburn all get held up by Delaware.
Delaware is running laps in the 90 second range Auburn is running the 72 second range
U of Washington passes Montreal
U of Washington completes the endurance
Ecole Polytechnique De Montreal DNF
U of Victoria (B.C.) holds up Cal Poly SLO for a lap
U of Victoria looks unhealthy
Auburn passes UVic
Black flag for Auburn
Held for about a minute then sent back out
Cal State Northridge is faster than ETS and passes them
ETS has a mirror loose it flaps all over the place
U Victoria is off and towed away
Western Ontario passes Cal State Northridge
Clemson passes Cal State Northridge
Western Ontario stalls out goes about 30 yards and stall out again
Clemson gains on ETS
ETS ignores/misses a blue flag that would have let Clemson pass
Clemson passes ETS at the next passing lane
ETS gets loose on a corner right in front of us right before the flag station
UC Irvine stalls out right then and ETS is stuck behind them
ETS got loose on the corner because of a flat tire
UC Irvine stalls out and holds up Chalmers
UC San Diego has big problems stalling and surging - It causes the whole field to bunch up
Chalmers is pulled off of the course sent back out again
UC Davis spins out stalls gets going again
Clemson goes off course. The driver plants the throttle and whips it all the way around to get back on course
Sophia passes the Brazilian car (the red one with E85 and a Turbo? Sorry)
They are evenly matched and pass back and forth a few times
UCSD is stalled out and rolling they start the car again as they pass by me and they continue on
UCSD is having serious trouble they are barely limping along
Kettering passes UCSD and completes the Endurance
U of Texas San Antonio loses a wheel = DNF
U of Alberta seems wounded and is slow they get a black flag and DNF
Arizona's muffler falls off after only a few laps. They had added a bit of tube that must have made it heavier (I assume it was an effort to pass Noise Check)
Washington State is running a solid endurance they are faster than the other teams who are still running. Washington St completes the Endurance
Oregon State was running at the end of the endurance because engine troubles were holding them up. They were running well but DNFed. I don't know why.
My boys at WWU were fighting their ECU all night.
I asked them this morning what the status was. They were waiting for a new chip. From where? Overnight from Bellingham.
They park the car in line for the brake test because they hadn't passed yet. The chip shows up and they throw it in. Pass the brake test and head straight to the endurance line. They are one of the last cars in line.
Jack gets in two laps before he gets a black flag. The coolant overflow bottle was spraying all over. DNF
I know that they are disappointed but I'm proud of how hard they were working on it.
I think that I'm missing the Design Review now.
I'll try to get a video of it and post it.
The awards ceremony is in an hour. I'll post the results later.
I'll get more pictures up soon.
06-17-2006, 04:54 PM
Thanks for the notes. I can add to Auburn's story a bit.
Auburn's best lap was a 69, first driver was consistant 70s, second drive consistant 72s.
2nd driver thought that he was at a passing zone while caught behind a much slower car (that didn't yield to the first blue flag). He went straight thinking it was a passing zone but the passing zone was one more chicane past. Anyway he went off course and came back on ahead of the slower car. Black flag for 'illegal pass.' 1 minute penalty!
Too bad since with RMIT's spin, Auburn had a good chance to win.
As it stands I'd say RMIT are going to be tough to beat but it's going to be close.
06-17-2006, 06:36 PM
Design Final Results:
1. ETS
2. Auburn
06-17-2006, 07:07 PM
I heard UOW won enduro. Secondhand info though.
Edited because I don't know for sure.
06-17-2006, 07:20 PM
Second-hand information here too - but a teammate called and said Texas A&M won the endurance, Road & Track, and overall.
Blake Clements
Texas A&M '06 FSAE Team
06-17-2006, 07:23 PM
What Road & Track?
James Waltman
06-17-2006, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by Charlie:
What Road & Track?
The Road & Track shootout.
Are you new to this stuff Charlie?
I didn't see it happening either.
Road & Track Shootout
Texas A&M won
Other participants:
Michigan State
Overall Results
1. Texas A&M
2. Wollongong
3. R.I.T.
4. Toledo
6. Auburn
7. Oklahoma
8. UMR
9. U of Washington
10. Sophia
Endurance Results:
1. Wollongong
2. UMR
3. Texas A&M
4. R.I.T.
5. U of Washington
6. Toledo
8. Oklahoma
9. Clemson
10. Akron
11. Cal Poly SLO
12. Sophia
13. Auburn
14. Kettering
15. Lafayerre
16. Faculdade de Engenharia de Sorocaba
17. Chalmers
18. SDSM&T
19. Kansas
20. Instituto Tecnologico De Chihuahua
21. Middle Tennessee State
22. Cal State Northridge
23. Washington State
24. UC Davis
25. Escuela Sup De Ing Automotriz
26. U of Utah
DNF of DNS all others
Design Finals
1. ETS
2. Auburn
06-17-2006, 08:28 PM
Well we were fast in the endurance.... but the gas mileage got us. If we could have had some clear track and not had the mileage get us I think a top ten wouldn't have been out of our range. For all of the problems our car has in the design I'm pretty happy with how well it performed. But hey we got 5th in the skid pad with a 630lb car. I'm thinkin everyone else needs to get to work or something.
From my notes:
3rd - UMR
2nd - Wollongong
1st - A&M
Top Dynamic Points (Honda Award)
3rd - Toledo
2nd - Wollongong
1st - A&M
10 - Sophia
09 - U Washington
08 - UMR
07 - Oklahoma
06 - Auburn
05 - RMIT
04 - Toledo
03 - RIT
02 - Wollongong
01 - A&M
Probably all still unofficial until the results are actually posted on the website.
RIT Alumni
06-17-2006, 09:14 PM
Great job RIT!!! This team is really working well and built a super-reliable, fast racecar that brought home 3rd place! An excellent improvement on 12th in Detroit....see you in Australia???
Congratulations to the top ten finishers!
But especially to the UMR team...
8th place overall and 2nd in endurance!
The Cali showing really proved what the car could do, a 17 second faster raw time in endurance than the following team...that's 0.8 seconds faster per lap on average!!! --> Go full aero (even if the design judges think its just extra weight).
Ah.... correction....
T A&M were 4 seconds behind UMR (raw time).
But still..... great job everyone!
06-18-2006, 12:07 AM
I would like to tell everyone great job this past week. I was very thankful for the way all the teams treated us (washington state university) for being our first competition. We had a horrible time passing the sound test. Thanks to university of washington we finally passed in time to place 5th in skid pad and not so hot in the accel or autocross. We were also really fast in the endurance, but got burned by using too much fuel. 4 minute penalty is a lot. Oh well, we learned from what we did well and what we didn't do well. Hopefully we can make a better impression next year to where other schools will expect good results from us year after year. All in all, this was a great experience for everyone on our team. Thanks for putting on a great show.
06-18-2006, 12:51 AM
Oregon State's starter cluch blew up on the endurance grid. We had to bring the car back to the pits and change it and got back to dynamic area with 4 minuts to spare. At the driver change the car wouldn't restart due to overheating.
I think that we posted a good time on the only lap that we weren't stuck in traffic.
Does anyone know a way to get lap times of the dnf teams?
06-18-2006, 11:13 AM
Congrats to OU for the 7th place finish. Such a big improvement in such a short period of time. I see nothing but good things in the future. Hope to see you all in Texas within the next few weeks.
06-18-2006, 12:36 PM
Anybody have the final positions????
06-18-2006, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by RIT Alumni:
Great job RIT!!! This team is really working well and built a super-reliable, fast racecar that brought home 3rd place! An excellent improvement on 12th in Detroit....see you in Australia???
Doesnt everyone else? What makes RIT different. Congrates on the result
Lucas Fornace
06-18-2006, 01:29 PM
Thanks to James for the endurance notes. I liked that. Sorry to the "bunched up" field that got stuck behind us. Our fuel pump comitted suicide right around lap 12 or 13, and we tried to limp it in, but the judges had enough by lap 18 and we got the black. Too bad, it would have been great on fuel economy!
Hope everyone had fun.
06-18-2006, 02:22 PM
c'mon, where are the pictures??? videos???
06-18-2006, 05:33 PM
Yeah i'm really interested in seeing if anyone caught video/pictures of UTSA losing a wheel. All in all I am really proud of those guys, they've come a long way since 2004.
06-18-2006, 06:07 PM
UTSA lost a wheel? Those were really good guys and we all liked talking to them all week, but unfortunately I guess we didn't get to see them run the eduro b/c we were too busy with the standstill line at fuel followed by impounding then Road and Track.
06-18-2006, 06:17 PM
Yeah this is from one of my friends that was the VP for the '06 team: "the breakage was caused by a spindle nut coming lose and causing the left front rotating assembly to come off the car."
Like I said.. i want to see photos. The car really looked good and strong in testing
Chris Davin
06-18-2006, 08:44 PM
Congrats to the team from Texas A&M on their win.
Does anyone know if Jordon was driving for them?
06-18-2006, 08:52 PM
Yes, Jordan did drive. I was told he drove the first leg. From what I understand his lap times were about the same as the second driver, but don't take my information as concrete.
06-18-2006, 10:13 PM
Originally posted by Toeknee:
Yeah this is from one of my friends that was the VP for the '06 team: "the breakage was caused by a spindle nut coming lose and causing the left front rotating assembly to come off the car."
Like I said.. i want to see photos. The car really looked good and strong in testing
I think it was the right front from the driver's perspective. I was working the track just after the slalom toward the end of the enduro circuit. I saw the wheel come off at the begining of the slalom. Luckily the car wasn't going fast enough to hit anything hard and the driver did a good job of not totally losing control. I am sure it was quite scary for him though.
06-18-2006, 10:30 PM
Yeah it was second hand info.. but now that i recall the person that told me the first time did say the right front. This kinda reminded me of Kimi Raikkonen's incident at the Nurburgring last year, of course at a much slower speed and without all that carbon fiber everywhere.
James Waltman
06-18-2006, 10:36 PM
Some pictures from the Endurance are up.
I was trying to take these through a hole in the fence so they aren't all that great tough to get the timing right. My shutter speed wasn't fast enough either.
This brings the number of pictures that Justin and I took to a little over 1000. I'll try to get other pictures from the WWU guys up. If anyone has good ones I'll get them hosted.
06-19-2006, 05:20 AM
superior job James, Have/can you post detail shots of TexasA&M? I've seached but those sheep chasers don't seem able to use digi camera/internet. Cheers Bryan H
Chris Davin
06-19-2006, 06:07 AM
Dan G
06-19-2006, 06:10 AM
This was the only decent shot I managed to get of A&M...
06-19-2006, 07:20 AM
Originally posted by Dan G:
What/who is this car?
Regards, Ian
Dan G
06-19-2006, 07:35 AM
Originally posted by murpia:
What/who is this car?
Regards, Ian
Colorado State. Very unique car, I liked it.
More pics at the bottom of this page...
06-19-2006, 08:59 AM
Well, as an 01/02 FSAE alum, I decided I'd make the 1 hour trip north to the FSAE West event and check it out and support my alma matta (UTSA). Having been to 2 Detroit FSAE events, I have to say, hands down, FSAE West rocks. You just can't beat the predictable weather and the top notch facilities. I personally think that the FSAE West event was awesome. It may be hot, but hey......I'd much rather have high temps and good tire temps than cyclones and cancelled events. The one thing about socal weather is that it's predictabbly sunny and warm.
From what I could see, I think that the event was a smashing success. I think havign it at a true racing track brings an aura of real racing to the event.
As for my UT San Antonio an alum, I couldn't be more proud. I know that they had somewhere around 3 solid months of driving testing in their car. It's just an unfortunate occurance. None the less, knowing all the problems/BS they have had with just trying to get to the event, I am very proud to see where they have gone. Good work guys! Make sure that Mike and Kona (sp?) carry the torch!!
06-19-2006, 09:09 AM
Totally agree with you... kinda makes me want to join the team again. I was part of the '04 team.
06-19-2006, 09:19 AM
Does anyone have the full results or the results for the other awards?
06-19-2006, 09:22 AM
Originally posted by Toeknee:
Totally agree with you... kinda makes me want to join the team again. I was part of the '04 team. have a private message.
Wade Marcantonio
06-19-2006, 09:42 AM
You asked for some pics of TexasA&M, so here you go. Here we are, happy to be finished, but not sure if we've won yet.
Here are the Enduro drivers, me on left, Jordan Musser right. I drove the first heat, Jordan drove the second heat. This is Jordan's last year to drive, so some of you may sleep easier now, although we both had the same lap times...
Here I passed Wollongong
More dynamics photos
Finally, a happy team after a long 9 months of work.
06-19-2006, 11:21 AM
what supercharger is A&M running, they were too busy/stuck-up to talk to me the 3 times I confronted them at Detroit about there car...
06-19-2006, 11:44 AM
I don't think that is the best way to get an answer out of them now. Those guys had a lot on their plate in Detroit. I seriously doubt they were blowing you off on purpose. I would tell you if I knew, but I only know the basics about this years car.
06-19-2006, 11:44 AM
believe me, the last thing Horace is (our engine guy) is stuck up. We just had some major problems and ended up pulling the motor halfway appart (among other things) in MI.
I dont have any answer for you exactly, so i dont want to spill what I know because i might not be exactly right.. he might chime in later.
Congrats to our whole team who worked their asses off!
06-19-2006, 01:13 PM
Congrats A&M, hats off to you guys for putting on an excellent showing. even making design semis too!
as for UTA, it is somewhat of a long story. we had been running an engine for the entire semester on fuel we mixed on our own (denatured alcohol and pump gas) up until a week before the comp when the DFW area got our first E85 pump. immediately we got some and filled our car with it. and of course it didn't run at all. we a bunch of tuning, Rex the engine guy got it running again... this turned out to might have been a mistake from the beginning (not getting real E85 earlier). the second part of the first problem came from poor advice to use a timing table from the old M85 cars in 98 and 99. they were very advanced timing tables and the results of the new fuel and to much timing showed with a blown piston and no compression in 1 and 4, 1 day before we had to leave for cali. that night we did an engine swap to an old engine used back in 98. unfortunately this engine once we got it in and tried running it, it had a severe ticking sound coming from it. it was loud enough that we didn't dare run with it. the diagnosis was valve train problems, so the head (dubbed "ticky") was removed, and replaced with a head from a third engine that had been built with a fresh bottom end that had severe problems turning over when we first tried running it (more on that engine shortly). so with the new head put on the engine in the car, we ran out of time to test it and had to put it on the trailer and drive to cali.
after getting to cali, the first day the car actually got locked in tech inspection for the night when we really had to take it off site and get the car running. the next day the car was in and out of static events, while trying to get the car to start. once it got running, it would only idle for more then a few seconds and turn off. huge thanks to Brian and Robert at Performance electronics for helping us try to get it running. by the end of design semis, the grounds were being shut down for the night and we were force to take the car off site to replace the engine.
because we were all out of complete replacement engines, Rex and myself canabalized the 3 bad engines we had. the fresh bottom engine engine we had turned out to be hard to turn over because of a cheap torque wrench used to tighten the crank journal bearings to tight... all 4 bearings were toasted including the crank. we were able to scavange the pistons from it though, which were coated on the skirts and the crowns. we then took the case and crank with bearings from the engine which blew earlier in the week, and replaced the incinerated pistons with the coated pistons and had the bottom end back together during the day before leaving the site. after leaving the site, we decided to put good 'ole "ticky" the head on the bottom end we just build, because we had found the ticking was not actually from the head, but from the bottom end of the case in the car.
that night in the hotel parking lot, we finished assembling the engine scavenged from 3 different engines, we removed the bad engine from the car, and swapped in the one we built. at 4am that night we got the engine running and it ran beautifully, all the way to 19k rpm. by this time all the batteries we had were toasted though.... so first thing in the morning we had to get more.
we loaded the trailer and took off making sure to be the first though re-tech, which michael royce was gracious enough to quickly inspect it and told us to get going with the dynamic tech portion. after passing the sound test with 109dB on the first try, we went to braking where things started to fall apart with the dead batteries. we struggled to keep the car running without having to restart it, and on the 3rd attempt aftering not locking the rear brakes the engine took its last breath.
that is the saga of what is to be the worst appearance in UTA history.
As team captain though, i am extremely proud of all the team and the huge effort we put into for this car. unlike previous years, nearly everything on the car was a new design. and our moto in the build process became, "if you haven't built it twice, it isn't right" because of all the mistakes made during build. during all these mistakes we learned a tremendous amount of trouble shooting skills, helping us to a 4th place in design!
and heres a run down of all the parts we had to remake:
2 sets of front uprights (jig plate didn't hold the caliper tabs perpindicular to the spindle... makes for REALLY squishy brakes)
2 sets of a-arms (jig plate designed to the wrong itteration of the suspension)
2 sets of dampers (first set was Risse, which were leaking out of the box. we sent them back for cane creek double barrels which were fantastic)
2 sets of brake master cylinders (home made, and someone filled the resevior with used fluid with metal particles in it... brake seals and piston walls don't like metal particles)
2 sets of pedal assemblies (new design didn't fit right first try)
2 undertrays (the mold was leaking and the vacuum bag didn't hold a seal)
2 turbos (seals we bad on one)
2 diffs (first one started leaking)
way to many carbon rims (the assembly process is hard, and as such we have a high failure rate)
more then a few wings gone bad due to cone impacts, push starting mishaps on the rear wing, bad mount on the rear also kept braking too.
frame was cut apart 3 times for serious mistakes (front roll hoop misplaced, wrong tube size for front bulkhead, and a square tube for the diff which was a PITA to make).
shifter made twice after bending the first (the I-beam tapered off to quickly to the top)
steering wheel made twice (first got stuck in the mold)
decals had to be redone because of the first attempt being rushed and poorly applied.
3 ECUs (one was toasted trying to get the LED tach to work, the tach output stopped working making it impossible to tune with it, the second didn't have the drivers for the 3rd injector bank to opperate the 5th injector).
and on and on and on....
06-19-2006, 02:18 PM
Kevin D
If at first you don't succeed, try, try and try again...and if then it doesn't work, crack open a beer, be glad you had fun and get drunk
06-19-2006, 02:20 PM
jonnierice, don't worry we tried and tried all the way to the last minute. and we will be partying it up later this week when we get caught up on sleep.
Jersey Tom
06-19-2006, 02:55 PM
We also had some unreal QC issues with Risses this year.
06-19-2006, 05:14 PM
Well done to A&M another win for a single!!
Congrate to the RMIT guys as well its been a very successful trip for you and one you wnt forget!
Has anyone else added up the results from the pages that James W has taken photos of? because they dont quite equal what the end results were did some of the events change after you took the pics??
Mark Hester
06-19-2006, 05:24 PM
Rotor, the endurance results changed. I'm not sure of the details, but I know that the initial endurance results that are in James' picture are not the final numbers.
Mauricio Madrid
06-19-2006, 08:26 PM
Texas A&M was third on the initial scores posted for the endurence event but thier was a mistake in the scoring. The officials counted A&M as off course but we did not miss a gate but rather spun out and hit cones. The scores were corrected, 20 seconds were added, and A&M won the endurence event with the correction. As proof A&M won the goodyear award which is awarded to the winner of the endurence event. A&M also won the award for 1st place in all dynamic events added together.
An interesting fact is that we had about 120 seconds of screw ups with a spin out and the engine cutting out once. We still managed to pass wollongong in the first five laps, wollongong again after the engine failure, and kansas once after the spin out. If it were not for the two errors that cost us 120 seconds or so, we would have passed the whole field at least once in teh fastest heat which we ran in.
Both our drivers did an excellent job. Our first driver Wade M had to go out in the first heat with a cold and dirty track therefore his first laps were in the 1:10 and 1:11 but after a few laps the track improved significantly and he settled in consistently with lap time in the 1:07. Jordan M was our second driver and he did awesome and the track had gotten much better by then. He recorded the fastest lap time of the day with 1:06. Of course, these numbers are all unofficial. They were as a result of our own stopwatches. The fastest car we recorded apart from us was Missouri-Rolla in about the 1:10 to 1:11's.
A&M also three-peated in the road and track event with a margin of 0.4 seconds over second place with a time of 31.8s (unofficially) second was michigan state with a 32.2 (unofficially).
Gig Em Ags
James Waltman
06-19-2006, 08:33 PM
Right, none of the pictures I posted of the results were official. They were just what was put up at the event.
Here are my notes from the Awards Ceremony. Again, nothing official just my notes.
Altair Engineering's William R. Adam Engineering Award
Top team that exhibits innovative engineering concepts in vehicle design. - $1000
Winner UCSD
Michigan State
Bruel and Kjaer Quiet Car Cup
Awarded for the car that measures the lowest dbA reading on the first try during the noise event. - $250
U of Alberta 101dB
Continental Teves Best in Class Brake Systems Award
This award is based upon innovation, technology, cost/value, analytical and design methods, component and material selection, failsafe, and overall packaging. - $1250, $750, $500
1. ETS
2. Auburn
Lincoln Electric Welding
UC Davis
Road & Track Triathlon Award
The team that records the fastest time on the Road & Track course. - Trophy
Winner Texas A&M
Michigan State
Goodyear Best Performance Award
Top 3 teams in the Endurance event - 3 sets of tires, 2 sets of tires, 1 set of tires
1. Texas A&M
2. Wollongong
3. UMR
Honda Acceleration Award
Best acceleration time. - $1200, $800, $500
1. Oregon State
2. Sophia
Honda Dynamic Event Award
Best Overall In Dynamic Events - $1200, $800, $500
1. Texas A&M
2. Wollongong
3. Toledo
Fastest three recorded autocross runs. - 8 Free Tires, 6 Free Tires, 4 Free Tires
1. Kansas
2. Michigan State
William C. Mitchell Rookie Award
Best finish for a first year entry. - Racing by the Numbers
Faculdade de Engenharia de Sorocaba
Formula SAE Certificate of Accomplishment
Teams that successfully score in all events and do not finish in the top 10. - Certificates
#23 California State Poly Univ-San Luis Obis
#65 Clemson University
#55 University of Kansas-Lawrence
#13 Chalmers Univ of Tech
#47 Faculdade de Engenharia de Sorocaba
#58 University of Akron
#40 Kettering University
#10 California State Univ - Northridge
#51 University of Calif-Davis
#6 South Dakota Sch of Mines & Tech
#3 Lafayette College
#1 Washington State Univ
Perseverance Award
#45 Universidad Iberoamericana
#20 Montana State Univ-Bozeman
#47 Faculdade de Engenharia de Sorocaba
#5 Brigham Young Univ
#3 Lafayette College
Spirit of Excellence Award
Top ten overall finishers. - $3000, $2000, $1000, $600, $500, $400, $300, $250, $250, $250
1. Texas A&M
2. Wollongong
3. R.I.T.
4. Toledo
6. Auburn
7. Oklahoma
8. UMR
9. U of Washington
10. Sophia
Other things that were talked about at the awards ceremony:
2007 Rules
Watch the FAQ on the Official Forum
Front Roll hoop to Steering Wheel distance
Front Bulkhead Support
Foot and Toe Protection
Shoulder Harness
Intake manifold attach
Dash Power switch - must be push/pull type
95th Percentile man (Percy) will be used as a Go/No Go gauge
They had 90 SEF to review Send yours in early next year.
Push Bar Read the rules
James Waltman
06-19-2006, 08:59 PM
I have uploaded all of the pictures that Justin and I took in a zip file.
Download it here (
It's just short of 120MB. They are all the low resolution versions that I used in the galleries. Send me an email if you want a full resolution copy.
Kirk sent me a CD of his pictures today. I'll make a gallery when I get them.
I also uploaded an MP3 of the Design Review by Mike O'Neil - Chief Design Judge.
Download it here (
This is from the video that Justin Foote took with his digital camera. The sound quality isn't very good but I think that you can make out everything that is said.
If anyone has better audio I'll get it hosted. There are a lot of free programs online to rip video from a digital camera to MP3.
Dan Nauts
06-19-2006, 09:21 PM
Is it ever possible to get endurance lap times?
I'd like to see how fast we were turning laps, as our total time includes 3 stops on course for other spins and offs. We also passed both drivers of most all of the cars on course with us. I'd like to see a clear lap time.
I was told they don't give out laptimes because the event is not a "race" but a test of whether the cars will finish. I would like to see them as well.
06-19-2006, 09:58 PM
At least in the past...
They didn't HAVE lap times. The timing lines are at the exit and entrance to the endurance event. So they have driver 1 and driver 2, but that's all.
06-19-2006, 10:30 PM
The timing loop is NOT on driver exit/entrance. It is passed each and every lap, and they do have lap times. Whether you get to see them or not is another story. That is why we have many of our team members with watches keeping tabs on both us and our competition.
06-20-2006, 12:29 AM
Its a shame that our car was unable to run at Cali. That endurance track had "UTA" written ALL over it.
Anyways, I was able to take some pretty neat pictures at the endurance event. The RMIT guys graciously invited us to chill with them, but we found a giant hole in the fence down the line over by A&M. I asked for permission to use the hole and they politely obliged.
Neil S
06-20-2006, 06:28 AM
Awesome pics of the KU flamethrower and MichSt's water (i assume) spraying. I don't know that the course had UTA written all over, however I do look forward to seeing your car at Nationals.
WOW, great pictues!
The detail and timing is perfect. Check out the flame from KU's car, the fuel spitting out from M-State's car and the side-loading on the cars in the corner.
Do you (or does anyone) have any more dynamic UMR pictures?
Dan G
06-20-2006, 07:18 AM
Really nice shots! I like the one of the A&M car in mid-doriftooo.
Again, really sorry to hear about the trouble UTA had. With any luck, I can scrape enough interest in the team to head out to Nats and see it there.
06-20-2006, 07:58 AM
Originally posted by clif2001:
I don't think that is the best way to get an answer out of them now. Those guys had a lot on their plate in Detroit. I seriously doubt they were blowing you off on purpose. I would tell you if I knew, but I only know the basics about this years car.
I didn't say it was the best way. This competition is to benifit the students of every team, not just the top 10 elites. I recieved 0 information from A&M, regardless of how much "bad Ford Proving Ground Luck" all the top 10 teams were having, they should still have 5 minutes to talk to the little guys.....
on a more positive note, awsome pictures guys!
Mauricio Madrid
06-20-2006, 08:37 AM
Awesome pictures Mex, thanx. This course would have been good for UT. This is one reason why Missouri-Rolla did well.
06-20-2006, 09:21 AM
As a former pro sports/racing photographer, TERRIFIC PHOTOS!!!
Do you have any of the swedish "Volvo" Chalmers car ...
06-20-2006, 10:19 AM
awesome pictures man! thanks.
nick roberts
06-20-2006, 10:51 AM
Originally posted by Mauricio Madrid:
Texas A&M was third on the initial scores posted for the endurence event but thier was a mistake in the scoring. The officials counted A&M as off course but we did not miss a gate but rather spun out and hit cones. The scores were corrected, 20 seconds were added, and A&M won the endurence event with the correction. As proof A&M won the goodyear award which is awarded to the winner of the endurence event. A&M also won the award for 1st place in all dynamic events added together.
An interesting fact is that we had about 120 seconds of screw ups with a spin out and the engine cutting out once. We still managed to pass wollongong in the first five laps, wollongong again after the engine failure, and kansas once after the spin out. If it were not for the two errors that cost us 120 seconds or so, we would have passed the whole field at least once in teh fastest heat which we ran in.
Both our drivers did an excellent job. Our first driver Wade M had to go out in the first heat with a cold and dirty track therefore his first laps were in the 1:10 and 1:11 but after a few laps the track improved significantly and he settled in consistently with lap time in the 1:07. Jordan M was our second driver and he did awesome and the track had gotten much better by then. He recorded the fastest lap time of the day with 1:06. Of course, these numbers are all unofficial. They were as a result of our own stopwatches. The fastest car we recorded apart from us was Missouri-Rolla in about the 1:10 to 1:11's.
A&M also three-peated in the road and track event with a margin of 0.4 seconds over second place with a time of 31.8s (unofficially) second was michigan state with a 32.2 (unofficially).
Gig Em Ags
Your stopwatches must have been mistaken. First off, no one passed us; Wade was catching Jared(our first driver) but driver change prevented an actual pass. And second, I was averaging laps in the 1:08's and had several in the 1:07's(unofficially of course). I am not saying you guys weren't crazy fast out there, but to declare total dominance over the entire field is ridiculous. Running some numbers of our own I can draw my own conclusions. Our displayed raw time is 1556.5, when you subtract the 120 seconds of time we were in the tech box for the fuel cap it goes to 1436.5. Add in the 18s for cones and it goes to 1454.5; which is 1s slower then your adjusted time of 1453.5(our calculations don't remove time for driver error). Any way you look at it, I considered our cars to be the two fastest at Fontana and hope to have more comparisons(UTA Weekend and Nationals) in the future. And this time ill make sure to check our gas cap : ) By the way, how did Wollongong have such a good time, you guys passed them twice and I got them once during my run...weird.
-nick roberts
Aaron Goldsmith
06-20-2006, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by nick roberts:
By the way, how did Wollongong have such a good time, you guys passed them twice and I got them once during my run...weird.
-nick roberts
From watching as a corner worker, Wollongong was just super consistent. They just seemed to cruise around making few mistakes. Though that time they let another car by by spinning off coarse, spinning around and reentering through the same two untouched cones within 3 seconds was pretty amazing.
I also noticed that most of the teams had an obvious and visible difference in skill between their number 1 and number 2 drivers. I'm guessing some of that has to do with the method the teams use for choosing their drivers. Gotta get those drivers out to your local autocrosses for the year leading up to the event. Either way the early runners were pretty impressive.
-Aaron G>
06-20-2006, 12:36 PM
nick, I'm sorry that you had to read such an arrogant sounding post from one of the A&M guys. I hope it was not his intent to sound that way. Even if the performance was that great there is no reason to post such a message. It is great to see how competitive the competition has become. Wish I could see all the cars in action.
06-20-2006, 12:40 PM
you'll certainly had us covered on autocross. we were just not right. There was nothing really left in the car, maybe a few tenths but not a second. We have discussed this and hopefully have a solution for next year!
Was good racing with you, hopefully see you around. Maybe @ UTA in a month. I doubt anybody will go the the SCCA nationals, its a lot of time/money/loss of school when we dont have an aero package(imo, of course)
06-20-2006, 01:06 PM
Congrats to Texas A&M on winning the comp. Also congrats go out to RMIT and Wollongong, you guys did and awesome job. Our car had the unforunate fate of having the throttle getting stuck halfway through the FIRST lap on the endurance run. I'm sure you can imagine what was going on in my head when the car came in and having the previous driver tell you the throttle is stuck. Somehow I managed to get it home in one piece compeleting the event. Much props goes to our brakes engineer. The brakes held up pretty damn good not getting soft throughout the whole race.
Steering Engineer
Handy Andy
06-20-2006, 01:35 PM
What was the deal with Texas A&M's gas cap?
Neil S
06-20-2006, 01:52 PM
I didn't hear anything about A&M's, KU's fell off as you can see in the picture, I especially like the flame picture without the gas cap...very safe. They got a 120second? penalty for it, and were allowed to run as long as no fuel sloshed out.
Handy Andy
06-20-2006, 02:11 PM
It was my understanding that if any piece or liquid came off the car, then they were DQ'd. Am I wrong? Or is it soley up to the tech judges in the blackflag box? The reason I ask is because our muffler came off, which seems alot safer then fuel spraying everywhere, but we were not allowed to continue. Thanks
06-20-2006, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by Mauricio Madrid:
Texas A&M was third on the initial scores posted for the endurence event but thier was a mistake in the scoring. The officials counted A&M as off course but we did not miss a gate but rather spun out and hit cones. The scores were corrected, 20 seconds were added, and A&M won the endurence event with the correction. As proof A&M won the goodyear award which is awarded to the winner of the endurence event. A&M also won the award for 1st place in all dynamic events added together.
An interesting fact is that we had about 120 seconds of screw ups with a spin out and the engine cutting out once. We still managed to pass wollongong in the first five laps, wollongong again after the engine failure, and kansas once after the spin out. If it were not for the two errors that cost us 120 seconds or so, we would have passed the whole field at least once in teh fastest heat which we ran in.
Both our drivers did an excellent job. Our first driver Wade M had to go out in the first heat with a cold and dirty track therefore his first laps were in the 1:10 and 1:11 but after a few laps the track improved significantly and he settled in consistently with lap time in the 1:07. Jordan M was our second driver and he did awesome and the track had gotten much better by then. He recorded the fastest lap time of the day with 1:06. Of course, these numbers are all unofficial. They were as a result of our own stopwatches. The fastest car we recorded apart from us was Missouri-Rolla in about the 1:10 to 1:11's.
A&M also three-peated in the road and track event with a margin of 0.4 seconds over second place with a time of 31.8s (unofficially) second was michigan state with a 32.2 (unofficially).
Gig Em Ags
WOW, someones back must be sore from patting it so hard!
whats the deal on your supercharger, or is that top secret info that cant be given out? (My 5th time asking now....)
Congrats to winners, but dont come on here and brag up how you won everything and how its the officials who are at fault, I have yet to see Cornell do this....
06-20-2006, 03:01 PM
please remove the sand from your.. oh never mind.
I dont see where any of us blamed the offcials. They made a few scoring errors, and corrected most of them. our '120 seconds" worth of screwups were our own, and they were included in our time. Much in the same way KU got screwed on there gascap coming unscrewed(hehe).
If you would READ i said that I DO NOT KNOW enough about the supercharger to tell you. I know Horace(supercharger guy) has a bunch of information on it that he was spilling out to everybody that asked at competition. He kept losing his design binder because people kept looking at it! He is the only one that can give you details. All I know is its a screw style, small, aftermarket unit.
That is what I thought, but in the drivers meeting they said if anything came off they would pull you in to make sure it wouldnt effect the safety of the car. ie, if an air filter came off you can keep running.. if brake pad falls out, you can't.
KU's gas cap deal cost them a LOT, but luckily they had a really tall fill tube and they could continue!
Mauricio Madrid
06-20-2006, 03:28 PM
Hi everyone, my post was not to sound arogant, just giving the info i knew of. I know it is not complete and may be wrong in some conclusions, sorry.
Kansas had an awesome car, and they are probably right about thier lap times. We were not really concerned with them at endurence because we were timming ourselves and RMIT because we knew they were in close contention to win overall. We were shocked to see them finish 6th overall. Kansas had an excellent car, and many other schools too. If Kansas hadn't have been pulled in, maybe they would have won endurence.
Just my two cents in information.
06-20-2006, 03:40 PM
Texas A&M looked to have an Autorotor supercharger.
James Waltman
06-20-2006, 05:11 PM
I got the pictures from Kirk today. The gallery is here: (
It's 169 pictures. Some good shots of the endurance.
I have some video clips that I'll upload later.
Cool pics indeed....but just wondering as I'm looking at them: it seems some of the drivers do not fit below the imaginary line (+2 inches) drawn between main hoop and front hoop. Especially looking at Texas (the driver with the cool dark visor) and Michigan. Or is it just the perspective of the photos playing tricks on my eyes???
06-20-2006, 05:20 PM
Congrats Ags!
UW-Platt: Yes, the supercharger was an Autorotor. I don't know what model but I believe it was the smallest they made. I'm sorry if no one at competition or the internet has been helpful to you. Hope this calms your mind.
Kevin LeClair
06-21-2006, 05:07 AM
Originally posted by rambler323:
Congrats Ags!
UW-Platt: Yes, the supercharger was an Autorotor. I don't know what model but I believe it was the smallest they made. I'm sorry if no one at competition or the internet has been helpful to you. Hope this calms your mind.
Kevin LeClair
thank you much, I was just really curious, it was a tiny little thing and worked out good for ya, thanks for the info and sorry for ranting
Marshall Grice
06-21-2006, 09:21 AM
so is SAE ever going to post the results???
06-21-2006, 09:29 AM
Marshall - It was nearly a week after the event before the Detroit results were posted.
Blake Clements
Texas A&M '06 FSAE Engine Team
Marshall Grice
06-21-2006, 10:25 AM
yeah, i guess that just seems a bit slow to me. it would be nice to know how some of us outside the top 10 did. Even if they just posted the overall list on the sae forums "unofficially".
Homemade WRX
06-21-2006, 10:48 AM
Originally posted by MH:
Cool pics indeed....but just wondering as I'm looking at them: it seems some of the drivers do not fit below the imaginary line (+2 inches) drawn between main hoop and front hoop. Especially looking at Texas (the driver with the cool dark visor) and Michigan. Or is it just the perspective of the photos playing tricks on my eyes??? I noticed that at FSAE "east"...we got harrassed about having the same clearance...which is what made us notice there's...
not to say there are favorites among officials...they must have been bugged by them too...
06-21-2006, 01:50 PM
I was one of the first time event officials for the dynamic events from CalClub Region of SCCA. I heard nothing but positive comments from those of us that got to interact with the teams directly. I thoughly enjoyed helping put this on and we all look forward to seeing many more of you in the future.
Here's a comment from our message board from one of the workers:
"As it turned out, the weather report was dead wrong. 90's would have been a blessing. Turned out to be 108 or so. But I hardly noticed. This was supposed to be work. NO driving. But I had a great time! Seeing these kids from all over the world coming here to compete with their designs and driving skills was a real pleasure. I was in a position to interact with many of the teams and individuals who came from as far away as Austrailia. All were very polite and respectful, even when faced with major disappointments. Seemed like I felt worse than the second driver of a two driver car when the car wouldn't start at driver change-over. To have come this far, only to have the car not start. I felt awful. To win this competition, everything had to be perfect. Very little room for error.
Seeing the wide variety of designs and build quality was awsome."
06-21-2006, 03:13 PM
thanks to you and the other corner workers for putting up with the weather- i know the work "stints" were longer than a normal autoX!
06-21-2006, 04:08 PM
Send some thanks to the Cal Club. I attended the event on Friday and was very impressed with how well the event was run... especially for the inagural event!!! A hand to the organizers too; the event seemed much more enjoyable, organized, and set up than the last Detroit event I attended.
I really can't say enough about the fsae events... the passion and enthusiasm in the teams are amazing. And the stories and setbacks make it even more exciting. Glad you enjoyed it!
06-21-2006, 05:19 PM
Just got my pictures online,
You can add comments under the pictures, if you want to name Universities/Drivers/or other info.
There's a good set that I took of the Event Site, so that everyone can understand how big and great CalSpeedway was. They could easily handle a 100 cars if not more in this space.
Thanks to everyone who was there, It makes me want to go back to school and do this all over again. And next time I'll take a bigger camera.
Dan G
06-21-2006, 05:44 PM
Nice pictures Jonathan. I like the "site tour", good idea.
Mike Shaw
06-22-2006, 02:10 PM
I've been kicking myself for not making any of the design reviews or rollout, or even testing at Riverside. Monson has less of an excuse though, since he lives only a hour away!
Yall did an amazing job for having a new suspension design, and the kickin' engine setup. That was a very bold approach that few people thought would make it. Not only was it reliable (@ West), but a winner.
Not sure if they are putting this in Road & Track, or just the MI competition, but hopefully I'll get to see mroe of those pix in the magazines.
So who's truck did yall take that muffler off of???
James Waltman
06-22-2006, 10:53 PM
To go along with the site tour idea I figured I should post a picture of the event layout.
I got this as part of a volunteer email. I think it's alright to share it.
This is a smaller version of the image:
This is the full size image: (
I'll try to explain some of the layout.
The Team Paddocks had plenty of space. The two Team/Volunteer/Spectator Parking lots were never close to halfway full for the whole event. I think that this site could handle a lot more teams.
Registration was in the west side of Garage 3 (G3). The cost event was held in the east side of G3. Tech inspection was in the West side of G2 and the Design Event was held in the east side. Something different would have to be worked out to accommodate more teams and keep them all in the garages for the events.
The Acceleration event was run on the straight of track between the labels for Dynamic Events Area and Spectator Area. The Skid Pad event was held on the trapezoidal area above the c' in the Practice Track label. That same area was staging for the Autocross and Endurance events. Those events ran on the track between the trapezoid and the label for the Dynamic Events Area.
Does anyone have anything else to add?
Big Bird
06-23-2006, 02:29 AM
Greetings all,
Just got back to Oz, and haven't had much net access 'til now to type my usual long-winded analyses. You are probably all glad of that....
Hugest congrats to the A&M guys on a well deserved win. They were a class act all weekend, kicked butt in the dynamic events and were also right up there in all the static stuff too. What's more, after competing with them in both events we have nothing but the highest praise for their sportsmanship and hospitality. They were always welcoming when we dropped by their tent, always happy to share info, and always made the effort to wish us luck before our events. Cheers lads on a job well done, we were more than happy to see you win.
As for those who felt they had to chuck all their toys out of the pram to find out what supercharger you were using - well, we found out just by asking nicely. Go figure.
Congrats also to the Gongers for their well deserved second place, once again they proved themselves a class act. (Well, at a racetrack at least. Can't say the same for their behavior after hours, but that would require a whole new thread). We came to the realization that our team has never, ever finished ahead of UoW in an event. Bollocks. We are going to have to do something about that one day....
Big ups to the Cal Poly Pomona crew for hosting us and the Gongers at their workshop, we couldn't have competed at anywhere near our potential without them. Same to the crew at Cal State Northridge who hosted us for a couple of days testing pre-event. Travelling OS to an event is a pretty full-on task, and having home-state hosts really eases the pressure. Thanks for that.
Overall, the whole event was a damn pleasure to compete in. The weather was fantastic (real tyre temps!), the organization first rate, and the spirit of competition exemplary. I'd love to pay due credit to all those teams who we managed to chat to over the weekend - but it would pretty well stretch to the whole entry list, and my posts tend to drag on a bit already.
As for our own performance, we are still scratching our heads a little as to how we ended up dropping so far after leading into the final day. Certainly the car wasn't running or handling too well, and we lost a bit of time from an off-track - but we didn't think we were that slow. I guess we'll find out when final results are published. t was cool seeing how many top teams finished the event though, and shows that the standard is really climbing across the comp.
Oh, and by the way James W - thanks for the kudos for my drive in Endurance - but it wasn't me. Jase Gray was the tall guy driving for us on Saturday, I was Friday morning duties only. Too much time wearing a helmet does just awful things to my hair.....
Anyway, enough for one post. Cheers all,
Marc Jaxa-Rozen
06-23-2006, 01:23 PM
I'd like to extend our thanks to Cal State Northridge as well, we really owe them after they let us ship our crate to their university then use their shop for last-minute preparation at basically two or three days' notice.
Marc Jaxa-Rozen
Γcole Polytechnique de MontrΓ©al
06-23-2006, 02:48 PM
I've got photo's up now.
Just go to the photo galleries section.
This is just up until autox, I'll have endurance and others up tonight sometime. I took a few over 4000 pictures, so it's slow going to get the good ones.
Thanks to everybody for making this a fantastic comp. We really enjoyed it, and it felt great to win a couple of events. Would have felt even better to finish endurance.
On a side note, did anybody put down more than our 72.6 HP on the dyno? I was disapointed that they didn't give an award.
-Steve Strong
Beaver Racing
Oregon State University
06-23-2006, 03:06 PM
Hey all,
So I dropped by on the Saturday on the way to the Rouelle Seminar and snapped a few shots/generally had a good chinwag. Some decently turned out teams and machinery out there, bang-on event organisation (it appeared!) and stinking hot weather.
'Big up' to WSU for the hotel room on Saturday and cheers UoW for teh invite even if we did leave once the frat boys broke out the G&T... :P WWU - unless there are issues with insurance I'll add the WWU vs. Best Western pics in a week. Claude's seminar was /excellent/ BTW, can thoroughly recommend that one for those debating whether or not to go - the guy is a gentleman, a scholar and has more than enough jokes about the French and the Americans to keep us all entertained...
Pictures here, sorted into "cars", "car details" etc. They should all have names/numbers on:
Formula SAE West 2006 Pictures (
06-24-2006, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by James Waltman:
These are my endurance notes.
This is just what I saw and heard. Some of it is second hand. Some of this may have some errors. Please correct any errors you see.
U of Delaware starts the endurance goes 3ft and stalls out
They are way off the pace and holding everyone up a lot. Something is making them much slower than they were in the autocross
UW, Montreal, Oklahoma, Auburn all get held up by Delaware.
Delaware is running laps in the 90 second range Auburn is running the 72 second range
Sad but true, I can't even dispute this. Contrary to popular belief, our car wasn't broken, and was actually running beautifully at 195 degrees when it was pulled in for a driver change. The insanely poor lap times were on account of sissy (I can think of more accurate words)driving on the part of our last eligible driver. I was screaming into the radio for hiim to speed the hell up, but i think a combiination of inexperience and fear of breaking the car got to him. Sorry for holding every one up.
I drove our teams best time in AutoX, and I was slated to drive the second leg of the enduro and redeem ourselves, but that never happened. We got DQ'ed for a lug that had backed off 1/20th of a turn, just enough to touch the safety wire that was securing it. Tech inspectors during the driver change likely scrutinized the car extra heavily on account of the bad lap times. Our team was way pissed since it made all of us look real bad. We'll get em back next year.
Congrats to all the winners and everybody that even competed. Just making it is an accomplishment. Real nice meeting people too
06-24-2006, 01:47 PM
The insanely poor lap times were on account of sissy (I can think of more accurate words)driving on the part of our last eligible driver. I was screaming into the radio for hiim to speed the hell up, but i think a combiination of inexperience and fear of breaking the car got to him. Sorry for holding every one up.
Is this the infamous D.Wop?
06-24-2006, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by BuckeyeMike55:
The insanely poor lap times were on account of sissy (I can think of more accurate words)driving on the part of our last eligible driver. I was screaming into the radio for hiim to speed the hell up, but i think a combiination of inexperience and fear of breaking the car got to him. Sorry for holding every one up.
Is this the infamous D.Wop?[/QUOTE]
Hahaha, yeah, this is D. Wop. Man did we have a good time with you guys. Holy shit was I drunk at that steak house, I can't remember the name of it
06-24-2006, 02:09 PM
Omaha Jacks...that was the name of it. The mug that Chops stole is sitting in the shop
06-24-2006, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by markocosic:
Hey all,
So I dropped by on the Saturday on the way to the Rouelle Seminar and snapped a few shots/generally had a good chinwag. Some decently turned out teams and machinery out there, bang-on event organisation (it appeared!) and stinking hot weather.
'Big up' to WSU for the hotel room on Saturday and cheers UoW for teh invite even if we did leave once the frat boys broke out the G&T... :P WWU - unless there are issues with insurance I'll add the WWU vs. Best Western pics in a week. Claude's seminar was /excellent/ BTW, can thoroughly recommend that one for those debating whether or not to go - the guy is a gentleman, a scholar and has more than enough jokes about the French and the Americans to keep us all entertained...
Pictures here, sorted into "cars", "car details" etc. They should all have names/numbers on:
Formula SAE West 2006 Pictures (
I'm not sure who won the battle between us vs best western... I think percentage damage wise we lost on that one. Bit unfair considering what the hotel weighs.
06-25-2006, 09:08 PM
No apparent objections so...
Hotel 0, WWU 0 (
Clearance... ...insufficient! (
06-25-2006, 09:55 PM
Originally posted by markocosic:
No apparent objections so...
Hotel 0, WWU 0 (
Clearance... ...insufficient! (
We came awful close to doing the same thing. Is that the Best Western in Ontario or Rialto? If it's the one in Rialto, we should have partied together
06-25-2006, 11:13 PM
Rialto. That's where the Optimum G seminar was, post competition.
06-26-2006, 04:20 AM
Originally posted by James Waltman:
These are my endurance notes.
This is just what I saw and heard. Some of it is second hand. Some of this may have some errors. Please correct any errors you see.
Texas A&M passes Wollongong
Kansas Gas cap fell off noticed during driver change put back on and the team continues.
Michigan State was running fast but had a constant mist/cloud from what looked like the coolant overflow
Texas A&M stalled out on the track 20 seconds or so and they were on their way again.
Toledo spins out
Texas A&M pulled into the pits for a few minutes looks like they leave again with the same driver. ???
Michigan State DNF the mist/cloud was all of the water boiling off leads to engine troubles
Toledo was gaining on Texas A&M but had to change drivers before they got close enough to pass
Wollongong's second driver spins off course gets going again
Big flame from the Kansas tailpipe every time they pass us
RMIT has trouble starting the car during the driver change. They get it going and get back on the course. Geoff is driving second (Big Bird)
Kansas passes Wollongong
RMIT stalls/spins? gets it going again
Half a lap later Geoff decides to see how fast the car is across the grass...
Was there trouble controlling the car?
Kansas completes the endurance but is missing a cap for the fuel tank??
UMR gains on RMIT and then passes
RMIT seems a little down on speed??
Ohio State gets pulled into the pits on a misflag by a course worker. They can't restart their car = DNF
RIT passes Akron
Cal Poly Pomona spins off course on the first lap.
U of Washington passes Akron
UW spins 1 lap later at the same spot and Akron passes back
UW passes Akron 1.5 laps later
UW spins
UMR drags a cone around for a long time
RIT seems quick
Cal Poly Pomona DNF at driver change couldn't restart
Oklahoma was good through the driver changes
U of Delaware starts the endurance goes 3ft and stalls out
They are way off the pace and holding everyone up a lot. Something is making them much slower than they were in the autocross
UW, Montreal, Oklahoma, Auburn all get held up by Delaware.
Delaware is running laps in the 90 second range Auburn is running the 72 second range
U of Washington passes Montreal
U of Washington completes the endurance
Ecole Polytechnique De Montreal DNF
U of Victoria (B.C.) holds up Cal Poly SLO for a lap
U of Victoria looks unhealthy
Auburn passes UVic
Black flag for Auburn
Held for about a minute then sent back out
Cal State Northridge is faster than ETS and passes them
ETS has a mirror loose it flaps all over the place
U Victoria is off and towed away
Western Ontario passes Cal State Northridge
Clemson passes Cal State Northridge
Western Ontario stalls out goes about 30 yards and stall out again
Clemson gains on ETS
ETS ignores/misses a blue flag that would have let Clemson pass
Clemson passes ETS at the next passing lane
ETS gets loose on a corner right in front of us right before the flag station
UC Irvine stalls out right then and ETS is stuck behind them
ETS got loose on the corner because of a flat tire
UC Irvine stalls out and holds up Chalmers
UC San Diego has big problems stalling and surging - It causes the whole field to bunch up
Chalmers is pulled off of the course sent back out again
UC Davis spins out stalls gets going again
Clemson goes off course. The driver plants the throttle and whips it all the way around to get back on course
Sophia passes the Brazilian car (the red one with E85 and a Turbo? Sorry)
They are evenly matched and pass back and forth a few times
UCSD is stalled out and rolling they start the car again as they pass by me and they continue on
UCSD is having serious trouble they are barely limping along
Kettering passes UCSD and completes the Endurance
U of Texas San Antonio loses a wheel = DNF
U of Alberta seems wounded and is slow they get a black flag and DNF
Arizona's muffler falls off after only a few laps. They had added a bit of tube that must have made it heavier (I assume it was an effort to pass Noise Check)
Washington State is running a solid endurance they are faster than the other teams who are still running. Washington St completes the Endurance
Oregon State was running at the end of the endurance because engine troubles were holding them up. They were running well but DNFed. I don't know why.
My boys at WWU were fighting their ECU all night.
I asked them this morning what the status was. They were waiting for a new chip. From where? Overnight from Bellingham.
They park the car in line for the brake test because they hadn't passed yet. The chip shows up and they throw it in. Pass the brake test and head straight to the endurance line. They are one of the last cars in line.
Jack gets in two laps before he gets a black flag. The coolant overflow bottle was spraying all over. DNF
I know that they are disappointed but I'm proud of how hard they were working on it.
I think that I'm missing the Design Review now.
I'll try to get a video of it and post it.
The awards ceremony is in an hour. I'll post the results later.
I'll get more pictures up soon.
The Brazilian car name (the red one with E85 and a Turbo? is V8 (
06-26-2006, 03:34 PM
why is your car called V8? it is running with an F4i isn't it?
06-26-2006, 05:06 PM
Dude its because it runs off of V8 juice..or maybe because its red.
Oh by the way this is Tony!
Greg H
06-26-2006, 05:49 PM
Originally posted by markocosic:
No apparent objections so...
Clearance... ...insufficient! (
Is that a phone?
06-26-2006, 06:47 PM
The curly cable is/was the lamp for the "clearance xxx" sign
06-27-2006, 05:11 AM
Originally posted by MikeDutsa:
why is your car called V8? it is running with an F4i isn't it?
Because the team members like V8 cars, so the team name was being V8. Unlike in USA, here in Brazil there aren`t much V8 cars in roads.
But we are running with CB600Fw hornet (F3).
Sorry my english!!
Marshall Grice
06-27-2006, 10:11 AM
looks like some of the results got a little shifted.
the results (
Geoff may have to go back and edit his post about never beating wollogong.
Travis Garrison
06-27-2006, 10:39 AM do we get to exchange trophies then?
9th to 4th makes me happy, but I gotta go double check...
Edit: Wow, Wollongong & RMIT 0.44 pts? That's almost exactly what we missed 4th place by last year...
06-27-2006, 12:27 PM
What happened? I kind of liked lucky number 7.
Jonathan S
06-27-2006, 12:58 PM
The response I got from SAE-I was:
"Unfortunately we had some inexperienced volunteers working with scoring and the unusual time window to produce the scores so a formula error in the excel spreadsheet was missed."
06-27-2006, 04:33 PM
Now that the dust has settled and they have finally worked out the actual scores, I would like to congratulate all the teams, Texas A&M and then the two Australian teams in particular.
Of course, this means that single cylinder cars won in Detroit and were first and second in California. Interesting times and it will be interesting to see the follow on effect in future competitions.
One week to Formula Student. I look forward to catching up with many friends there. Say 'Hi' if you see me.
Regards to all
Pat Clarke
06-27-2006, 06:14 PM
Well done to RMIT knew the results had something strange going on!
Aussies 2-3 and singles how good is that!
Mark Hester
rmit fan club
06-28-2006, 03:18 AM
mexellent pictures (
Here are all my endurance pics all RAR'ed up. Right click save as
Shoot me an email if you want a bigger copy. The originals are almost 4mb each.
Video of the 2006 FSAE West Design Final/Review (
Not too sure how long we'll be able to host it up there, so if anyone wants to rehost that would be great!
Marshall Grice
06-28-2006, 08:25 PM
...who uses RAR anymore?
06-28-2006, 08:48 PM
So, both from personal recollection and from the pics I've seen, UM-Rolla had quite a lot of roll in autox and endurance. Not to say that it was very detrimental, because their car clearly performed dynamically very well, but I wonder whether:
A. It was intended/designed to be relatively soft in roll.
B. The wing up high raised the CG making the car roll more
C. It just looked like more roll because it's easier to discern roll with the wings.
Anybody from UMR have an answer? What's the max roll angle you guys see?
06-29-2006, 09:18 AM
The giant rear wing makes it look like a lot more roll than it really is. The car was setup a little softer in the rear for traction reasons, but it really didn't roll all that much. Less than 2 degrees max for sure, and usually around 1.3 or so, at least in the rear. The front was less than that as it was stiffer.
And the car has a CG height of less than 9" w/ me in it, so the wing doesn't have that big of an effect on CG height.
06-29-2006, 11:55 AM
Awesome, thanks.
Dean Case
06-29-2006, 02:03 PM
Lost & Found items @ FSAE West. Did anyone lose any of the following?
Folding chair, dark gray with cupholder
Umbrella, blue & white
Jansport backpack (black)
Turquoise string with beads
Helmet bag, black, HJC brand
Helmet bag, green, no logo
HP calculator with cover
Arm tethers, pair, RCI brand
Arm tether, single, RJS brand
Gloves, single: 1 Tillman TrueFit, 1 RJS, 1 Driving Impressions
If so, please drop me an e-mail offline to see if we can verify if it is yours and we'll see if we can reunite you with your stuff.
I am also putting together a PowerPoint presentation for the local SoCal sponsors nexgt month. If anyone would like to send me a disc of images (no money, but we'll credit your school), please mail the disc to:
Dean Case
4733 Torrance Blvd. #405
Torrance, CA 90503
07-01-2006, 04:03 PM
Can you give a general deadline for the CD of pictures? Also what kind of pictures are you looking for (build pictures, dynamic driving pictures, competition pictures... etc.)
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