View Full Version : Water Pump Flow?

05-24-2005, 03:00 PM
Does anyone know how much water flow a stock Honda F2/F3 pump puts out? We're thinking of switching to electric, but want to make sure we don't get a pump with less flow. Thanks.

Engine Dude
06-07-2005, 07:36 AM

Dont know how much they flow, but the Davis craig EWP flows 20-80 L/min (300-1300gal/hr) and that can be used on a large car.


06-07-2005, 09:32 AM
flow rate from the mechanical pump depends on your system coolant pressure drop and engine rpm... you'll get cavitation and other funky stuff at various flow rates you need a graph that i doubt anyone will have apart from Honda R&D of flow and pressure.

A better method would be to find out the specs of your heat exchanger, eliminating the mechanical water pump and balancing the system. The Davis craig EWP that Engine Dude mentioned will definately do the job though, and they are reliable too.