View Full Version : West Australian Demonstration Event

Kevin Hayward
02-15-2013, 09:37 PM
A quick update for the forums:

This week we held the first ever FSAE demonstration event in Western Australia. It was sponsored by the WA sporting car club and Edith Cowan University. 5 teams participated to put the FSAE vehicles and students on display for local high school students and industry representatives. The display was dynamic only and loosely followed the events of the competition, with a few changes to try new things. While times were recorded each team was there with the full understanding that it was a demonstration event and not a competition. As such teams tried a few changes to their vehicles and gave some of the inexperienced members a try in the cars.

Following the event a multi-day design seminar has been run covering all sorts of topics from application of statics and dynamics principles to systems engineering and project management and just about everything in-between. Altair Hyperworks (with Curtin University) has also organised free places for students to go on a 4 day training program involving FEM and advanced software.

A few observations of the event include the following:

- It went very smoothly. With the help of permanent garages and the aid of excellent volunteers from the WASCC the event was enjoyed by all. There attitude between teams was both professional and friendly. A lot of information was shared between teams.

- The high school students loved it. They got a chance to speak to both student and graduate engineers and find out about potential future careers in technical areas.

- The long time industry supporters of FSAE in Western Australia were incredibly impressed with the quality of the students work and their attitude. It will likely be a little easier to show the educational benefit of the competition to these supporters in WA.

A big thanks goes out to Swinburne Electric and the Alumni for both bringing vehicles. The electric car was particularly interesting for the spectators and showed an incredible amount of potential that was not necessarily apparent in Oz 2012. Also to Monash who brought the 2012 with an all new DRS system to test. They were both fast and friendly as usual.

It was great to see both the 2002 and 2011 UWA car out on track. Of interest to the followers of the event we decided to see just how much the vehicles had improved in the last 10 years. The two cars were both equipped with the same tyres. We had the same top level driver drive them on autocross on a 35s track. Both cars had finished second in their respective Australian comps. The new car was about 1.6s a lap faster.

Both Curtin and ECU had their 2011 and 2012 cars and it was clear to all how much progress both teams had made between the respective vehicles.

Of the 9 cars present all ran reliably and finished a simulated endurance (although we ran with 3 drivers per team instead of 2).

The event itself shows the excellent vision offered by the current board and leadership of SAE-A. There are great attempts being made to make SAE-A relevant to all states, promote engineering education to high schools and industry, and encourage engineering students from around Australia to have more interaction with each other. I hope we see more of these initiatives in the coming years.


Big Bird
02-19-2013, 12:21 AM
Thanks for the kind words Kev, and thanks to all who made it the success that it was. In particular, John Hurney of ECU deserves a medal for the effort he put in to get this event off the ground.

The observation that stuck in my mind was how we had industry, alumni, current competitors and future competitors (high school students) all communicating and sharing information with each other. To me this is what the SAE is all about. For sure, we need the "championship" events, but I also see huge value in opportunities like this where team members get to chat with each other, learn from each other, and enjoy the brilliant little vehicles that they have invested so much time in.

My sincere thanks to ECU for their solid support all the way through the project, in particular John Kev and their Head of School, Professor Habibi. Also, a big thank you to all the competitors, especially to those who had to travel a long way to get there. Finally, the officials we had on the day were unfalteringly good-humoured, and struggled through the heat, the rule judgements and cone recording with dignity and encouragement.

Thank you all. With a bit of unity and collaboration, we can really build this Society into something special.


Scott Wordley
02-24-2013, 10:20 PM
On behalf of the Monash guys, a big thank you to:

- John Hurney for organising the whole event and ensuring that it ran like clockwork. I hope you like the souvenir that we made for you!
- Kev and the ECU guys for hosting us at their amazing new workshop and for the BBQ they put on on Tuesday night.
- Both Curtin and UWA for welcoming us into their workshops for a look around and a chat. It was great seeing where and how you guys build such great cars.
- The Curtin guys for the excellent driver swap day which was held on the Sunday after the event. Somehow I managed to wrangle a drive in the 2011 UWA kinetic suspension car, and I cant say enough great things about it. The ride and the grip was phenomenal. I am not interested in exploring ways in which we may be able to revive that system for FSAE, perhaps via a small consortium of teams? Something to discuss...
- Geoff and the SAE-A office for supporting the event. Geoff also ran a 2 day design school for junior members which I know was very well received and a great help for students starting out in FSAE.
- The current Swinburne electric team and the Alumni petrol guys who also made the long trek across the Nullabor to race.
The West Australian Sporting Car Club which made us welcome, provided many volunteers and made available such a great venue for our use (and for free!). Having been involved with the organisation and planning of FSAE-A at Werribee last year it was refreshing and so much easier to walk into a permanent racing venue, lay out some cones and go racing. No tents, no toilets, no power to run and no pack-up. Hopefully this year we find an equivalent venue in Victoria. I think the comp will really benefit from it in terms of the quality of the event as well as reduced costs and input required from volunteers and the consortium. And in the future we would love to go back west, or Queensland or NSW for the Aus comp. I think this event showed how well a rotating event could actually work and how little work is needed in preparation provided the venue is appropriate to our needs in the first instance.

All round a great job guys thanks for a great time and an excellent event!

A few other things of interest:

Our DRS system worked really well even on the short tight track we laid out. We have a few mods planned to make it even better, and we think it is going to become a permanent fixture on our cars.

Beware driving the Nullabor! We had a Kangaroo jump out and hit the side of our trailer at 80km/h making a sizeable hole in the front corner. Very thankful it hit the trailer and not the truck. Also thankful it was only a 25kg roo and not a camel, which also like to roam the highways!

Perth has some AMAZING beaches. Scarborough and Trig were ridiculously good. Puts our bay beaches to shame.

Hope to see some of your guys at FSAE-A South mid year event in Adelaide, or if you can make it the 3 day "Design to Win" Workshop we are hosting at Monash over Easter (Tues 4/4 - Thur 6/4). We will be providing a range of FEA, CFD and FSI tutorials for ANSYS and having guest speakers from various teams about how they approach the design of their car components and systems. Attendance is free for FSAE people, we would love to see you all there, more details to follow soon.


02-25-2013, 03:23 AM
Originally posted by Scott Wordley:
... so much easier to walk into a permanent racing venue, lay out some cones and go racing. No tents, no toilets, no power to run and no pack-up. Hopefully this year we find an equivalent venue in Victoria. I think the comp will really benefit from it in terms of the quality of the event as well as reduced costs and input required from volunteers and the consortium. And in the future we would love to go back west, or Queensland or NSW for the Aus comp. I think this event showed how well a rotating event could actually work and how little work is needed in preparation provided the venue is appropriate to our needs in the first instance.
Wakefield Park (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wakefield_Park) - Geographic centre of East Coast Australian teams?


Danny Sims
02-25-2013, 04:12 AM
Originally posted by Scott Wordley:
Hope to see some of your guys at FSAE-A South mid year event in Adelaide, or if you can make it the 3 day "Design to Win" Workshop we are hosting at Monash over Easter (Tues 4/4 - Thur 6/4). We will be providing a range of FEA, CFD and FSI tutorials for ANSYS and having guest speakers from various teams about how they approach the design of their car components and systems. Attendance is free for FSAE people, we would love to see you all there, more details to follow soon.

Good to see the idea taking off, we were disappointed we couldn't attend the West seminar (or the event itself for that matter).
Just throwing it out there - how about a stream of the Easter seminar? Can imagine it wouldn't be fun to setup, but would definitely help the logistically challenged.

03-01-2013, 08:07 PM
Also want to chip in and say thanks for a great event! All the teams were extremely accommodating throughout the event and I agree with all the comments above about helpers, how West was run, the driver swap at Curtin, team support and attitudes. And Rex for talking to the high school students while the demonstrations were going on (convincing them that Formula is awesome?).

Personally I had a great time, and despite not having a car to compete with, still felt included and useful in all the activities. Pretty sure I got that lolly pop business down pat. To the teams that attended the driver swap, I am stupidly grateful to the them for letting me jump in their cars.

I like Danny's idea of streaming the seminar if it is a possible option. I know there are definitely people on the Adelaide team who would be interested in watching if we can't make it to Melbourne (who do we contact if we do want to attend?).

Hopefully we find a suitable location for the FSAE-A South event. From the replies I have been getting from a few teams, the interest is there. I will keep those who have notified me of their interest in the potential event up to date with anything new that gets brought up.

Cheers again for a great event!


03-04-2013, 02:51 PM
And now for some video's from the Formula Student Old Boys.
Why can I see that name starting something....

Wednesday @ Jacks Hill's (Go pro problems hence the lack of footage)

Accell and skidpad



03-04-2013, 06:56 PM
Does anyone have a link to the natsoft time results? I can't seem to find it on their website.