View Full Version : Bringing to Competition

Nick Gidwani
05-04-2004, 11:25 AM
I was just curious if the teams that have been doing this for a while could give me some advice on what to bring to competition (aside from the car and tools). I am specifically talking about things like: Canopy/Tarps, Space Heaters/Propane tanks, white boards, etc etc.

I am trying to come up with the laundry list right now, and I was hoping that a lot of you guys out there who had this stuff down to a science could help us to make sure we don't forget anything. Also, if anyone has any specific vendors that you know of that provide especially good canopies for the space, please let me know.


Nick Gidwani
05-04-2004, 11:25 AM
I was just curious if the teams that have been doing this for a while could give me some advice on what to bring to competition (aside from the car and tools). I am specifically talking about things like: Canopy/Tarps, Space Heaters/Propane tanks, white boards, etc etc.

I am trying to come up with the laundry list right now, and I was hoping that a lot of you guys out there who had this stuff down to a science could help us to make sure we don't forget anything. Also, if anyone has any specific vendors that you know of that provide especially good canopies for the space, please let me know.


05-04-2004, 05:35 PM
Remember to bring extra t-shirts so we can swap at the end of the competition (BIG BUCK). Or anything.

I have one of the University of Alberta with a cool logo of Mercedez Benz at the back.

The guys here have from Washington, Cornell, UTA, Wollongong, GT..and some more

Michael Jones
05-04-2004, 08:08 PM
LOL...I'll have to snag some pimp USB racing team clothing this year. They do a great job.

If the last four years of weather is any indication, a canopy will be your best friend. You can get a cheap one there though if need be - there's a Walmart just down the road. Same deal on the space heater.

The rest kind of depends on the facilities you're bringing. We get a 25' Penske rental truck that's big enough for a mobile lab space but not really much else - all work on the car is done outside. Whiteboards for organization aren't necessary since the walls of the truck work great on that front.

Chairs, a table and a cooler is good for food and all. Depends where you're planning on eating.

Whatever the case, definitely prioritize what you bring - essentials absolutely first. Creature comforts are easily ignored and/or acquired locally.

Steve Yao
05-11-2004, 05:22 PM
Dunno what you've thought of, but a few things to consider:
Tables to keep stuff off the ground when it rains. Towels/Rags. Work lights. Some spare/scrap materials if you don't pass tech on first go. If you are not confident in you noise output; some kind of backup plan for your muffler. Cart of some sort to move tires and tools with you in the Dynamic event area. Spare fasteners of every type you have on the car(and even types you don't). Spare engine fluids of course...Cameras.

05-12-2004, 09:38 AM
Everything that has already been mentioned and:

1.) A REALLY good heater (or 2)
2.) Rain ponchos for everybody
3.) A good all weather jacket
4.) Outside lights
5.) EVERY tool you can think of (hand and electric)
6.) Extension cords with multiple plugs
7.) A VERY good tent with some way of holding it down to a parking lot in a 30 mph wind.
8.) Walkie talkies are nice
9.) An air tank that is already filled up
10.) Spare everything you can get your hands on (fasteners, body work, cables, hose, hose clamps, EVERYTHING...even a spare laptop)!!!!
11.) Mountain Dew or Red Bull

Have fun guys, enjoy it while you can. This is the stuff memories are made of!! http://fsae.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

Oh yeah, if you've never been, you might want to hold back on eating Wendys until the competition. You'll probably get plenty of it there at the dome. Also, do NOT let anybody eat Wendy's Frosties that have been sitting for more than about 40 minutes...unless you want to clear out a trailer for a couple of hours due to the resulting green fog.

05-12-2004, 10:44 AM
Here are a few things not mentioned, that I have found very useful.

1. Microwave
2. Couch
3. Electric Grill
4. Mini fridge (typically not needed due to the wonderful Detroit weather, but you never know)

05-12-2004, 11:30 AM
1. Tubing with an ID that is slightly great than the OD of your A-Arm tubing so if God-forbid you hit a cone and bend an A-Arm you have an easy fix to keep you running.
2. Extra clothes in your trailer so you can change after you get soaked driving in the rain.
3. Food in a cooler b/c it gets expensive to eat out every day for lunch and that means you can stay at the race all day and not miss a thing!

Sam Zimmerman
05-12-2004, 02:40 PM
Remember to bring sunblock. On the rare occasions the sun comes out it can be brutal in the middle of a big parking lot.

Michael Jones
05-12-2004, 07:33 PM
Right on the sunblock - even if it's 60 degrees out there, you'll get burned bad. It's looking warmer and sunnier this time so far. I'm just hoping it isn't 30 again. That was nasty.

On coolers, make sure things stay, uh, cool. Half our team poisoned itself on nasty cold cuts on the way back from 2002. A fridge is a great idea, but a luxury item in the end of course.

As for stock/tools/spares/etc. - get all the subteams to pack essentials for their systems. Priority items are things suspected might be a problem or have failed in the past, tools that are essential to system function and not easily acquired at a 24hr. Home Depot, and stock for things that can be created on site within reason.

Beyond that, definitely try to keep the paddock work area spartan and efficient - a benefit of having chairs/couches, etc. is you can force those wanting to take a break or waiting for things to get done to get out of the way. A big problem with our team - 41 people right now, with new spring recruits - and the alumni/parent contingent, which jacks that up. Especially if it rains, things get tight as 20 people try to pack into the truck and another 20 under the canopy.

Nick Gidwani
05-14-2004, 03:17 PM
Lucky for us that we don't have the problem of such a huge team. 40 people? Wow that's tough! We have between 8-10 so I guess we're just lucky. http://fsae.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

good luck all and thanks for the tips.

Michael Jones
05-15-2004, 11:30 AM
41 this year, plus alumni, parents, and other associated ne'er-do-wells. The 1989 team is coming back for a reunion this year, and we're having a post-endurance tailgate somewhere sponosored by area alumni.

It's a bit of a logistical nightmare, but we have people to deal with that of course. We try to keep the paddock area reasonably under control so work that needs to be done can get done, and work in shifts to squeeze in some sleep in there while maintaining a 24/7 presence, which we usually do. I believe we've shut down the truck twice in the four years I've been there, but I can't recall - it all blurs together after a while. http://fsae.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_razz.gif

05-15-2004, 08:00 PM
1) as many tools as you can bring in your truck or trailer

2) all the spares you may ever need. Murphy's law is always in effect at pontiac.

3) We are bringing a minilathe that our machineshop gave to us and some other power tools just in case some catastrophy occurs.

4) Food and shelter. Bring the largest tent you can to fill your padock area. The more room under the dry, the better. Also for food, if you can swing a microwave or fride onsite off of the fsae power, that is usually the best thing to do. Nothing says poor, tired and hungry like the smell of microwave popcorn at 3 am.

5) Something to sit your ass on and a hat and/or sunscreen for the few moments of sun that might happen this year.

I believe our trailer is rated for 10K pounds and I am sure we will have at least that amount of stuff with us.

Andy Eis
05-16-2004, 03:14 PM
Here's a couple more things to consider:
--notepads and cameras for documentation. If you've never been to the competition before, prepared to be blown away by what these teams are doing.
--Fold-out chairs for everybody
--Flags to signal the RedBull girls
--$6 for a Big Buck's mug
--Clothes for wet/dry, cold/hot
--every item in your shop that doesn't require a crane to hoist
--mobile tarp to cover the car during paddock transportation
--Media equipment for the marketing presentation
--Visuals for design presentation
--air compressor and tanks
--car stands
--ample amounts of lighting
--directions to the GM powertrain machine shop...those guys kick ass...4:00 a.m. wire-EDM work for our failed steering rack mounts '03...
--business card holders and resumes
--insurance cards for drivers
--SAE cards
--spare trailer tires
--purchase plastic tubs for random components and tool storage/transportation

I'll stop. Stop by the Iowa State pad and say hi. And check out the "Saturday night" post that Daniniowa posted...that was a fun night...

Andy Eis
Project Director, Cyclone Racing Formula SAE Team

05-16-2004, 03:57 PM
don't forget:

- digital cameras (to take a lot cool photographs for us who can not attend!)
- team t-shirts and caps, to change with other teams.