Kevin Hayward
09-07-2005, 04:26 PM
This is just a note to let you know that Optimum G is running a 2-day seminar in
their office in Denver, Colorado beginning October the 1st specifically for FSAE
teams. Karen has told me that there are still places available. Reason I am
mentioning this is that I have just started an internship here and there are a
whole bunch of ex-FSAE guys here in the office. I'm told that in addition to
the normal FSAE seminar there will be a Q& A panel with these guys.
The ex-FSAE people are:
Justin Ulland: Team leader of Wollongong the year they won both the Australian
and US comps.
Josh Winkler: Responsible for the creation of the Colorado University – Denver
Ranjit Penmetsa: Suspension, steering and damping designer for Lawrence Tech.
Matt Giaraffa: Chief engineer for Missouri-Rolla when they placed 4th overall,
1st in Autocross and 3rd in Endurance.
Clay Corbett: Team member of Colorado University-Boulder team helping in
constant improvement over 5 years.
Justin Jang: SAE President of Cal Poly State, overseeing the construction of two
formula and Baja cars and the creation of a super-mileage team.
Kevin Hayward: Me, technical director of UWA Motorsport for too long.
All of these guys are continuing a career in motorsport. I am quickly finding
out that they are all really talented and easy to get along with. I hope that
this email doesn't come across as too much of a sales pitch but if you are
interested in coming then it is worthwhile in contacting Karen at
Attending the seminar that Claude gave in Australia in 2003 was the reason I
wanted to work with Optimum G. It is really worth the money and is a lot of
fun. By the way individual registration is $165 with a discount for groups of
5 or more. The price increases to $195 if you wait until after September the
You can get more info using the following link:
The is also a flyer available:
Kevin Hayward
Optimum G
(ex – UWA Motorsport)
their office in Denver, Colorado beginning October the 1st specifically for FSAE
teams. Karen has told me that there are still places available. Reason I am
mentioning this is that I have just started an internship here and there are a
whole bunch of ex-FSAE guys here in the office. I'm told that in addition to
the normal FSAE seminar there will be a Q& A panel with these guys.
The ex-FSAE people are:
Justin Ulland: Team leader of Wollongong the year they won both the Australian
and US comps.
Josh Winkler: Responsible for the creation of the Colorado University – Denver
Ranjit Penmetsa: Suspension, steering and damping designer for Lawrence Tech.
Matt Giaraffa: Chief engineer for Missouri-Rolla when they placed 4th overall,
1st in Autocross and 3rd in Endurance.
Clay Corbett: Team member of Colorado University-Boulder team helping in
constant improvement over 5 years.
Justin Jang: SAE President of Cal Poly State, overseeing the construction of two
formula and Baja cars and the creation of a super-mileage team.
Kevin Hayward: Me, technical director of UWA Motorsport for too long.
All of these guys are continuing a career in motorsport. I am quickly finding
out that they are all really talented and easy to get along with. I hope that
this email doesn't come across as too much of a sales pitch but if you are
interested in coming then it is worthwhile in contacting Karen at
Attending the seminar that Claude gave in Australia in 2003 was the reason I
wanted to work with Optimum G. It is really worth the money and is a lot of
fun. By the way individual registration is $165 with a discount for groups of
5 or more. The price increases to $195 if you wait until after September the
You can get more info using the following link:
The is also a flyer available:
Kevin Hayward
Optimum G
(ex – UWA Motorsport)