View Full Version : Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Honolulu, Hawaii from May 31 to June 5, 2009

02-21-2009, 09:17 AM
This is a special invitation to students near graduating or those in their first 2 years of an engineering field other than the Petroleum Industry. We are looking to bridge the current age gap and sponsor you to travel to Honolulu and attend the 28th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering this summer.

Sponsorship includes entry to the Conference and as I understand, $700 to offset travel cost!

Application is located at: http://www.asmeconferences.org..._ApplicationForm.pdf (http://www.asmeconferences.org/OMAE09/pdfs/OutreachtoEngineers_ApplicationForm.pdf)

Submission deadline is April 1, 2009. You can contact Kim Miceli, micelik@asme.org for more information.

Here's more information about the conference as seen on OMAE2009.com

Join your colleagues from industry, academia and government at the 28th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2009) in Honolulu, Hawaii from May 31 to June 5, 2009.

OMAE 2009 is the ideal forum for researchers, engineers, managers, technicians and students from the scientific and industrial communities from around the world to meet and present advances in technology and its scientific support; to exchange ideas and experiences whilst promoting technological progress and its application in industry; and to promote international cooperation in ocean, offshore and arctic engineering.

Following on the tradition of excellence of previous OMAE conferences, more than 800 technical papers organized into eight regular Symposia are planned for presentation and will be complemented by five Special Symposia:

SYMP-1: Offshore Technology
SYMP-2: Structures, Safety and Reliability
SYMP-3: Materials Technology
SYMP-4: Pipeline and Riser Technology
SYMP-5: Ocean Space Utilization
SYMP-6: Ocean Engineering
SYMP-7: Polar and Arctic Sciences and Technology
SYMP-9: C.C. Mei Symposium on Wave Mechanics and Hydrodynamics
SYMP-10: Ocean Renewable Energy
SYMP-11: Offshore Measurement and Data Interpretation
SYMP-12: Offshore Geotechnics
SYMP-13: Petroleum Technology

02-21-2009, 09:17 AM
This is a special invitation to students near graduating or those in their first 2 years of an engineering field other than the Petroleum Industry. We are looking to bridge the current age gap and sponsor you to travel to Honolulu and attend the 28th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering this summer.

Sponsorship includes entry to the Conference and as I understand, $700 to offset travel cost!

Application is located at: http://www.asmeconferences.org..._ApplicationForm.pdf (http://www.asmeconferences.org/OMAE09/pdfs/OutreachtoEngineers_ApplicationForm.pdf)

Submission deadline is April 1, 2009. You can contact Kim Miceli, micelik@asme.org for more information.

Here's more information about the conference as seen on OMAE2009.com

Join your colleagues from industry, academia and government at the 28th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2009) in Honolulu, Hawaii from May 31 to June 5, 2009.

OMAE 2009 is the ideal forum for researchers, engineers, managers, technicians and students from the scientific and industrial communities from around the world to meet and present advances in technology and its scientific support; to exchange ideas and experiences whilst promoting technological progress and its application in industry; and to promote international cooperation in ocean, offshore and arctic engineering.

Following on the tradition of excellence of previous OMAE conferences, more than 800 technical papers organized into eight regular Symposia are planned for presentation and will be complemented by five Special Symposia:

SYMP-1: Offshore Technology
SYMP-2: Structures, Safety and Reliability
SYMP-3: Materials Technology
SYMP-4: Pipeline and Riser Technology
SYMP-5: Ocean Space Utilization
SYMP-6: Ocean Engineering
SYMP-7: Polar and Arctic Sciences and Technology
SYMP-9: C.C. Mei Symposium on Wave Mechanics and Hydrodynamics
SYMP-10: Ocean Renewable Energy
SYMP-11: Offshore Measurement and Data Interpretation
SYMP-12: Offshore Geotechnics
SYMP-13: Petroleum Technology