View Full Version : Baltic Open Helsinki 2013

Baltic Open
02-05-2013, 03:15 AM
Baltic Open 2013 will be hosted by Helsinki UAS to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the competition.

Date for the event is 8.8.2013-11.8.2013, next weekend from FSG.

For those unknown to Baltic Open here's a quick info package:
Baltic Open is an unofficial Formula SAE / Student -style event started back in 2003 by teams from Helsinki and Luleå. Baltic Open is characterized by replacing the static events to be more dynamic, offer more team interaction and to include special events like Super Slalom and city centrum show run. Baltic Open is known for it's atmosphere and it offers a better chance to make and maintain team to team friendships and focuses on allowing team members to network more with fellow competitors. This is further promoted by allowing alumni teams and vintage cars. And of course it's fun and the battle for victory is fiery!

-No static events (that affect the final scoring)
-No run limits
-More challenging and exciting autocross track
-Pitstops and repairing allowed during endurance
-Special events
-Vintage and multiple cars allowed
-Electric cars welcome
-Vintage cars must have passed scrutineering in any official event in the year of duty
-The winner will be offered a chance to organize and host Baltic Open 2014 (limited to Europe though)

-Baltic Open will be held in and around Helsinki, Finland (http://baltic-open.eu/information/event-info#venues)
-Best ways to travel from mainland Europe are ships leaving from Travemünde and Rostock, or driving through Via Baltica or Sweden
-Some teams are already planning on combined transport to save on costs, this is more than recommended

-Registration fee is 150€ / car + 25€ / person
-Price includes at least simple accommodation, breakfast, 3 days of dynamic events + 1 car swap / test day

-We're accepting up 30 cars
-Registration requirements (http://baltic-open.eu/information/event-info#registration-requirements)
-Registration Phase 1 is from 14.02.13 14:02:13EET(+2) to 23.02.13 23:02:13EET(+2)
-Registration Phase 2 is from 01.03.13 01:03:13EET(+2) onwards

For more information check our facebook (https://www.facebook.com/baltic.open.helsinki) or website at baltic-open.eu (http://baltic-open.eu)

Baltic Open Team

Baltic Open
02-24-2013, 04:34 AM
Baltic Open registration phase 1 is now over. Here are some impressions:

Region: 60% Baltic, 20% German, 20% Other
Traction: 82% combustion, 18% electric
Vintage: 21% new cars
Virgins: 24% first time to BO
Average team size: 7,5 persons

33 applicants
-8 countries, 2 continents
-6 BO wins with 5 cars
-5 "official" wins with 4 cars
-8 "official" 2nd places with 5 cars
-4 "official" 3rd places
-5 "official" 4th places
-ALL Formula Student Hungary winners
-> '11 and '12 FSH runner-ups
-A team of FSH officials
-> First ever in FS history?
-2 teams coming over the "big lake"
-> First ever in BO history!
-2 teams applied with ALL cars (Linköping & Tallinn)

Only 3 teams registered for the site but didn't apply

Applicants will now be reviewed to allocate registration slots. We will publish the list of registered teams as soon as possible!

Baltic Open Team

Baltic Open
03-25-2013, 03:57 AM
A list of teams registered for the event can be found at the website: Click me! (http://baltic-open.eu/news/22-news/63-registered-teams)

Baltic Open Team

Baltic Open
08-06-2013, 11:34 AM
Only couple of days before Baltic Open Helsinki starts!

Remember to check progress at baltic-open.eu (http://baltic-open.eu) and Baltic Open FB (http://www.facebook.com/baltic.open.helsinki).

Competition starts on thursday with the traditional racecar convoy at the city centrum, and from friday onwards it's fierce dynamic events!

We're trying to stream everything from the event so check for the LIVE link once competition starts.

Baltic Open Team

Baltic Open
08-09-2013, 04:40 AM
Live stream at baltic-open.eu/live (http://baltic-open.eu/live).

Live results (Superslalom, Autocross, Endurance) at keimolafk.com/live (http://keimolafk.com/live).

-Baltic Open Team

08-09-2013, 06:10 AM
"Error loading stream
Could not connecto to server"


Baltic Open
08-09-2013, 10:19 AM
Sorry, there is really bad reception at the competition venue and thus the mobile upload connection is sometimes really laggy.

We will try to find a better spot for the antenna tomorrow, hopefully it works better.

Baltic Open Team

Kimmo Hirvonen
08-09-2013, 02:29 PM
Guess this one's worth uploading here as well. The best two wheeler on my 8 year long FS / FSAE photographing "career".
http://hirppa.kuvat.fi/kuvat/FSAE/13_08_11-Baltic_Open/thu-fri/IMG_7893.jpg?img=smaller (http://hirppa.kuvat.fi/kuvat/FSAE/13_08_11-Baltic_Open/thu-fri/IMG_7893.jpg)

08-09-2013, 05:39 PM
Holy f#$k! :O

08-11-2013, 05:50 PM
That's a really nice picture, we got so inspired at ELiTH that we tried to three-wheel twice during the weekend!

Baltic Open
08-13-2013, 02:22 AM
The competition was tight and exciting, and definitely a success. At the end the teams were exhausted yet very happy.

Despite the hard battle there was no question about the winner.

Congratulations FS Team Tallinn 2012!

Also congratulations to the runner ups:
KA-RaceIng 2011 and Dart Racing 2010.

And a big thank you for everybody that took part to the event, either as a team and/or volunteer, you are the ones that made Baltic Open Helsinki the success it was!

For rest of the results, browse to our website baltic-open.eu -> results (http://baltic-open.eu/results/2013-01-27-11-39-15/all-2013).

-Baltic Open Team

PS. Check out the neat video about the showrun (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMz9mC0P_i8).