03-16-2009, 09:08 PM
The 5th Automotive R&D Engineers Conference
Date: Sep.25-27,2009 Add: Shanghai Worldfield Convention Hotel
Also hold: 2009 Automotive Design Expo
Automotive Engineering Academy Leaders Union Conference
Support: SAE-China
Organizers: Automotive Industry Academy, Jilin University
Shanghai Youshi Business Consulting Co., Ltd
Chinese Automotive Conference Web
The 5th Automotive R&D Engineers Conference connects you to the innovations, ideas and information driving the business and technology of automotive R&D and manufacturing- as well as exciting new and expanding opportunities in Research, Design, Development, Technology, Manufacture and more.
Conference Introduction and Agenda (Subject to change)
1) Exhibition (visit day on Sep.25-26,2009, move-out on Sep.27)
Types: Forum, objects, pictures, models and topics discussion
All applicants who register in-advance before Aug.31.2009 can be freely attend, or will be charged RMB20 per ticket.
Please Pre-registration through ( or send e-mail to , Kindly indicate "application for attending 2009 Automotive Design Expo" with your company name and your detail contact information.
2) Agenda (Speakers will be subject to change)
Sep.24.2009: Registration and layout the booths
Sep.25-26,2009: Plenary Session
Morning of Sep.27:Automotive Design and R&D Section Forum (free for attendees)
Friday, Sep.25,2009
08:30-08:45 Entrance
09:00-09:10 Opening
09:10-09:50 Industry Leaders Forum
Chairman of the meeting: Guan Xin - Dean of the Auto Engineering College, Ji Lin University
Topic: General trend of global automotive R&D.
Interactive topics:
Government should do what to support Chinese self-owned brand car R&D?
How to understand the significance of automotive R & D development to automotive technology upgrade?
Does Chinese automotive manufacturing industry reflect the characteristic of Chinese low-cost manufacture?
What's the basic condition to set up R & D center?
How to look on the difference of national and regional R & D center?
Does the function of R & D centers set up in China by foreign investment achieve the goals of technique exchange with the marketing share? ???
Expectation for future development of Chinese automotive R & D centers.
Listen to the voice from industry first-line managers and Collect information for decision-making.
Guest speakers are being invited.
Attendees will be leaders of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China, principals of associations and academies.
The guest who presides at the meeting is vacant
09:50-10:20 Attendees photo time, Tea break
10:20-11:00 The guest who presides at the meeting is vacant
Topic: Discuss the development of automotive R & D center through the trend of automotive market.
Interactive Topics:
Automotive companies increase or decrease investment in R&D in 2009?
Research on the status of R & D centers set up in China by international giants.
The value of car brands?
Forecast 2009 global and Chinese automotive market and the influence factors of automotive R&D.
The relationship between the prospect of automotive market research and automotive development.
The cost advantage of automatic components is up or down?
Guest speakers are being invited.
Attendees will be leaders of consulting companies and market research institutes, independent analysts, media etc.
11:00-11:40 Experts Speech: Construction and management of automotive R & D system.
12:00-13:30 Lunch and Rest, Visit exhibition.
13:10-13:30 Entrance
13:30-14:10 The guest who presides at the meeting is vacant
Topic: State of overseas automotive R & D and strategic adjustment in a economic crisis.
Interactive Topics:
What's the difference of structure and business model between foreign-funded and Chinese-funded R & D centers? How to define the perfect R & D center?
What is the purpose for the foreign investment set up R & D centers in China? How about the implementation?
How to manage and coordinate several R & D centers owned by one enterprise?
How to realize a "win-win" situation in the localization process of foreign R & D centers?
What's the standard of automotive R & D projects in determination, evaluation and implementation?
What's the most concerned to set up R & D centers in China? Any suggestions for that?
Guest speakers are being invited.
Attendees are leaders from the foreign or local whole vehicle enterprises.
14:10-14:50 Experts Speech: Mergers and cooperation of global automotive advanced technology
14:50-15:30 The guest who presides at the meeting is vacant
Topic: The status of China's automotive R & D and the trend of globalization.
Interactive Topics:
It looks like that there are one trend for China's automotive enterprises layout their R & D centers at overseas, is it effective? What about the fact?
How to achieve a leap in the technology development from China's making to China's creating?
How to achieve their strategic objectives for those R & D centers under the large or medium-sized enterprises in the global economic crisis,?
What are the key factors to successful develop a new-model car?
How to standardize the process management and procedure design in automotive R & D?
Why is it so difficult to implement the simultaneous development? Are there any solution?
How to properly evaluate inputs and outputs of R & D centers?
Guest speakers are being invited.
Attendees are technical leaders and CEO of domestic whole vehicle enterprises.
15:30-16:00 Tea break
16:00-16:40 Expert Speech: Advanced automotive front technology in China
16:40-17:20 The guest who presides at the meeting is vacant
Topic: Analysis of successful production &study &research cooperation model and industrialization of college technology.
Interactive Topics:
which resources the college owns attract automotive enterprises? Which factors that enterprises choose to cooperate with college?
What's the problem and difficulty in production &study &research? What opportunities for them?
How to effectively play out colleges advantages of talents& equipments& time?
How to prevent the practice loss in training of colleges or universities?
What kind of experts do automotive corporations require?
How to achieve the cooperation goals of production &study &research for those unfamous university?
Guest speakers are being invited.
Attendees are representatives or principals of automotive colleges .
Expert Speech: College automotive research fruits can improve the level of Chinese automotive R & D.
Expert Speech: World front technologies affect automotive development.
18:30?20:00 Dinner and Reception
Saturday, Sep.26,2009
08:30-08:45 Entrance.
09:00-09:40 The guest who presides at the meeting is vacant
Topic: "Fight for your own happiness." - President of 2009 fast-growing enterprise looks at automotive R & D.
Interactive Topics:
President of automotive enterprise looks at 2009 car market.
Evaluate the status and growth of the owned R & D center.
Responsibility and prospect for independence R&D.
Which factors will decide our business goes the fastest developing way?
Which quality will the leaders of R & D center need? What's the standard of selection talents?
How to evaluate the design ability for Chinese auto? What deficiencies need to be improved?
Guest speakers are being invited.
Attendees are representatives and leaders of 2008-2009 fast-growing whole vehicle enterprises.
09:40-10:10 Expert Speech: New Energy Technologies and Future Automotive Development.
10:10-10:40 Tea break
10:40-11:20 The guest who presides at the meeting is vacant
Brain Storm (1): Where's the spring of Chinese self-owned brand car?
Interactive Topics:
It exits lots of duplicated construction of R & D centers by enterprises who own self-brand car. Are there any platform to share resources or other solution to avoid this kind of waste?
Where are they go for those self-brand automotive R&D in the global economic crisis? What's the predicament and opportunities they are facing?
Are there other solutions to get the money to setup R & D center except self-owned capital? How to deal with financial capital?
What policy will be helpful in self-brand automotive R&D? Are there any suggestions?
What`s the survive method for local wolf of automotive enterprises?
1) Group A: Guest speakers:
Attendees are technical leaders or leaders of Chinese whole-vehicle enterprises who own the mainstream self-owned brand.
2) Group B: Guest speakers:
Attendees are CEO or technical leaders of the whole-vehicle enterprises who own non-mainstream self-owned brand.
3) Group C: Guest speakers:
Attendees are CEO and technical leaders of commercial vehicle and passenger car enterprises.
4) Guests to make comment:
Attendees are technical leaders and leaders of programming department from joint venture enterprises.
11:20-11:50 Expert Speech: Advanced testing and security technology.
12:00-13:30 Lunch and Rest, Visit exhibition;
13:10-13:30 Entrance
13:30-14:30 The guest who presides at the meeting is vacant.
Brain Storm (2): The technical gap and the future developing trend of automotive components between China and foreign.
Interactive Topics:
The status of the independent R&D of joint venture brands. What's problem for them?
Successful factors to setup R & D center and the establishment of a long-term strategy.
Difficulties and the solution in preparing to set up R & D center .
How to control the development of whole vehicles through future technologies?
Which kind of technical platform do the whole vehicle enterprises need?
How to face this challenge for the local corporations when lots of foreign capital and technologies flowing into China?
How to win when domestic and foreign companies make a deal with the same client? Why does he be a winner?
1) Group A: Guest speakers:
Attendees are technical leaders or leaders of enterprises who owned self-brand components in China.
2) Group B: Guest speakers:
Attendees are CEO or technical leaders of transnational corporation who provide automotive components.
14:30-15:10 Expert Speech: The status and prospect of technological development of fuel-cell powered automobile.
15:10-15:40 Tea Break
15:40-16:20 The guest who presides at the meeting is vacant.
Topic: Difference analysis for skills and culture in automotive design between China and Japan.
Interactive Topics:
What`s the gap in automotive design between China and Japan? How to catch up?
Dissect and analyze Japanese automotive design phylogeny.
What profit do Chinese automotive designers obtain from joint venture? What's the regret?
Automotive cultural difference between China and Japan.
What`s the relationship between Japanese automotive design and global sales.
How to shape the Chinese-style design concept and aesthetics?
Guest speakers:
Attendees are leaders and chief designers from the large-size national or joint venture or Japanese-funded enterprises.
16:20-16:50 Expert Speech?The future trend of electric automotive technology and engineering design.
16:50-17:30 The guest who presides at the meeting is vacant.
Topic: The trend of environmental protection in automotive design and international division of work and cooperation
Interactive Topics:
Are there a wide gap between Chinese design company and oversea famous` company? What's the reality?
How to realize the environmental protection design and resources recycling?
How to let design meet the automotive developing requirements in the new surrounding?
How to guarantee the developing schedule for automotive design?
How to define its function for automotive design? How to proceed the management coordination with the whole vehicle enterprise?
How to face and avoid more and more intellectual property rights disputes in automotive design?
Why the domestic software is hardly seen among those applied design tools? Is there any possible to break the foreign monopoly?
How to make automobiles inimitable in the trend of design modularization?
Guest speakers:
Attendees are leaders from the famous national or foreign automotive design companies and CEO of the independent design units.
17:30-18:10 Expert Speech, Topic: Italian Automotive Design Structure and Management
18:30-20:00 Dinner.
Sunday, Sep.27,2009.
08:30-08:45 Entrance
09:00-09:40 The guest who presides at the meeting is vacant.
Section forum topic(1-1): The developing trend of automotive electronics design and electronic technology .
Interactive Topics:
2009 Automotive electronic technology application and development .
New requirements for powertrain system to automotive electronic technology .
New progress of automotive electronic technology application in security field .
How can automotive electronic technology match the development of onboard information and entertainment platform?
Release new technology of jacketed automotive cables.
Guest speakers:
Attendees are principle of famous automotive electronic enterprises and leaders of competent user department.
10:00-10:40 The guest who presides at the meeting is vacant.
Section forum topic(1-2) : Car eco-design and colorful application.
Interactive Topics:
The marketing research for color and analysis management before the design .
How to create the fashionable automotive design and colorful element?
How to choose the comfortable colors combination?
How to create a larruping brand-identification system for automotive design?
Colorful coordination`s application analysis for carbody and interiors decoration.
Guest speakers:
Attendees are principles famous paint enterprises and leaders of competent user department.
11:00-11:40 The guest who presides at the meeting is vacant.
Section forum topic(1-3)Topic : Application of new material and new technology in automotive industry .
Interactive Topics:
How do the whole vehicle enterprises make the research and development for new materials?
Technical innovation of PU material .
How does new material play a role in the reform of making automobiles light weight?
Development and application of automotive interior environment-protection materials .
Example analysis of plastic materials applied in automotive industry.
Composite material application progress .
Mg-Al alloy material development and application trend.
Guest speakers:
Attendees are principles of famous automotive materials enterprises and leaders of competent user department.
Section forum topic(2)Topic: Simulation Techniques Applied in Automotive Industry International Seminar.
guest speaker (subject to on-site arrangement):
Han Hai - General Manager, CDAJ-China
Speech: The latest developing trend of fluid simulation in overseas automotive R&D application.
Liu Yong Mou – Board Chairman, Global Engineering Technology Group
Speech: Computer-aided innovation technology?theory and methods on the third-generation platform of product R&D.
Yin Ying Qing: General Manager, Shanghai Fengkamen Computer Technology Co., Ltd.
Speech: CFD`s application in automotive design
Pending - Automotive Engineering Research Institute of Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation Group
Speech: CAE platform's establishment and the future trend.
1. Welcome any involved enterprises and personal who can actively participate in our preparation and events. We will support you in the guests communication, reserving meeting room, sharing database and promoting or advertising. Some other topics are still in planning, eg automotive powertrain subject, automotive body subject and like that.
2. We will concentrate on the advanced technology and the latest information in automotive industry. Welcome all of you join in us and enjoy this platform, Let's try your best to work together for the rise up of Chinese automotive industry!
Contact Us
Our staff are here to answer your questions and assist you in ensuring a successful experience at 2009 Automotive Design Expo.
Mr Deng (Cell Phone: 13801949747)
Tel: 86(21)33518744,33518742 Fax: 86(21) 6290 4313
Website: Item url?
Date: Sep.25-27,2009 Add: Shanghai Worldfield Convention Hotel
Also hold: 2009 Automotive Design Expo
Automotive Engineering Academy Leaders Union Conference
Support: SAE-China
Organizers: Automotive Industry Academy, Jilin University
Shanghai Youshi Business Consulting Co., Ltd
Chinese Automotive Conference Web
The 5th Automotive R&D Engineers Conference connects you to the innovations, ideas and information driving the business and technology of automotive R&D and manufacturing- as well as exciting new and expanding opportunities in Research, Design, Development, Technology, Manufacture and more.
Conference Introduction and Agenda (Subject to change)
1) Exhibition (visit day on Sep.25-26,2009, move-out on Sep.27)
Types: Forum, objects, pictures, models and topics discussion
All applicants who register in-advance before Aug.31.2009 can be freely attend, or will be charged RMB20 per ticket.
Please Pre-registration through ( or send e-mail to , Kindly indicate "application for attending 2009 Automotive Design Expo" with your company name and your detail contact information.
2) Agenda (Speakers will be subject to change)
Sep.24.2009: Registration and layout the booths
Sep.25-26,2009: Plenary Session
Morning of Sep.27:Automotive Design and R&D Section Forum (free for attendees)
Friday, Sep.25,2009
08:30-08:45 Entrance
09:00-09:10 Opening
09:10-09:50 Industry Leaders Forum
Chairman of the meeting: Guan Xin - Dean of the Auto Engineering College, Ji Lin University
Topic: General trend of global automotive R&D.
Interactive topics:
Government should do what to support Chinese self-owned brand car R&D?
How to understand the significance of automotive R & D development to automotive technology upgrade?
Does Chinese automotive manufacturing industry reflect the characteristic of Chinese low-cost manufacture?
What's the basic condition to set up R & D center?
How to look on the difference of national and regional R & D center?
Does the function of R & D centers set up in China by foreign investment achieve the goals of technique exchange with the marketing share? ???
Expectation for future development of Chinese automotive R & D centers.
Listen to the voice from industry first-line managers and Collect information for decision-making.
Guest speakers are being invited.
Attendees will be leaders of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China, principals of associations and academies.
The guest who presides at the meeting is vacant
09:50-10:20 Attendees photo time, Tea break
10:20-11:00 The guest who presides at the meeting is vacant
Topic: Discuss the development of automotive R & D center through the trend of automotive market.
Interactive Topics:
Automotive companies increase or decrease investment in R&D in 2009?
Research on the status of R & D centers set up in China by international giants.
The value of car brands?
Forecast 2009 global and Chinese automotive market and the influence factors of automotive R&D.
The relationship between the prospect of automotive market research and automotive development.
The cost advantage of automatic components is up or down?
Guest speakers are being invited.
Attendees will be leaders of consulting companies and market research institutes, independent analysts, media etc.
11:00-11:40 Experts Speech: Construction and management of automotive R & D system.
12:00-13:30 Lunch and Rest, Visit exhibition.
13:10-13:30 Entrance
13:30-14:10 The guest who presides at the meeting is vacant
Topic: State of overseas automotive R & D and strategic adjustment in a economic crisis.
Interactive Topics:
What's the difference of structure and business model between foreign-funded and Chinese-funded R & D centers? How to define the perfect R & D center?
What is the purpose for the foreign investment set up R & D centers in China? How about the implementation?
How to manage and coordinate several R & D centers owned by one enterprise?
How to realize a "win-win" situation in the localization process of foreign R & D centers?
What's the standard of automotive R & D projects in determination, evaluation and implementation?
What's the most concerned to set up R & D centers in China? Any suggestions for that?
Guest speakers are being invited.
Attendees are leaders from the foreign or local whole vehicle enterprises.
14:10-14:50 Experts Speech: Mergers and cooperation of global automotive advanced technology
14:50-15:30 The guest who presides at the meeting is vacant
Topic: The status of China's automotive R & D and the trend of globalization.
Interactive Topics:
It looks like that there are one trend for China's automotive enterprises layout their R & D centers at overseas, is it effective? What about the fact?
How to achieve a leap in the technology development from China's making to China's creating?
How to achieve their strategic objectives for those R & D centers under the large or medium-sized enterprises in the global economic crisis,?
What are the key factors to successful develop a new-model car?
How to standardize the process management and procedure design in automotive R & D?
Why is it so difficult to implement the simultaneous development? Are there any solution?
How to properly evaluate inputs and outputs of R & D centers?
Guest speakers are being invited.
Attendees are technical leaders and CEO of domestic whole vehicle enterprises.
15:30-16:00 Tea break
16:00-16:40 Expert Speech: Advanced automotive front technology in China
16:40-17:20 The guest who presides at the meeting is vacant
Topic: Analysis of successful production &study &research cooperation model and industrialization of college technology.
Interactive Topics:
which resources the college owns attract automotive enterprises? Which factors that enterprises choose to cooperate with college?
What's the problem and difficulty in production &study &research? What opportunities for them?
How to effectively play out colleges advantages of talents& equipments& time?
How to prevent the practice loss in training of colleges or universities?
What kind of experts do automotive corporations require?
How to achieve the cooperation goals of production &study &research for those unfamous university?
Guest speakers are being invited.
Attendees are representatives or principals of automotive colleges .
Expert Speech: College automotive research fruits can improve the level of Chinese automotive R & D.
Expert Speech: World front technologies affect automotive development.
18:30?20:00 Dinner and Reception
Saturday, Sep.26,2009
08:30-08:45 Entrance.
09:00-09:40 The guest who presides at the meeting is vacant
Topic: "Fight for your own happiness." - President of 2009 fast-growing enterprise looks at automotive R & D.
Interactive Topics:
President of automotive enterprise looks at 2009 car market.
Evaluate the status and growth of the owned R & D center.
Responsibility and prospect for independence R&D.
Which factors will decide our business goes the fastest developing way?
Which quality will the leaders of R & D center need? What's the standard of selection talents?
How to evaluate the design ability for Chinese auto? What deficiencies need to be improved?
Guest speakers are being invited.
Attendees are representatives and leaders of 2008-2009 fast-growing whole vehicle enterprises.
09:40-10:10 Expert Speech: New Energy Technologies and Future Automotive Development.
10:10-10:40 Tea break
10:40-11:20 The guest who presides at the meeting is vacant
Brain Storm (1): Where's the spring of Chinese self-owned brand car?
Interactive Topics:
It exits lots of duplicated construction of R & D centers by enterprises who own self-brand car. Are there any platform to share resources or other solution to avoid this kind of waste?
Where are they go for those self-brand automotive R&D in the global economic crisis? What's the predicament and opportunities they are facing?
Are there other solutions to get the money to setup R & D center except self-owned capital? How to deal with financial capital?
What policy will be helpful in self-brand automotive R&D? Are there any suggestions?
What`s the survive method for local wolf of automotive enterprises?
1) Group A: Guest speakers:
Attendees are technical leaders or leaders of Chinese whole-vehicle enterprises who own the mainstream self-owned brand.
2) Group B: Guest speakers:
Attendees are CEO or technical leaders of the whole-vehicle enterprises who own non-mainstream self-owned brand.
3) Group C: Guest speakers:
Attendees are CEO and technical leaders of commercial vehicle and passenger car enterprises.
4) Guests to make comment:
Attendees are technical leaders and leaders of programming department from joint venture enterprises.
11:20-11:50 Expert Speech: Advanced testing and security technology.
12:00-13:30 Lunch and Rest, Visit exhibition;
13:10-13:30 Entrance
13:30-14:30 The guest who presides at the meeting is vacant.
Brain Storm (2): The technical gap and the future developing trend of automotive components between China and foreign.
Interactive Topics:
The status of the independent R&D of joint venture brands. What's problem for them?
Successful factors to setup R & D center and the establishment of a long-term strategy.
Difficulties and the solution in preparing to set up R & D center .
How to control the development of whole vehicles through future technologies?
Which kind of technical platform do the whole vehicle enterprises need?
How to face this challenge for the local corporations when lots of foreign capital and technologies flowing into China?
How to win when domestic and foreign companies make a deal with the same client? Why does he be a winner?
1) Group A: Guest speakers:
Attendees are technical leaders or leaders of enterprises who owned self-brand components in China.
2) Group B: Guest speakers:
Attendees are CEO or technical leaders of transnational corporation who provide automotive components.
14:30-15:10 Expert Speech: The status and prospect of technological development of fuel-cell powered automobile.
15:10-15:40 Tea Break
15:40-16:20 The guest who presides at the meeting is vacant.
Topic: Difference analysis for skills and culture in automotive design between China and Japan.
Interactive Topics:
What`s the gap in automotive design between China and Japan? How to catch up?
Dissect and analyze Japanese automotive design phylogeny.
What profit do Chinese automotive designers obtain from joint venture? What's the regret?
Automotive cultural difference between China and Japan.
What`s the relationship between Japanese automotive design and global sales.
How to shape the Chinese-style design concept and aesthetics?
Guest speakers:
Attendees are leaders and chief designers from the large-size national or joint venture or Japanese-funded enterprises.
16:20-16:50 Expert Speech?The future trend of electric automotive technology and engineering design.
16:50-17:30 The guest who presides at the meeting is vacant.
Topic: The trend of environmental protection in automotive design and international division of work and cooperation
Interactive Topics:
Are there a wide gap between Chinese design company and oversea famous` company? What's the reality?
How to realize the environmental protection design and resources recycling?
How to let design meet the automotive developing requirements in the new surrounding?
How to guarantee the developing schedule for automotive design?
How to define its function for automotive design? How to proceed the management coordination with the whole vehicle enterprise?
How to face and avoid more and more intellectual property rights disputes in automotive design?
Why the domestic software is hardly seen among those applied design tools? Is there any possible to break the foreign monopoly?
How to make automobiles inimitable in the trend of design modularization?
Guest speakers:
Attendees are leaders from the famous national or foreign automotive design companies and CEO of the independent design units.
17:30-18:10 Expert Speech, Topic: Italian Automotive Design Structure and Management
18:30-20:00 Dinner.
Sunday, Sep.27,2009.
08:30-08:45 Entrance
09:00-09:40 The guest who presides at the meeting is vacant.
Section forum topic(1-1): The developing trend of automotive electronics design and electronic technology .
Interactive Topics:
2009 Automotive electronic technology application and development .
New requirements for powertrain system to automotive electronic technology .
New progress of automotive electronic technology application in security field .
How can automotive electronic technology match the development of onboard information and entertainment platform?
Release new technology of jacketed automotive cables.
Guest speakers:
Attendees are principle of famous automotive electronic enterprises and leaders of competent user department.
10:00-10:40 The guest who presides at the meeting is vacant.
Section forum topic(1-2) : Car eco-design and colorful application.
Interactive Topics:
The marketing research for color and analysis management before the design .
How to create the fashionable automotive design and colorful element?
How to choose the comfortable colors combination?
How to create a larruping brand-identification system for automotive design?
Colorful coordination`s application analysis for carbody and interiors decoration.
Guest speakers:
Attendees are principles famous paint enterprises and leaders of competent user department.
11:00-11:40 The guest who presides at the meeting is vacant.
Section forum topic(1-3)Topic : Application of new material and new technology in automotive industry .
Interactive Topics:
How do the whole vehicle enterprises make the research and development for new materials?
Technical innovation of PU material .
How does new material play a role in the reform of making automobiles light weight?
Development and application of automotive interior environment-protection materials .
Example analysis of plastic materials applied in automotive industry.
Composite material application progress .
Mg-Al alloy material development and application trend.
Guest speakers:
Attendees are principles of famous automotive materials enterprises and leaders of competent user department.
Section forum topic(2)Topic: Simulation Techniques Applied in Automotive Industry International Seminar.
guest speaker (subject to on-site arrangement):
Han Hai - General Manager, CDAJ-China
Speech: The latest developing trend of fluid simulation in overseas automotive R&D application.
Liu Yong Mou – Board Chairman, Global Engineering Technology Group
Speech: Computer-aided innovation technology?theory and methods on the third-generation platform of product R&D.
Yin Ying Qing: General Manager, Shanghai Fengkamen Computer Technology Co., Ltd.
Speech: CFD`s application in automotive design
Pending - Automotive Engineering Research Institute of Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation Group
Speech: CAE platform's establishment and the future trend.
1. Welcome any involved enterprises and personal who can actively participate in our preparation and events. We will support you in the guests communication, reserving meeting room, sharing database and promoting or advertising. Some other topics are still in planning, eg automotive powertrain subject, automotive body subject and like that.
2. We will concentrate on the advanced technology and the latest information in automotive industry. Welcome all of you join in us and enjoy this platform, Let's try your best to work together for the rise up of Chinese automotive industry!
Contact Us
Our staff are here to answer your questions and assist you in ensuring a successful experience at 2009 Automotive Design Expo.
Mr Deng (Cell Phone: 13801949747)
Tel: 86(21)33518744,33518742 Fax: 86(21) 6290 4313
Website: Item url?